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Posts posted by iHernyx

  1. yeah i was trying to get into gsf but i really couldn't. I really enjoyed sf in battlefront 2 and when i heard swtor had a similar game mode i was actually looking forward to it. but im always playing against the same people, same sweaty premades, the difference in score is massive and its not fun, hell, its not fun even when u get these people who are good in your team, you just can't do anything and get carried. these people made me quit gsf, but i gotta admit i didnt see them for a while and when they weren't playing the games were challenging for everyone and fun, even while losing. sadly these people made me quit gsf
  2. You premade lovers are acting like if you were to be denied the possibility to ever queue as a group, that's not it. What we want is separate queues for solo queues and group queues, SEPARATE QUEUES and not removing the queue group feature for everyone. This way you will still be able to queue with your beloved friends and play as a group. But you gotta REALIZE that PUGs are barely as organized as a premade, like I said before I knew someone would come in and say MAKE FRIENDS AND QUEUE AS GROUP and I quote myself 'Easier said than done'. I actually feel really sorry for those people that can only play 2 to 3 hours a day and are very casual players being thrown into a match against a premade and getting roflstomped like if they were training dummies.


    Premades will always have a HUGE advantage vs Pugs. Especially since most of the premades have communication, -skill-, ability to choose the composition of your premade (I've been running into premades of 3 heals and 1 tank or 2 heals 2 tanks one guardin each healer) and they become immortal because pugs dont attack healers even after you tell them several times and healers will call out that they're being attacked and will automatically get focus healed by the other 2 heals, TTK becomes so long that pugs end up raped by the rest of the team. Also gear because if you are used to make premades you're most likely to win most of the matches and you end up getting more comms and improving your gear whereas pugs will only get 50 to 80 comms per loss.


    So yeah.. Premades >>>> PUGS and it's way too unfair as it is.

  3. IMO when you hit 45 is when your class gets near to its best . You must have 31 points on massacre and 5 on annihilation--> you want the talents that restore rage upon using massacre and the one that increases Fury building. This way you have more rage to use massacre and building fury faster allows you to use berserk more which is useful either for predation or spamming massacre.
  4. It's getting dull now. I picked up my weekly on monday, played about 30 wz's since then and was only able to finish it on the the 29th. Out of these 30 wz's at LEAST 20 times (I did count them) I went against a premade of either imps or pubs. How many times did I get a premade on my side? only three times and I still got roflstomped by guess what? another premade on the opposite side. So now not only do we have more premades on both sides but also some of them are AWFUL and sometimes WORSE than a common PUG.


    I know some people will be like 'get a guild, make friends and queue group stop qqing already' and I think this is easier said than done, especially if you are part of a guild that runs premades almost throughout the entire day/afternoon/evening. Because let's be honest... Those who like to queue as a group are people who want easy wins/easy pvp because you KNOW that you will most unlikely get to fight a decent team but you are not to be blamed, the whole thing starts with allowing groups to match up against people who solo que (like me and lots of people). But once again, people make groups because they want easy wins/comms/farm people or whatever so it kinda seems like the system is being abused. And if you fight a good premade it's like fighting 4 people at the same time when you attack one of their group.


    Apologies in advance for the wall of text.

  5. I've been absent from 50 PvP for a month and when I left it was nothing but premades. Now I get back and it's even more premades. What chances do people who solo que have against them? Just ran into one with 3 heals and 1 tank on huttbal, lost in like 2 mins and our team wasn't THAT bad.
  6. Hello thanks for taking your time to read this.


    I am actually struggling with how should I continue gearing up my guardian tank. Right now I have a full columi set (witch some other mods that I got from other columi parts) I removed some accuracy to get extra shield rating/defense rating.


    My current stats are the following with rakata fortitude stim and the 2 jedi buffs (no endurance)

    HP: 20352

    Armor rating: 7429

    DMG reduction: 46.75%

    Defense chance: 26.08%

    Shield chance: 46.97%

    Shield absorb: 38.65%


    I have the clicky rakata relics for defense rating and shield/absorb rating. I also have 600 daily comms which I could spend on dread guard relics but don't actually know wether they are worth it or not. I have war hero tank implants and earpiece and have 180 BH comms to spend on gear.


    big question is: where do i start?


    Any advice is appreciated

  7. If running into a good premade in non-regular warzones wasn't difficult enough to handle how unlucky should I be that I ran into TWO premades in the same team, unfortunately our team didn't have anyone above lvl 35 and the match ended in no time. They should make it so that when you queue group you will get matched with and against other groups/premades and not with those who queued solo, you know like a different stance.
  8. Hello everyone. Im totally new to the game and today I hit lvl 50. So I was able to do karagga's palace through group finder and i noticed that i can only choose between 2 operations out of 4 i know exist. The options available were karagga's palace and eternity vault but my question is how can i get to do terror from beyond and explosive conflict? I did get the weekly missions but their description do not say where to go nor can i see a green marker on the maps, I did search for guides but all i could find were for the harder modes.


    Thanks in advance.

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