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Posts posted by Ostguden

  1. Leaving it to the imagination as per usual. Would be nice to actually get a little bit more info than the same response "Upcoming".


    What we know so far is that orange armor will be crittable. That combined with the fact that we will be able to remove armoring from set pieces should produce some interesting alternatives for endgame.


    I'm personally hoping they will add legacy schematics.

  2. Except for the Primeval items, I've had some success RE-ing and selling the level 49 Beskar'gam heavy armor items. There are similar items for light armor. I expect it will be a while until I regain the credits spent getting those t2 prefixes though. Still got me some decent bracers, gloves and boots for myself.
  3. I encountered this today when running Black Talon HM as Sith Juggernaut. After dying on one of the bosses and receiving an in-combat revive, I got the "Target is already guarded" message when trying to set guard on our Sith Sorcerer.


    Same thing happened when the Sorcerer died and received an out of combat revive.

  4. New PTR Notes are up. Things of interest are:


    -Orange armor being able to crit

    -Removable armoring/barrel/hilt off Artifact items

    -Schematics that craft BoE items

    -Better RE chance

    -Removed Biochem requirement off Energized and Exotech stims/adrenals





    Good stuff!


    Making custom armor critable will make these items valuable for other qualities than appearance. That's great.


    Level 50 BoE craftables brings much more profitability to crafting overall.


    Better RE chance. Cool, I guess. On the one hand it will cause crafted t2 aftifact items depreciate in value and rarity, and the countless millions of credits we've all wasted will be for nothing if the same result now can be achieved for a fraction of the cost. On the other hand it will save us countless millions more for every new schematic, not to mention the time and frustration. I just hope they haven't made it too easy to achieve perfection.


    Removing the Biochem requirement for stims and adrenals was a stroke of genius, giving Biochemists a nice new revenue stream and eliminating the need for every raid character to drop their other crafting skill in favor of Biochem.


    All in all a much deserved boon for crafters and the game economy. :)



    Also, thanks Sleign and everyone else who has contributed information to the first post. It's been a great help in wrapping my head around the crafting system of this game. Special thanks to LoneStranger for the flowchart.

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