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Posts posted by MOoYo

  1. So if some more veteran players remember, FP's, Planets, Heroics, and Fleet Vendors sold exclusive gear. This, however, was removed in 2016.


    I personally would like to see these gears re-implemented in some way as they provided good looking moddable gear throughout the leveling process


    Ways possible:

    • FP gear: Could be dropped like it used to be (Group Rolls) or Current way (Everyone gets a piece that they are spec'd for)
    • Heroic Gear: Could be dropped from the designated Heroics until 65, or forever. With the highest gear being worth less than 5k credits. I do not see it adding too much to the already inflated credit. (I Used the TT-16B Master Powertech Chestpeice (Level 46) as a reference)
    • Planetary Gear: Add it back into the loot pool at higher chance values. ONLY getting gear at your current level makes it harder to find old gear in order to customize alts.
    • Fleet Vendor Gear: Add back the Fleet Comm Gear vendors either as Class Specifics or Back to being partners to the Mod vendors.


    Another way possible would be to create more vendors like the Adaptive gear vendor, However, making them now class-specific. Then add all the Old FP and current Adaptive Vendor Armor sets to each vendor for each Class

    Ex: Trooper Vendor would sell the level 10 Colossus and Athiss gear


    Sidenote: I would also like to see this either costing Tech Fragments or Credit prices similar to the Adaptive Gear vendor

  2. As you Probably know the only way to transfer barrels, hilts, mods, enchantments augmentations, and most importantly crystals is by putting them into legacy weapons/armor and putting them into your legacy bank and stripping the items from said weapon/armor. what if there was a way to this without the hassle or the credit cost.


    What I'm suggesting would be a simple lockbox that you could put mods, crystals, and other items that are normally transferred (So no non-unlocked cartel items or non-cartel items) I would hope it would be a small (12 space) box that you can put in and take out items. this would also improve how many items you can keep in your legacy back (I have around 8 Nico Okarr blasters that I'm only using to house Black-green crystals) so you can keep more legacy armors and yet to be used cartel items ( I have 6 or 7 cartel sets that still need to be completed or that I'm waiting for the right toon to use them on) How I am suggesting it would work is like a mini-cargo hold, you would open it up and be able to fill/empty the slots with items that would normally be transferred


    As for getting them to the player base I would suggest at first release give at least one to all subs, make it like how you did Treek (Needing at least legacy level 40 (25 is what I'd suggest for this but your choice)) or selling them for 550 on the cartel market, with them being Bind on use. Please take this under consideration for I have too many items in my legacy bank - Mooyo of Begeren Colony (I know I repeated myself at least once... but I'm too lazy to fix it:D)

  3. Remember the Good ol' days before KotFE, when you got awesome looking orange gear from heroics and flashpoints? I know a lot of players, myself included that do, and miss these drops. So my suggestion is, give us a way to get these items. I haven't really worked out all the kinks in this idea (since I just came up with it), but here it is: For Heroics, players that are level 1-64 get 2 select one options, one for the orange gear, one for the blue crate. I personally love the fact I can get high-quality gear from doing heroic missions, but HATE that I can't get the cool moddable gear. For Lvl 65s that love to make cool armor combinations, Again this includes me, Give them the supplies, crystals, AND the orange gear (A select one bar for a class that can pick 2). This would allow for credits to enter the economy (for players that don't have the orange gear or already have it can sell it) that players can spend on the GTN, fuel for travel, and for their guilds! Ok, now for the Flashpoint gear: Add an option that allows us to get old gear. I'm not a programmer so I don't know how hard it is to change dialogue screens or well... anything, but you could use the new speech screen that comes up in KotFE cutscenes that aren't involved directly in the story. Give the 3 options available now, along with the Old Gear Flashpoint options. (Group and solo) so you could do the flashpoint and get the orange drops from the bosses/mobs. anyways this is just a fairly new idea to me, and don't know the best way to add this to the game. Thanks for reading this and possibly taking this into consideration! -Mooyo of Begeren Colony
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