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Posts posted by DSpectre

  1. Hello!


    I'll keep it pretty short here so you can continue reading and trolling the forums as you do ;D


    I'm a 21-year old female gamer that loves to RP. Since I have taken quite a break from Swtor when KotFE released (though I did hop on for the hour or so it took to complete each new chapter every month) And alot of my old guildies and RP friends kinda... vanished.


    Anywho, I want to re-establish myself in the RP Community with the right people that aren't too picky about how RP is handled and are open to bending the RP rules a little bit in terms of characters.


    I main the Empire side so if you're over there, that'd be fantastic. If not, I'm sure I'd make my way to the Pubbies at some point in the future. (Pls no)


    If you have questions about me, my Roleplay or anything else to do with this post, ask away below.


    If you're interested in just going for RP, you can also post below and we can meet up in game sometime very soon.



  2. Woah, this got revived... xD




    1. @ MedhurstJack


    Can't justify my characters joining closely with the Empire. They tolerate them, but dislike them heavily. Just doesn't fit with story in hindsight. Though I wish you luck with your endeavors with your guild, but that one isn't for me.


    2. Shadogeddon


    Some rules with your guild (website and back story registration in 7 days which is 'forced') don't.... flow well with me. I prefer to keep the game a game, not homework, if you know what I mean. As a person who was running a guild with similar requirements, might help to remove those. It'll help you in the long run.


    Also, association with the Empire I cannot do. Doesn't fit with my character stories.



    Thanks to the both of you, but like I said in my original post, I'm looking for an neutral organization with no direct connections or association with either faction (Pubbies or Imps).



    The search continues!

  3. For whatever reason, I draw similarities between Vitiate and Corypheus from DA:I. Both are immortal in certain aspects, but only reason Corypheus died was he created a 'horcrux' of sorts in the form of a dragon, and when that was destroyed, he was in some sort of a "power shock" and was unable to transfer his essence into something else to survive.


    Maybe something similar will happen with Vitiate? Just a shower thought xD

  4. Since i've only played Imperial classes:


    Sith Warrior - Human Female, Marauder. Naive, Tactically smart, boastful and confident. Neutral-Dark side.

    Sith Inquisitor - Human Female, Sorcerer. Smart, cunning, natural born survivor, humble. Neutral-Dark side.

    Bounty Hunter - Human male, Mercenary, sarcastic, dry humor, highly effective. Neutral

    Imperial Agent - Human Female. Sniper. Highly intelligent and strategic. Feels forced into service with Imperial Intelligence. Pure Light side.

  5. Companion to: Bounty Hunter


    Name: Danyka Serriah

    Race: Human

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Hair Colour: Black

    Eye Color: Green

    Tattoos/Markings: Small Draconic symbol burned onto her left wrist. Given to her by a previous Sith Master as punishment for a failing.

    Likes: Demonstrations of Force powers (Lethal/non lethal depending on scenario), Snarky remarks, People getting what they deserve (good and bad), Strong leadership, Intelligent decisions and planning, following a grey path (neutral), flirting.

    Dislikes: Unjust actions, Republic, Blind devotion, lack of confidence, Reliance on Sith/Empire, Hypocrisy, Liars, Jedi.

    Gifts: Weapons, History, Sith memorabilia, Underworld goods, Cultural Artifacts.

    Romance: Male or Female


    Primary Stat: Willpower

    Secondary Stat: Endurance


    Primary Weapon: Lightsaber (Purple crystal)

    Secondary Weapon: Serrian Vibro-Dagger (Focus/Weapon)




    Grew up in poverty in a farming family. She was taken to Korriban upon the Sith Empire arriving at her homeworld due to force-sensitivity. Upon departing, her family gave her a Family heirloom, which was a Vibro-Dagger. She was placed under an abusive Overseer and soon after apprenticed to an abusive Sith Lord. Danyka excelled in Force-based abilities, having an uncommon ability to use an manipulate Ice, like how other Sith can use Lightning. She also likes using her family blade in combat which she made as her Force-Focus as well. Her master was killed by in-fighting with another Sith, and Danyka managed to escape. She turned mercenary soon after at the age of 16, mainly operating out of Nar-Shadda under the alias of "The Spectress".



    Description & Personality:

    Danyka is not what people would think when they hear "Was a Sith". She is quite level-headed and tends to be very neutral in her demeanor. Danyka is what most consider to be extremely attractive, possessing many desirable physical traits. She is sarcastic, often cracking jokes to those around her in context of current situations. She is generally happy and enjoys making others happy and laugh, though that is not her intention. Danyka is also very short, standing only 5 feet tall, but makes up for it in being quick and agile.


    Danyka is also very energetic, intelligent and playful, always taking challenges in stride. Though mostly neutral, Danyka is also a firm believer in Justice and "eye for an eye" which expresses that darker side of herself that most likely came out during Sith training. She has trust issues with "leader" figures in her life due to her past with the Sith, though she doesn't let that show. She enjoys talking with people who show intelligence, and will often pick their brain to discover what they know, as Danyka strives to collect knowledge, having a particular taste for history and astrology.


    A few of Danyka's more defining traits aside from her looks, is her skills with the Force, Lightsaber, and the dagger she carries around and uses in combat. She also posses near-perfect memory, being able to remember every small detail she sees, hears, smells, etc. Danyka is also very agile, being able to move around very quickly, also having an exceptional skill with acrobatics, moving around her environment, and using her environment.




    (After Chapter 3)

    The BH gets a call to hunt down a "rogue" force-user causing trouble for local Mercenaries, informing the rogue is known as "The Spectress". The BH begins their hunt, to find Spectress is devious and cunning, making the BH's work very hard. time after time, the BH's plans and attacks are foiled and often make a fool out of the BH in humiliating ways.


    Getting wind The Spectress is going after an important underworld Crime Lord on Nar-Shaddaa, BH moves to intercept and hopefully get the Spectress and Crime Lord in one go, able to collect on both Bounties. Patience paying off, the BH sets up in a large room out of sight from the Crime-Lord. Some time later, Spectress shows up and attempts to kill the Crime Lord, but is interrupted by the BH.


    Not wanting to deal with anything, Spectress aggresively force-pushes the BH away to deal with the Crime Lord. Getting back up, the BH looks on to see the Crime Lord dead and Spectress in-front of him. Spectress introduces herself in a respectful manner to the BH, and makes a sarcastic remark about his "hunting habits".


    After explaining herself, she admits she finds Bounty Hunters "unique" and interesting, claiming her actions towards the BH were out of a Strange curiosity to how the BH operates. Seeing the boon of having her around to use her abilities, the BH offers her to come along. Throwing another sarcastic joke at the BH, She relents and agrees to join.


    First private conversation with her, she reveals to the BH her name to establish a base level of trust between the BH and herself.

  6. I'd like to think the SI is the most powerful out of all the characters you can be. I don't like Pubby side one bit, but I have to agree that the JC and the 2 other Force-Using classes are a very close race in terms of powers and abilities.



    From my standpoint, the SI is becoming more powerful. I think the Force-Walking thing should be an on-going "story" with the SI and I wish it was mentioned or had the ability to use it in SoR, but there was nothing.


    However, the SI did find alien devices that apparently increased his/her lifespan by an unknown amount of time. (Solar cycles can mean anything, since Solar cycles are different for every Star)


    I also consider the SI more powerful since he/she was forced to be "better" since arriving on Korriban, having to deal with people that wanted to kill him/her from the beginning. Having to deal with Ffon, Harkun(?), Zash, Thanaton, and other various Sith. Not to mention the countless enemies SI had to deal with along the way.


    Sure the other Force-Using classes have a similar "Strongest Survive" story, but the SI stuck out to me since it was more Forced. Goin through the story for the first time when the game came out, i felt overwhelmed in the sense where the SI doesn't get a break. Right after dealing with Zash, Thanaton wants you out.



    In terms of Force ability, SI can do alot, even though everything seems to be "Standard" in terms of what Sith can do. I want to say SI's Force Lightning (towards the end of the story) is more intense than anyone elses, and also the fact the SI made Thanaton "kneel" to him/her was also impressive.


    My SI only has 3 ghosts because to me, Nox is a Dark/Neutral character. So having even 3 is a huge increase to Nox's well-established abilities.


    the SI always seemed to be better set up to be a Sorcerer, but in the context of what each Class would be if it were a real adaptation, i'd think it would be a combination of an Assassin and Sorcerer, leaning more towards Sorcerer. In a lightsaber fight, Nox wouldn't be a push-over, but wouldn't be "the best" either. Nox would prefer to use Force powers over a Blade.




    I'd also like to point out that "Nox" means "Death" in latin, and when it comes to Sith names, they aren't just handing them out, they are well thought out and mesh with the person embodying that name. So Darth Death? yes, i would say so.




    In the context of SoR, having an SI there felt "natural" because no matter what, anyone's character by themselves is going to get roflstomped by Revan. So having the other powerful "Swtor-cannon" characters fight with you felt about right in terms of "scaling" everyones powers and abilities.




    Would Nox win in a fight with the Emperor? No. Not in their current state.


    Do I wish Nox would've taken Revan on as a Force-Ghost for an impressive power increase? Yes, and that would have made alot more sense story-wise than Revan saying to the SI "I admire your rise to power, and you have used that advantage well" (or something along those lines).


    In my opinion what would it take for Nox to be the MOST powerful being in Swtor? Prove that he/she can defeat Vitiate.



    Though to me, Vitiate is one of those villains that is "too good" to be beaten by "normal means". It may turn out to be one of those situations where you have to beat him at his own game. MEANING the SI would have to take on so many Force-Ghosts and absorb their power to even get close to tipping the scale on Vitiate.


    I know Force-walking/ghosting isn't the same as what Vitiate did on Nathema, but the principle is the same. Use death and energy to further your own power.




    So is the SI the most powerful in swtor? No. Not yet at least, though the process of becoming the most powerful is well on its way.



    Do I hope the SI becomes the most powerful or recognized of having significant power above MOST? Absolutely. I feel it would fit the SI's story better than anyone elses.


    Take my opinion for what you will, as I said, this is what I think.

  7. I think some things you need to consider is this. Why is it only the software industry and gaming in particular where the consumer can pay for a partial, broken product, buggy product and that's just standard operating procedure?


    I mean if you bought a brand new car, would u settle for a "We know it has no wheels but we're going to hotfix it in in about a week" and you notice theres no sound system either, "Oh, we are aware of that, we're going to patch/install that in 3 weeks" When you go out to eat do you order the steak dinner with loaded baked potato and salad and wine and whatnot and then wait for it to be patched and made whole at the restaurants pleasure? NO. You expect it to arrive WHOLE, COMPLETE and to your SPECIFICATIONS.


    Bioware is just as guilty as any other company of COMPLETELY IGNORING THE BETA TESTERS and releasing the product as is with an eye on "fixing" it down the road as any game company. I guess they figure that reneging on a release date is far worse than hitting the mark but with a half baked product. These excuses of live vs PTS is *********. If BW would have asked, they would have had more volunteers than they knew what to do with to help test the new xpack but, as with most gaming companies it wouldn't have made any difference on the release date, no matter how many bugs they found, just made them aware where the hotfixing and patching endeavors should start.


    As harsh as you said, i do agree with you.


    Bioware isn't to blame.


    If you look back the past year and a half, EA has been butt-rushing products out. And apparently SoR is the latest victim.


    Never forget Battlefield 4... what could have been.


    Honestly, yeah there is a software bug somewhere but if EA was focused on quality, i guarantee you it would be fine.


    If bioware operates on their schedule, i'd bet anyone $100 the release date they would have posed, SoR would have been released in march at the latest.

  8. Wow, um, okay. All he did was post "The only meaningful way to voice my opinion on the matter is to not renew my subscription. ", and you go off on a tirade about ego, flying off the handle and such. Really? I honestly don't see how you could possibly decide his simple, respectful sentence warranted your little speech there, buddy. He didn't say he was going to march on Austin and burn their HQ down; he simply said he wasn't renewing his sub. :rolleyes:


    Oh, and by the way, sure, maybe one subscriber isn't that big of a deal in the view of the whole subscriber base. However, when that one becomes two, then three, then ten, then a hundred, yeah, it is a big deal.


    Honestly, I think you're just feeling sore that you haven't had an overwhelming chorus of 'yeah! BW has done great!' responses to your thread. The shock and horror! Different people have different opinions! Gasp!


    But, please, continue on with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers for BW.


    (Now, see, this response might have warranted your quoted post, but definitely not his.)




    A few have expressed their displeasure at BW on this thread, and I appreciate their words because they were put nicely instead of "Hurr Durr BW suckz i'm unsubscribing". Better way to put it would be a thought out post instead of taking on the persona of 90% of people who come to "dislike" the game.


    Of course people have their own opinions but the way some interpret them to others is the point.


    Regardless, the point of the thread is to discuss the bug in a civil manner collectively and express our feelings on it looking at is as if it isn't Bioware's fault.


    Right now, the angry players are more of the problem than the fight and in that is saying something.

  9. The only meaningful way to voice my opinion on the matter is to not renew my subscription.


    That is extremely irrational... and in the end does nothing.


    You think it does but considering the numbers SWTOR has right now, losing one subscriber (you) is like losing a penny from a million dollars.


    Like most other people in this world, concerns work best when dealt in an organized manner without people flying off the handle at something.


    For instance, would be more inclined to help a customer at your store who is patient and kind, or someone who is screaming mad and refuses to listen to anyone properly.


    Most likely the first.


    So instead of thinking you are something special by not subscribing, how about lower your ego a tad and look at you are reacting.


    If the forums were in a public place, I guarantee majority of people would either A) View you as crazy, or B) Don't care and would avoid you.

  10. I managed to beat him with 3 deaths, somehow breaking his broken mechanics further. On the third life, he didn't do his bubble thing at all, letting me just wear him down.



    That's a bug within a bug. It's also how majority of people have beaten it, though like every other work-around for thi specific bug, it's not guaranteed to work every time.

  11. I'm sorry people are frustrated, but screaming about it and calling BioWare/EA terrible names is not going to fix it right away. Send your bug reports if you can, and help BioWare fix this problem. If players/devs are on the same page with consideration this will be a much smoother ride for everyone.


    Exactly my feeling and opinion on this entire situation.


    In the words of Obi-Wan; "So uncivilized"

  12. I think its perfectly reasonable for one to "get their panties in a twist" over this. Early access shouldn't be synonymous with beta testing. If there are known discrepancies between test and live environments that can cause bugs, then by definition its not being tested properly (because you're not accounting for all variables). I don't know what the solution to that is - perhaps there isn't one besides an early access open beta phase. If that's the case, then call it that.


    I don't think its unreasonable to expect a finished, functional product for my money. I can forgive most bugs - and there have been plenty of minor ones - but a game-breaking bug like this just leaves me feeling sour. This particular instance is also exacerbated by the fact that its attached to daily missions which prevents the usual fix of resetting the mission state and trying again.


    Developers are only human, I understand that. I've been involved in game development before, so I know that bug fixing isn't always simple, due to the 'hydra effect' mentioned above. The revan solo fight appears to have mechanics that haven't been tried before (I could be wrong on that) - namely the large amount of NPCs that are present. Which is great, I really loved the fact that I could fight alongside major characters.


    Bioware didn't kill my dog, this isn't a 'slap in the face' and I don't feel 'betrayed'. I'm not going to unsub and storm off because of it. I'm just upset and annoyed that a really great couple days of gaming was capped off with this frustration, and I think its perfectly reasonable to express that frustration.


    Many people have posted workarounds and suggestions to beat the fight (thank you to those helpful people), but there were posts that amounted to 'just group up and stop complaining' - that's not very nice, or even a valid suggestion.


    You are correct. Large-scale NPC fights have not been done before. The most there have ever been are 3 or 4, but those ones are expendable troopers most of the time that have a high chance of dying.



    This fight however, 6 or 7 NPC's are to pick up the slack where the same number of controllable characters are supposed to be, so they have a large pool of abilities that need to work correctly, and be able to interact with the rest of them.


    Not to Mention brand new abilities introduced into the game (Revan has a large number of those) also have to work and interact with the world correctly.


    Again, it could be a million things causing the glitch.



    I also have to agree with you, i was planning to knock out SoR on my 4 mains on the server i am on because Destiny's Dark Below expansion launches on the 9th and I wanted to spread my time appropriately.



    Regardless, it isn't much of a problem to me as the days go on. I got other games to play and other things to do in SWTOR that keep my busy.

  13. Has Bioware even confirmed that what we are experiencing is a bug and not a problem with the fight mechanics that we haven't figured out yet?


    I'm inclined to think its a bug because surely someone would have figured it out by now if this were a mechanics problem, but I'm willing to entertain the idea that the fight is working as intended and we're all just missing something important.


    Yes, it's on their known Bugs list, and there is a post in Customer Support that has been replied to by the Dev's.

  14. I didn't get my panties in a twist about the Revan fight either.

    Several people I know of found ways to defeat him anyway.


    I decided I was going to go do more dailies on Yavin and Rishi, get more rep tokens, get to 60, then go back to the Revan fight. Level my other alt or two. No biggie. It will be there when I get back to it ;)


    Good on you!


    I did the same thing! I have 17 other characters to work on, so this provides the perfect opportunity to "get ahead" and be over-prepared for the other characters that i have yet to run the Expansion with. =p

  15. I am still partially chalking this one up to whatever us causing the latency issues that started Tuesday.

    Obviously this could be wrong but it is possible that the latency issues are causing the servers themselves to not do what it should do (spawn the clouds) or are causing you to just not see them. (however since reven rips through you like tissue paper I am guessing its not the later)


    This would explain why even if their QE's tested this fight a bunch of times on the exact patch that we got, how it would have gotten through.


    It wouldn't exactly be surprising, especially since we don't know the exact cause of this to begin with. It isn't like this is the first time where we have seen weird things happen in phases because of latency issues.


    Stress testing is not the easiest thing in the world and generally requires a very strong automation sweet to accomplish correctly.


    Right, another good look on that. Then again, Lag is known for causing weird things to happen.


    Though if anything, it could be a million different things that could cause the fight to be bugged and not one single thing is to blame.


    Either way, it's in the hands of the Dev's and i trust them to fix it.

  16. So hear me out on this one with a clear head.




    Lots of people (me included) have been cursed with a bugged Revan fight in the Shadow of Revan Expansion. Yes, the Enemy Within quest. The final showdown, the epic conclusion.


    Unfortunately it has fallen flat with so many people, that even as a fan and bigger fan of the Revan legend, I feel so bad and wish other people shared my optimism and understanding.


    SO why am I not annoyed at the bugged fight? First off, i'm slightly miffed. Not angry. Not vengeful at Bioware/EA for dropping the ball. No, sometimes the root of the problem is beyond what people's nearsightedness allows them to see.


    Let's start off from the beginning;


    The final quest in the SoR Expansion is a quest called Enemy Within that has you face down the (arguably) most prominent and famous character in the ToR timeline. Revan. You can do this Solo or in an OP group. People have been having issues with the Solo version from what i've been hearing and seeing. What has been rustling people's jimmies? Well, during the fight, there is a point in time where Revan "flexes his force muscles" as it were, and pins 6 extremely skilled and powerful (Lore-wise) Characters in place indefinitely.


    That is supposed to happen. What goes wrong?


    During this, Revan is supposed to be invincible in a protective bubble of force energy, casting a repeating attack while these light and dark fissures appear, creating orbs that you must take to each NPC and free them (If any of that is wrong, i apologize, but from what i gather, if i am wrong, it's not far off). therefore continuing the fight.


    What many people have happening is that Revan (being the over-powered Force-God that he is) simply ignores this crucial part for you during the fight, and decides to hold your companions in place, Run after you like you just robbed a bank, and proceed to roflstomp you into the ground. Oh, and the fissures don't appear.



    There have been some workarounds that have worked here and there, but nothing that is a 100% "works every time" work around. So alot of people are stuck in Revan-Limbo and find themselves frustrated.




    Alright, there is the prelude, now here is where I come to the defense of the Developers.



    Many people ask out loud on the forums "How did this even past testing?", or "Do they even test this to begin with?" and exclaim "This is the main story line!! it should work DAY ONE".


    Well, honestly the lot of you are correct. MOSTLY.



    So let's look at this from the Developer standpoint.


    CLEARLY you want everything to work from the get-go. Minor and major issues come up here and there. The major ones get rubbed out first. Minor ones leave room to be improved later but not necessarily alter the way the game is played. A minor bug might be that an Enemy in a specific place suddenly cannot move and is stuck. No biggie.



    Developers would have CLEARLY checked, double checked, and check again to make sure everything is polished for release. WAIT... Release? This is Early access! Shh... we will get to that point later.



    Continuing, it is pretty much common knowledge to gamers and programmers that alot of bugs have "Hydra Effects".


    But what is the Hydra Effect? Much like the name, sometimes when one bug is fixed, more come up. Thats how programming is, and has been for a long time.




    Next point.


    Considering some the the Dev's reactions to the bug, one can easily guess they are as surprised as you are, which leads me to assume the point i'm about to make is what is to blame. NOT THE DEVS.



    Bioware has stated before in a podcast that they have 2-3 game states.


    Live: What all players play on

    Test: Public test server. Self-explanatory

    Dev test: World state only Developers can access to test fixes they implemented, etc.


    When pushing patches and additions from one game state to another can cause errors and corruptions. Let's face it, technology isn't perfect.


    So am I saying that the issue to all of our problems with this fight was literally OUT OF THEIR CONTROL? Possibly. We don't know for sure.



    As far as i know, BW/EA could honestly be at fault for the Bug. But know what? That is what game development is. Not everything is going to work as expected, no matter how much you prepare for it.



    So let's recap.



    Why isn't it the Dev's fault?

    -Technical error

    -Hydra Bug

    -Update/launch error

    -Cosmic alignment (lol)


    Why is it the Dev's fault?

    -You can't possibly know that unless they say so.




    same goes with why it isnt.



    But this post doesn't mean my defense of BW is justified. I could be completely wrong. But that is not the point.




    The point being is for this:


    Everyone take a step back from the keyboard you are smashing into, complaining about the handful or so of issues. Look into things a little deeper and rationalize your thoughts. "Why is this broken?". Instead of jumping to the one conclusion, come up with multiple.


    Come up with ones that would spawn a rage-post, and come up with an equal number that would explain the error in an optimistic way, like me.



    So far, there are only a handful of issues (other than lag... there will always be lag, get over yourselves), everything is pretty damn polished.


    The MAJORITY of SoR is operational and runs like a dream. Sure the final fight being broken is a doozy, but enjoy what is there to enjoy and stick with that.





    Smile and play the game. Have fun.

  17. We are not for everyone. Some people just don't fit


    Anyhow, good luck on your quest for a guild


    Have you considered just creating what you like?



    Tried many times. I'm not cut out to managing a guild. I do better following someone who IS the GM and me being part of the ladder. Ideally, i'm a great Second-in-command.


    I don't know what it is, but i don't have the skill or luck to run a successful guild in the game. The longest one of mine have lasted was 2 months. Everyone went inactive.




    To the other person who commented:


    I have *NEVER* come across a guild that used Voice Chat or organize RP events. There were guilds that did have a chat for people that had mics to talk, but mainly stuck to text.


    I didn't like it because as i said, i hate feeling left out of anything.

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