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Posts posted by Beestigg

  1. As the title says. I'm going to share my favorite ability. I would also love to hear about yours! My favorite ability is "Crippling slice"/Skank shot. Now if you don't know what it does. it is supposed to immobilize the target and prevent them from turning. Now I use this ability all the time PVP/PvE it doesn't matter I love it. But, the number of times someone. Or something has turned and looked at me in the face after I used it is astronomical. I'm not going to flame anyone or complain. It was like this in 6.0 and prior.


    Last night I had a sage, (I think it was a sage.) turn around and say, "Hello there." I lost it and fell over laughing. It's those small little moments that bring the most joy. I digress I would like to hear, or is it read? Tell me about your favorite abilities in 7.0.

  2. Jar baby, I got you! I'm going to throw down some sniper/GS tips. ((puns incoming) Get all the sticky notes ready! Before you jump into the mix like every Jugg or guardian. Let me lay out some cover fire.


    Cheesy TLDR: If you want to be "Good" at sniper/GS Throw out that freaking notion of being good. The Bullsh** expectation of being good is corny as h*** anyway!


    The best way to be awesome is to keep doing exactly what you are doing. ((ITS SUCKS, I understand)) That struggle is the thing I love about it. Trying to figure out the best way to deal with every class in every situation. I digress!! These two already laid down some great tips.


    Your mirror fights are your biggest weakness. They have all the tools/kits to remove your defense and melt you before you do anything. And you have to use your dcds and tools in a niche way to get ahead. But, I can help with that!!! There are 4 kinds of snipers/gs. The rookies, The numbers-hoarders, the ogs, the legends.


    The rookies are a little lukewarm towards pvp. They are reckless, might use their dcds early and will generally stick to one spot. The best way to deal with them is to come in hot and heavy. use aimed shot if SS. get them to use their dcds and Los ((line of sight) them. Force them to get out of their element and reposition. Hopefully, they will lose their BD

    ((Not done pressed submit early give me like 15 min ))


    The number hoarders, or as I call them the nasty hoes! these are scum and are worse than the rookies. BUT they know how to dps. So, you should take that into account. But these vermin are easily discouraged and will often rage quit if you apply hot and heavy deeps their way. Be the biggest pain to them, it doesn't matter if you're consistent about it. Once they feel the pressure they will quit. Or, have the team focus you. ((AT any time when you see 3 or more people focus you. You make the right play.)) Other than that, you'll have to judge them individually their skill varies. ((P.S I'm really biased about TNH every class has them and I loathe them all!)


    Now the OGs and the legends. When you come across one of these. It becomes a full anime battle or a very intense game of smash! You will have to use every trick in the book to come out alive. Using your roll to avoid their big burst. Popping in and out of cover to reset your BD. USing diversion to stop their deeps and force them out of cover. ((they can preemptively counter each of these things too)) Depending on their spec the fights will be a little different.


    Let me move on to the other classes. THERE is only one strat that beats every class in this game as a Gs/sniper. And it works 70% all of the time 100% of the time. KITE, make them chase you. You see a mara just leap to you, pop diversion on your sexy buns and laugh at them. Once diversion ends leg shot and roll away, and hit them with the burst. Rinse and repeat. For all classes. Kiting won't work amazingly against ops. cause they can kite too.


    Be as cheap as you can!! Don't fight fair! we have "cover" the most crippling, hindering, easiest ability to counter. ((people can just walk away from you)) But, it's so magnificent, and its the most infuriating ability for every other class. Once you get comfortable with it you will be unstoppable. I'm rarely in cover and get teased for it. I mostly use it for channeled abilities, BD and to stop people from jumping on me.


    Don't give up!!! Don't worry about the expectations of others. Keep an open mind about every fight, and try to adjust and come in with a different angle. Till it clicks! Once it clicks, you'll be a terror on every warzone. I guarantee it! You'll have to take a few lumps and get a few bumps.

  3. As the best pvper, The BootyWarrior.:rak_03: Some of you may have been graced with my presence in a warzone or on the fleet PVP chat. But I digress, The only reason I even paid attention to this tread is Trixxie. Solid points across the board and spitting nothing the straight facts.


    Pvp is horrible atm and has been for the last big updates. 2.0 was the best PVP that has ever been and has been in a downward spiral ever since. It's simple ((bout to throw some shade. put away your umbrellas)) if you need to group and premade to get your wins.:rolleyes: Your buns are weak and you need to do some squats.:D I never premade cause! "I'm best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.":cool: -Brett Hart. I tease and make fun of those who do. Now, I don't find any enjoyment in queuing as groups. But, if that is your idea of fun, have at it.


    I'm not going to reiterate the wonderful points that have already been added. Pvp used to be a gem. Where everyone knew maras were broken and we all teased Bioware about them. Every class had its own unique thing that they did better than any other class. And that unique gameplay experience was rewarding.


    Now PVP is like waking up the next day after you went out and had a wicked night. You can't find your BFF and they are getting married in a few days. Your phone has 18 missed calls. You just got a new quest objective "find Doug((that's your BFF))."


    It's cool to have a different opinion, but you can't force the idea in someone's face expecting them to like it. Or, agree with it. I don't care about going against premades. 99% of them are bad. The only good ones include friends. If everyone played objectively as they did in 2.0-3.0 it would be fine. Until then I'm just going to stick to 1v9'ing all my warzones.


    -Stiggle A.K.A Cutie A.K.A Stigglicious A.K.A BootyWarrior A.K.A The Best!


  4. ((Firstly, I'm going to bounce from one topic to another. Don't get your knickers in a twist over it!))


    MAN! I don't believe anyone knows how the matchmaking works anymore. And, at this point, I don't feel like it will get fixed. But Trixxie explained all my matches in a nutshell. That should be the /thread right there! The majority of my matches play out the same. Huttball for example. I'm the Full-time QB, RB, and WR on Offense. I just play safety, on defense. Every match I play I feel like I'm Anakin, and the other team is Obi-Wan with the high ground. And I embrace my inner Vader and go full dark side on Obi-wan. Most games it feels like I do get most of my limbs severed.


    The enemy team always works together against "me." I don't blame them. But I'm determined to win in Huttball. I absolutely love it. I don't care if I'm against a premade or just a few friends having fun. I'm going full bacon in a skillet, full sizzle no ham. Not every game though. I might take a break behind a trashcan or a unit to cry and be depressed if my team is just "Deathmatching." But, I digress! With my grievances aside. The matchmaking is "Better" than what it has been recently. ((LET ME FINISH!!!!!)


    It is not perfect, nor should it be! There has definitely been an improvement. I noticed a shift in the teams. in the majority of the games I play. Teams aren't as Healer/tanked stacked. Though you do run into it. It is not as frequent. Having said that!! Another person's experience may vary! ((I CAN'T HELP THAT!))


    Matchmaking itself isn't the only issue. Have to throw in the classes, and the imbalances they bring. Like for example Sorc/sages with powers on Odessen. They can use all their abilities with no drawback. Could throw in sniper/gunslinger in the mix too. Whereas a shadow/sin or op/scoundrel can't use your stealth. Which I would think it would be hella unfair if they could. Huttball has been changed and gutted to fix some of the unfair advantages certain classes had over others. Etc, etc. Without spelunking further into it.


    The players are the bigger issue, and will forever be the biggest problem. I could tell you about some of my most memorable matches and games. One of which was an Hour Novarre Coast I had. Totally off topic. I won't go into details about the players individually. It would ruffle so many feathers. Unlike the chips, it wouldn't be so addicting and delicious. A vast amount of people instead of addressing the issue and rising above it. They cast their lot aside and do as the previous poster suggested.


    Won't spread my thoughts about skanks or heals in the current meta. And, as long as people choose to be cheap and exploit things it will ultimately lead back to Trixxie original point. ((I like how I brought everything back around full circle.))


    -Booty Warrior

  5. WARNING: excessively long post below. Read at your own risk 😉


    Agreed. It’s getting old. Mercs are fine now if you know what you are doing. The only people who still play Mercs well are the ones who knew how to play them before 4.0. All the rest still try to face tank you and it’s hilarious 🤣


    What annoys me the most about nerf threads is they are usually made by people who don’t understand the class or know how to counter it, especially if they’ve been used to playing against them for a long time and they can’t learn new tactics when changes are made.


    When ever changes are made to classes, everyone rushes to QQ about how OP a class is. Sometimes there haven’t even been any changes to a class and no one QQ’ before their own class got nerfed or an OP class was adjusted downwards. It shows that people have tall poppy syndrome. If their class isn’t the top performing class or they don’t know how to get better, they need nerfs till they are at the top.


    I always cringe when these threads start because as soon as they do, that class becomes FOTM and I hate playing FOTM classes. I always try and play a middle of the pack type of class that isn’t week, but can be played against OP classes if you know what you are doing. But it seems no sooner do I gear up or hone my skills on that class, that some other class(s) get nerfed and everyone starts to QQ for nerfs.


    In the last 3 years I’ve mained every dps class before they’ve become FOTM besides PTs and Operatives. It gets annoying having to change. I mained a Sorc before the 3.0 force storm snare, I mained a Merc before 5.0 changes, I mained an engineering sniper before plasma probe spam, I mained a Jugg before skank town. I mained a Sin at some point. And recently I’ve been mailing a Fury Mara while everyone was playing Carnage before 5.4.


    Now there is talk of nerfing my Fury Mara because people think they are OP 🙄, which IMO aren’t because most people can’t play them very well. Those Fury Mara’s doing well are people who were playing before 5.4. Not the rerollers. People are seeing more of them because people QQ. It’s a viscous circle. People see others QQ and think that class must be the best for pvp, so they all role one. They aren’t usually very good, but there are so many and they run in groups, that the average player thinks they are OP.

    If you put a solo average Mara against most other solo average players in a 1v1, those Mara’s aren’t so OP. But put a good Mara against an average player and they’ll global them just the same as if they were on any class against an average player.


    So in my opinion, Mercs/Mara/Snipers only seem because of these reasons

    1. People don’t understand the class/spec and don’t know how to counter them

    2. Class becomes FOTM and there are so many that people only see those classes killing them

    3. So many mediocre players on those classes run in gank groups to hide their inadequacies and make the class look OP.

    4. There are just enough veteran people playing those classes against a vast amount of average players, that when the average player comes across them, they get globalled and don’t realise it was their lack of skill


    Seriously, there is usually a tactic or strategy that can overcome any perception of an OP class. But people are stubborn and don’t want to change their play style or learn something new. A lot of it then boils down to a L2P issue and not because they are all bad players, some are actually good players, but are too ridged to changes made in the game. It pains me when I read the forums and I see good players who I respect, QQing and calling for nerfs because their main got nerfed or the meta changed slightly.



    Bootywarrior here to drop some more knowledge on the forum. I loved reading what everyone had to say. Trixie summed it up, beautifully. Merc/mandos aren't godly, its going to be the same argument. Who would win in a fight, a toddler with a gun. Or, Bruce Lee with a pea shooter. My money is on Bruce. He would hit that baby with a 55 hit combo and launch it into the air and finish it with a barrage of pee (Pea** edited fix, but "pee shots" is hilarious, R kelly-bruce lee) shots to the face, and somehow there would be an explosion.


    I will run circles around anyone who tries to battle me in warzones. Only the good pvpers know how to get me to stop. If you don't know the match up. You have to try things and see what works. I had to get steamed rolled on by each class till I learned how to beat it. Now, I dominate everything that comes my way. There are times a challenger makes me sweat, alil. I don't say they need to be nerfed. I say, "I need to get better, cause this guy just made me sweat." I got that warrior mentality. I understand most people don't.


    I digress, I completely agree with Trixie. I have played every class. All in endgame pvp. And I can tell you, people said every class I was playing at the moment was Op, FOTM, easy, etc. etc. I have heard it all. This thread only adds to it.


    Mercs/mandos was the only class in swtor that was reliant on teammates. Before 4.0 if you saw a merc by themselves you dusted them. People would just dps through their dcds. ((That itself is bad,)) Their dcd's were trash tier. Now, they have T H I C C ness And punished people for playing "poorly." Everyone whines and complains. As, I stated before every class can be legendary in the right hands. Diversity is beauty!

  6. After reading this whole thread. I want to drop my 2 creds down. PVP itself as a whole got set back. Before the merge the pvp on Ebon hawk was fun. (for the most part) Now there are so many QQ'ers and try-hards. Both of which I don't mind putting over my knee and spanking. I have better matches pub side, than I do on imp side. Imps have more of a greedy, selfish play style. And, 99% of the people think "Numbers" win wz.


    I'll keep it short though. Pvp is a zergfest. You might come across someone who is actually decent and you too will go few rounds. But, other than that. All I see is; "We don't have enough heals," "We don't have enough DPS," "We don't have enough tanks." This never been the case back in 2.0. #Bringbackthetrees

  7. ((Stiggle The Bootywarrior is back at it again. I'm going to drop my latest hit for all you lovely pvpers out there! Vuba, I'm coming for you. I'm going to steal yo girl, and punish all the pubs that step foot in my warzone.))

    :jawa_cool:I got a apartment in Nar’shadda Baby girl, what's happen'?

    You and your booty invited. So gon' and get to clappin!

    Pop it for a warrior, Pop pop it for The Stigg. :jawa_wink:

    Turn around and get globaled!

    Drop it for a Stigg! Drop, drop it for me!

    I'll rent a beach house in Alderran. Wake up with no jammies

    Rancor for dinner. Cyn serve that scampi!

    You got it if you want it. Got it if you want it

    Said you got it if you want it.

    Take my credits if you want it now jump in the :csw_atat: Girl, let's put some miles on it.

    Anything you want, just to put a smile on it. :tran_grin:

    ChorusYou deserve it girl, you deserve it all.

    And I'm gonna give it to you. Medals for warzones, shining so bright

    Rodian meat on the grill!

    Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like

    Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like

    Rp down by the cantina at night.

    You, long hair body 3 type! Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like.

    Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like! Chorus


    I'm talkin' trips to Corellia

    Say the word and we go

    You can be my Twi’lek

    Girl, I'll be on Lekku, mami cita

    I will never make a promise that I can't keep.

    You and that booty. Gonna Dps you! :wea_07:

    :jawa_wink:Give you a smile that ain’t gon' never leave.

    Shopping sprees in Nar Shaddaa.

    Everything you wearing will be artifact.

    Take a look in that mirror :rod_wink_g:

    Now tell me who's the greatest?

    Is it you? Is it you? Is it me? Is it me?

    Say it's us, say it's us and I'll agree, baby

    ((Play the chorus and repeat!))

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