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Posts posted by Macescorpio

  1. I think it is a bit ridiculous that people feel like Nightmare is now too hard. You are still easily able to pug every nightmare raid except gods even with unoptimized gear, with people not playing their main roles and even with some people that didn't even clear the instances yet. I literally pugged DF NiM today and everything went very smoothly even with the aforementioned handicaps. I play this game very rarely in recent times because there isn't enough (challenging) content to entertain me for a longer period of time, but I'm still easily able to perform well enough on every class and spec to clear nightmare content. Yes, I used to play this game a lot, but I simply think it is nonsense to say that nightmare is only easy because you play a lot. If you don't have enough time to invest 3 hours two times a week into this game you should not be able to clear nightmare easily, you should have to spend a bit of time to learn the fights. I mean, why would you want to raid nightmare anyway when you aren't enjoying the challenge? If you just want to have a good time with friends, go for hardmode operations, they are there for a reason. I generally agree that the difficulty spikes of SM to HM to NiM isn't really balanced (SM<<HM<<<<<NiM), but that is another problem. Also, don't you think it is funny that you used to get bolstered in the hardest content of the game? It just seems silly to me.

    Another point I want to talk about is the rarity of vanity that drops in nightmare raids. If everything is tuned in a way that you can literally 7-man ops, these items just aren't worth anything anymore. I think it is important to have something in a game that you work towards achieving. If you get everything with little to no effort you will lose interest. That is also why I think it is completely false to assume that players will stop playing the game when the content is too hard for them. If anything, players will stop playing because they don't have anything left to do in the game, atleast that is the case for 95% of the players that I have met in this game.


    If something is very hard for some players, but very, very easy for others, maybe those players that find nightmare difficult should just start with ravagers or temple of sacrifice HM, or take some time to improve your rotation on practice dummies.


    Also, remove the alacrity buff from HM ops pls thx

    To provide context on this post, the DF run in question wan't really pug with people who raid with each other regularly (albeit not necessarily in a raid group) and one dps who didn't raid in two years taking part. The DPS setup was 3 sorcs and one PT. Add to that 2 sin tanks and 2 merc heals, idk how that's suboptimal classes. Not to mention all of us having full gear. If you bother watching the relevant part of the twitch video, you will also see that we not only wiped at Draxus, but also DID NOT KILL BRONTES (easily puggable amiright boys...).

    TLDR; fotm setup, full gear, hardly a true pug, op not cleared...

    I just don't see how that supports your view on pugs still being easy and/or realistic.

  2. Firstly, thank you for opening the PTS for some early testing. I really enjoyed it and I find it only natural that certain bugs were present. Thus I am not going to adress the bugged ability CDs. Literally every class had that on PTS, though it still was obviously pretty annoying.


    Secondly, I didn't do any testing for the Immortal Juggernaut.


    I liked Rabid Furor. If you put a bit of thought to it you can use it on your strongest abilities and I very much like the recharging process and how you can choose at how many stacks to use it. That makes it a flexible boost to some hard-hitting abilities providing burst that IMO comes in much needed for Vengeance and nicely for Rage. But please, consider giving it another Icon than the one used for Enrage. It was kind of distracting and it's just a bit unnecessary considering how many other Icons are available.


    For the tacticals, there seem to be some that are *extremely* situational ones I would never bother to farm for on live (like Keep Away with finishing Force Push CD on activating Saber Ward) and some that are quite a bit stronger in comparison (f.ex. Bloody Vengeance with its shortening of the Vengeful Slam CD on DoT-crits had me spamming nothing but Vengeful Slam on Grob'Thok and Corrupter Zero). All in all however I was fine with the Jugg tacticals.


    The Set bonuses were something I didn't really like, especially after having seen the ones for the Inquisitor. That's because the Inquisitor has some 2/4/6 and 2/4 set bonuses which enables you to combine them, with the 2/4 set bonus oftentimes giving a X%-Boost to one of your stat points (Mastery, Power, Crit Rating, Alac,...). The Juggernaut and Warrior by enlarge doesn't have that. There seem to be exclusively 4- or 6-p set bonuses giving some rather questionable bonuses (I did enjoy two-charged Force Charge but some others seemed a bit meh). That just leaves me asking why there aren't these kind of percentage-based boosts as 2p-bonuses on the sets for Juggernaut/Warrior?


    Sorry if I elaborated a bit much here, might not be 100% condenced.

  3. Genau das. Als Gadget: In Ordnung. Vielleicht manchmal ganz lustig. Aber für einen Tank bzw. genrell im Kampf: nutzlos. Ich frage mich, wie sie überhaupt auf die Idee, gekommen sind, das in den Tank-Baum zu packen und dann auch noch drinzulassen. :rak_02: Obwohl der Fronti-Tank generft wurde und obwohl jedem halbwegs klar denkenden Menschen auffallen müsste, dass dieser Skill komplett nutzlos ist. Irgendwie muss der Fronti-Tank wieder gebufft werden, und Platztausch ist der erste Skill, den man dabei ersetzen sollte.
  4. Das sehe ich genauso. Ich finde zum Beispiel auch absolut unsinnig, dass der Kommando als Heiler bessere Defs hat als der Frontitank. Und dann hat man als Fronti auch noch so etwas nutzloses wie den Platztausch im Skill-Baum. Auf jeden Fall ist die Kombination aus die wenigsten + die schlechtesten Defs aller Tanks komplett unbalanced und sollte definitiv überarbeitet werden.
  5. Ich spiele meinen Frontkämpfer-Tank seit 5.0 wieder aktiver als zuvor, gerade was Operationen, PvP und das generelle Endgame angeht. Doch stört mich genau eine Fähigkeit: Der Platztausch. Um zu erklären, was genau mich daran stört, muss ich ein wenig ausholen: In den Skill-Bäumen erhält man für die Level 10, 26, 42 und 58 je eine aktive Fähigkeit. Dabei wird entweder eine bestehende ersetzt oder eine neue kommt hinzu. Das sind meist Bestandteile der Rota (z.B.: Frontitank: lvl 26: Energieschlag) oder, bei Tanks, Debuffs auf den/die Gegner (z.B.: Frontitank: lvl 10: Reizgas) oder Defensive CDs (z.B.: Schattentank: lvl 26: Kinetik-Abwehr; Hütertank: lvl 58: Schützender Ruf). Auf Platztausch triff nichts davon zu: es ist kein Rota-Bestandteil, debufft keinen Gegner und ist kein Def CD. Zudem ist Platztausch im PvE gar nicht und im PvP nur in sehr wenigen, vereinzelten Situationen nützlich (evtl. Huttenball) und wird meiner Erfahrung nach gerne mal nur als Troll verwendet. Und eine Fähigkeit, die kein Bestandteil der Rota, kein Debuff für den Gegner und kein Def CD ist, sowie dazu gerne mal als Troll verwendet wird, hat in einem Tank-Baum, meiner Meinung nach, absolut nichts zu suchen. Ein weiterer Def CD würde dem Fronti-Tank gut tun und wäre auch universell einsetztbar.
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