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Posts posted by Redfiree

  1. What is going lately ? I have a 40 lvl shadow tank in Red eclipse. I lvl this character slowly. In this month the 5 last flshpoints I did, from taral V - Colicoid games, classes that don't need tank willpower gear (like sages smugglers) did need all 5 times in a row in shadow tank gear ! Not to mention that I did choose need for the gear but they took it ! When I asked them 1 say mistake (but I didn't believe him couse he was the 5th in a row) the previews 4 didn't even answer. And even if they need it for comapnion (which they didn't mention by the way) the only companion shadow tank is Xalek for sith inquisitor, (and after belsdavis if I remember), and that character of mine is in republic side. So willpower pants for tank got needed from sages and smugglers. They all shouting in the servers where are the tanks. Well now they got one less. So I want to make a suggestion for the gear that drops (and only that). Make it so that the gear is tagged (healer, dps, tank) so only the specific class can need it (scoundrel healer or shadow tank tag for example) or the specific class takes absolute priority for that gear. And if that class has it or don't need it, he/she (and only that class) can make it available to all by some quick selection, but only greed NOT need by anyone. If the class don't exist in party it will be Auto greed and NOT need for everyone. This is going epidemic here and something must be done.


    A smuggler needing on willpower gear is ninja looting, the sage however, can still use your stats. He may not be a tank, but at low levels, I usually out level my gear so fast even the tank gear is a vast improvement to what I have. At high levels, the sage should wait for the right stats on their gear, but at low levels, the "right stats" are usually whatever has the highest stats which can be shadow tank gear.

  2. Or... they could copy GW2 - there are no drops from bosses in OPS, just operation specific tokens. Get enough of them (pretty much requiring that you run them an average number of times you'd run anyway), go to the OPS specific vendor and buy the items you want.


    No looting. No hassle. Everyone gets exactly what they want or need for the same amount of time and effort invested as in the current system.


    Problem solved.


    Wow! That is an awesome idea! They should call them commendation, yes, I think that would be a good name for them. I am surprised Bioware didn't come up with that idea already, oh, wait, they did.

  3. In my first 2 OPs, I found that sometimes people don't "need" things. The leader was giving it away randomly, then.


    I found this way very nice, because everyone has a chance to get it, then.


    I think "greed" was turned off. I'm new to this way of dealing with loot, so I don't have the exact terms at hand.


    Your leader was using master looter. It does prevent ninja looting (Unless the leader is the ninja looter, then it gets a lot worse.) but it also slows down the operation a lot. There are pros and cons to both systems.

  4. well... I'm level 12 and so far, I'm having fun. going to try pvp next, but I actually liked the player created quests I tried so far (I did only try highly rated ones)


    healing in this game is so... odd. one thing that bugs me is that I cannot see health bars of other people unless I mouse over me, so i found myself in a situation where I could see that one of the group members was obviously getting low - too low to regen from my non directional abilities... and yet, I had trouble actually finding them in a frey.


    we'll see how long I'll keep having fun :p


    in general story is not even in the same league as TOR (or secret world), but it does tie the world together, leads you from area to area nicely and its DnD but unlike DDO, I actually like the colors and animations here, so.. (and tieflings <3)


    Healing is very different than most MMOs, you will get some better heals at higher levels though. Feel free to message @orangefiree if you need help with anything.

  5. Stop asking them to change old content.


    There are literally dozens of threads in this subforum filled with dumb posts like this. These posts are dumb because they're asking for devs to waste their time with old content rather than creating new content.


    If you're going to sit here and tell me you'd rather have old content than new content, I don't even know what to say to you. Go play a wow private server or something, Tempest Keep is calling (and is way harder than any iteration of EC even when it was current).


    I agree that new content is better, however, it is much quicker for them to simply scale EC up to 55 then to make an entire new operation. For a lot of people, it will be new content anyways since no one runs it anymore. I would also be ok with scaling it up to 55 and making it a solo operation with three companions, but that would take a lot more work probably.

  6. Doing this should get you a warning if you are intentionally harassing another player.




    Doing THIS should get you banned outright.

    This crosses the line of griefing and soundly into malicious harassment. You are intentionally taking advantage of game mechanics to mess around with other player progression which is exploiting.


    And letting that poor, innocent NPC die is any better?

  7. I usually play a couple of warzones (2-3) when I come home from work in the mornings (night shift), so like an hour maybe. That's pretty much the only consistency I have. On my days off it's down to how things turn out. If I come online and see someone LFM'ing for an ops I'm usually jumping on that and if I'm lucky I get to do two ops'es in a row, which results in 2-3 hours. I've found that when I start the day with PvP I'm usually not on for that long. I quickly get fed up with arena pops and backfills.


    Two operations only takes you 2-3 hours? That is usually how long one operation takes for me, I guess I am getting bad luck.

  8. Near the GSI heroic, there as an enclosed area with several animals inside of it, there is a fence on the edge of it that you can target one of the enemies from, if you jump and use force leap or a similar ability on one of the enemies you will be inside. Everything in there is strong an gives top tier Bioanalysis ingredients. They have a fast respawn rate as well. If you don't have force leap or the vanguard tank ability, I don't think it is possible to get in though.
  9. The real issue IMO.. nobody whining about why there are not AT ST mounts in game yet.


    A hundred of these going Klankity-Klank-Klank on the fleet floors chipping off the coating and exposing bare metal should get the maintenance crews really worked up I should think. :p


    Seriously though.. I would like a AT ST mount that I can add to Collections. :D


    I would rather have an AT-AT.

  10. I suppose I should clarify a few things. I did actually talk to the fellow about tipping at the beginning, saying that it's like tipping a waiter (10-15% of value of mats, typically). I know what he spent on the mats, so was expecting to be compensated accordingly, particularly since I put a lot of time into the project. Silly me for expecting people to treat others honorably, I suppose. But this is the generation of Me, so I suppose I should expect less.


    To those saying that augs don't matter at lower levels? Gracious, I don't know what game you're playing, but particularly in PVP, having fully-augmented gear is a noticeable advantage. I always keep augs in my gear whenever I can, no matter the level.


    He is only level 31, if he spent a lot of credits to get the materials, he may not have had much left.

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