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Posts posted by bakuganbrawler

  1. I've been wanting Death Field to have a larger AoE size for years and I cannot understand why they keep it so damn small. When I suggest this, people say it would be "too OP" but it already can hit up to 8 enemies....... just make it actually possible to do so. If you don't want it to be able to hit that many, reduce the AoE target number to like 5 and increase the size. I do not see the point in technically allowing as many targets as other AoEs while also making it so small that you are f**ked if they aren't perfectly stacked. What do you guys think?
  2. So I sat for a moment, slightly stunned by Vowrawn's offer, so much so that I pushed ESC before committing, and now I can't decide. At first blush it's preposterous to suggest that I, the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, relinquish my independence to serve as another man's lackey, no matter how highly placed. But the Imperial Throne is a substantially more powerful position than any Alliance command; in which case, what is more prudent: to maintain the status quo, working sub-contractually as some sort of galactic junior partner oranization? Or make the implausible attempt to seize the Throne in an against-all-odds military assault upon the heart of the Empire and take it by force? (I can do almost anything, after all.) Or, remaining true to Sith principles, do I secretly scheme to usurp the top spot as positioned from the second most senior spot? A true Sith, bent on total power, would burn his alliance in an instant and all who were loyal to it to leverage his way to the Imperial Throne, and the Emperor's Hand is just one seat away from that aim. I've reached Dark V and have always considered myself extremely Sithy. I think Palpatine, for all his flaws, was a reasonably cool guy who had his dark, soulless heart more or less in the right place. That said, I don't think the writers at BioWare will ever let us become the Imperial Emperor, so I'm probably gonna tell Vowrawn to stick it and continue to swim as a big fish in a small pond as the Alliance Commander. But a part of me really wants to rejoin the Imperial banner to see what dark secrets may be revealed. Very conflicted.


    TL;DR: Do I go Empire or Alliance?



    I wrestled with this as well but ultimately chose to rejoin the Empire. It may feel somewhat like a demotion but after Nathema....... The Alliance isn't really a powerhouse anymore. I think the factions respect your personal strength but the Alliance itself has basically fallen apart in terms of power and galactic influence. Hence why my Warrior agreed to retake his old mantle as Empire's Wrath


  3. Yes!

    Shaar (and Vowrawn, if he's not emperor) can be executed by Lana, on your orders, if you decide they're overreaching the mandate of the mission on Mek-Sha.


    Was this an individual option I missed or a specific quest line I didn't start? Other than things seeming suspicious, I didn't see either of them doing anything warranting such an action, it just seemed to be a dropped story thread.

  4. Yesterday my sub time ran out but I was unable to sub back to the game. When I would click "buy now" on a sub plan it would link me to the subscription section of "My SWTOR". Once in this section, it showed me the sub options again and when I would click "buy now" it would simply reload the page, leaving me unable to re-sub. Today I tried buying a pre-paid sub time card from Amazon and the website did the same thing when I tried to redeem the code. Customer service told me to try a different browser and *Voila* IT WORKED!! (Note my normal browser is Chrome and the second browser I tried was Microsoft Edge)


    If anyone else is having similar issues, I would recommend trying a different browser, the website might just be acting up with chrome right now.


    I really hope this helps anyone having sub issues!

  5. For some reason, on the train segment of the new Flashpoint, the game runs at 30-40fps constantly. To give some background, my pc runs SWTOR at a solid 60fps on everything else in this game. PvP, Ops, FPs, you name it, I run it at 60. If my pc can run PvP and Ops at a solid 60, there is no reason the train segment of this new flashpoint should be running this bad.


    Everyone else I have run the FP with has also noticed HORRIBLE performance on the train segment.


    This terrible performance has pretty much ruined the new FP for me and my guildies. Feeling nauseous for a good segment of the FP doesn't exactly make us want to run it very often.



  6. Btw, the server seems to work fine now. Still not sure what happened but me and my guildies (as well as some people on fleet) had to wait in queue for quite awhile.


    You guys REALLY need to fix JC!!! If not, you can expect a metric s**t ton of requests for server transfers! Oh, and there is no way in hell we are paying $125 to transfer all of our toons because of your broken server!


    Please respond to this Bioware, this is getting absurd.

  7. apparently this has become a regular thing too with this server... I've been on harbinger and this **** has never happened just out of nowhere on that server! It'd be one thing if the server was flourishing like harbinger, but no it's like 8 people on fleet... Me and my guildies are going to have to request character transfers, which will be expensive if your like someone who has 16 toons.... At this point if this keeps happening, we either need this problem fixed asap, or free character transfers for everyone on jedi covenant.



    Do not let this go unnoticed. Or else nothing will get fixed...



  8. apparently this has become a regular thing too with this server... I've been on harbinger and this **** has never happened just out of nowhere on that server! It'd be one thing if the server was flourishing like harbinger, but no it's like 8 people on fleet... Me and my guildies are going to have to request character transfers, which will be expensive if your like someone who has 16 toons.... At this point if this keeps happening, we either need this problem fixed asap, or free character transfers for everyone on jedi covenant.



    Do not let this go unnoticed. Or else nothing will get fixed...



  9. I cannot log into my character on JC. My guildmates run into invisible walls, can't fast travel, can't post in chat, and finally got booted from the server.


    Is anyone else having these problems?





  10. sure man, msg me in game and the credits will be cool. Im under Atoc on Republic and Atoxis on Imp



    shoot, i just checked, its Bind on Legacy....

    Sorry I couldnt help further


    It's cool man. Do you happen to own T4-1D? If so, you can buy the customization for me and trade that.

  11. Sorry guys, I should have updated this post. I realize that Jawa Junk is BoL, what I would need someone to do is buy the customization for me, and trade that.


    I also realized after making this post that you have to own the companion as well, so if you have T4-1D, at least 10 Jawa Junk, and are looking to get 1,000,000 easy credits, then please respond.

  12. I am looking to get the Mark 1 Customization for my new T4-1D companion. Unfortunately, I don't have any Jawa Junk (I need 10). If anyone has 10 Jawa Junk, I am willing to trade for 1,000,000 credits or Companion gifts you may need (I have a s**t ton).


    Please respond if you are interested!


    Edit: Just traded

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