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Posts posted by thealphaa

  1. I'm not just looking at the movies, I'm looking at the Comics too. Not sure why everyone thinks Darth Vader is better... Boba Fett won in battle against him and fled without a hair on his head being harmed. Boba Fett had a chance to kill Darth Vader but choose not to because he knew that Darth Vader would need him again sometime in the future.
  2. I dont get it, theres one giant line driven right between the SWTOR community. Half of us is saying lets give the F2Per's everything for free the other is like screw that, they shouldn't even be allowed to get to lvl 50. In my opion, f2p should only be a free trial thing. There really shouldn't even be a f2p option to begin with, die hard swtor fans had to pay to play this game and still are now everyone's turning socialist and expect that everyone should get everything for free. That didn't work out so well for Russia why are we trying to apply it here, I payed to play I'll be damned to see f2pers get the same lvl of content that I get. I say death to the f2p option and bring back the free trial, if they dont like it past a point then they can take their SWTOR freeloading/trolling asses somewhere else that supports mother Russia. We're america baby.


    Here here. Except I'm from England :p

  3. Imperial Riders is a new guild (Empire) that has been created on the Red Eclipse server. It is for all levels, classes, ability's, genders and age. We are looking for people to join. I am currently in the process of creating our own website/forum for the guild here .


    If you would like to join or ask any questions please leave your character name(s) so I can invite you or your question as a reply. Alternatively you can go to our website http://imperialriders.forumotion.co.uk/


    Thank you for reading, Guild Master.

  4. hmmmmmm. I doubt that Luke has more flaws then Revan.


    Luke may have been beat up a lot, but if so, then he was facing tuffer opponents.


    Overall I found Revan to be a more interesting character than Luke, although this may be because in SW Knights of the Old Republic I made Revan to go to the dark side again. I don't think Luke would have got anywhere in life if it wasn't for the people he knew that helped him.


    But that is just my opinion.

  5. It wouldn't bother me so much, except for the fact its timing is terrible!


    Also It takes ages for me to get into the game because the log in and loading screen always freezes on me

  6. Has any one else experienced the game closing on its own with no warning? I have had this gave for 2 days and it has closed itself 5+ times already. At first I thought it must be me doing something but I've come to realise its nothing to do with what I am doing at the time. I'm on the PvE server, English.



  7. I don't think enough humans would go along with the beliefs of the Sith to be honest (And this is coming from a die hard Sith). Sith academy's are very tough on who they let through as well. It seems that they are tough in some stages which can be hard to get anyone through, and then in other stages they let anyone in. Schools of Sith training would be more likely to do well on Earth rather than individuals training individuals.
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