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Posts posted by obi_bendyouova

  1. how can you tell if your followers like you anymore? i know how to gain influence but how do you tell if they like or dislike you over all? i want to romance Mako but not sure if she likes me. i flirted and she told me to keep dreaming big guy. i give her gifts and my influence is over 17 with her what gives?
  2. how can you tell if your followers like you anymore? i know how to gain influence but how do you tell if they like or dislike you over all? i want to romance Mako but not sure if she likes me. i flirted and she told me to keep dreaming big guy. i give her gifts and my influence is over 17 with her what gives?
  3. Anakin Solo because i am reading Star by Star and his death was so shocking to me the 1st time i read it that i almost cried and i am a grown man. i raelly likes his charactor and was saddened by his loss.


    If not him then maybe a wookie jedi like lowbacca or something.

  4. i was just reading one of my older njo books(star by star) and i realized that i have not seen a single one in this game or any other nor in anyother reference besides the books that follow. i think they should be added to this game or maybe even the clonewars show... they are so cool and fierce that they would make awesome jedi or at least a good foe. what do you think? anyone have a good pic of a barbel jedi?
  5. i like the idea of her going into self exile after she survives order 66 and comes back many years later in ep 7 as someone who was in hiding but can come out now that the empire is gone.maybe she could help and older luke with the retoration of the order. i love the EU but if they have to scap it for some new stories and ideas i am not so narrow minded that i wont like it. lets wait and see.
  6. I can't find the source, but I would have sworn that I've read somewhere that the group of clones following Anakin into the Temple in Ep. III was the 501st.



    As far as Ahsoka is concerned, I just don't see them killing at the end of the animated Clone Wars series. I see her disappearing into the unknown after seeing another vision of just what Anakin is going to become.

    this was a quote from a post earlier. in battlefront2 you know that the 501st were loyal to vader/Anakin and thought he was the one in the right while the rest of ther order was wrong and therefore traitors. that is why they follow him into the temple and do what they do there...makes since that rex would fall in line with the rest... just sayin

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