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Posts posted by Tic-

  1. As a Warhammer beta tester, I received the “world builder” title, in SWG I got one similar, though I don’t remember exactly what it was. In Ultima Online player towns/guilds that went above and beyond, could receive special decor..


    There’s others, those stand out.


    This stuff has been going on forever, and this is the first time I personally have heard a community complain about it..


    Never seen anything quite like it.

  2. What I don't understand is here you have a game with a HUGE player base with many never having played a MMO. They love Elder Scrolls as solo players. So what do they do? They hire a bunch of the old Warhammer designers to carve out a huge PvP area in the center of the continent. Don't get me wrong the PvP looks really good <hope they change the map a few times a year> but after seeing what happened with AoC and Warhammer why do they seem to be concentrating on PvP to cover their endgame?


    As opposed to what?


    Do we really need another "raiding" game? We saw what happened at the first real attempt at a "story" MMO. They (sadly) started developing prior to this mini sandbox craze we have going, which would have been my preference but ahh well, guess they weren't ready for that.


    I'd love to see it work out like Dark Age, would be a nice change of pace, do I think it will? No, probably not, but if it does.


    We'll see

  3. DAOC was thempark. the problem is mixing pve with pvp. mmos have to chose one and stick to it.


    It never fails, pve games like swtor get announced and the devs say "we aren't working on pvp right now, we might add it later" Then the pvp crowd freaks out and bombards the forums and the devs kneejerk and rush to add pvp, the result is always the same. Sub par pvp at the expense of the pve.


    Eso is a pvp game with some single player and co-op pve elements, if they stick to that model it will be great. If they try to make pve raid content with an action combat system it will hurt pvp and be the laughing stock of the pve crowd.



    If I remember correctly, the devs of TOR were crowing from the rooftops about their PvP developers, and how awesome Ilum was going to be.


    for whatever that's worth.

  4. No. I think he is saying, and correct me if I'm wrong OP, in this event players have a chance to at least approximate an OPvP scenario. But when asked or given the opportunity to do exactly that, they don't. Net, net, there doesn't seem to be much demand for OPvP even on a PvP server.


    Well of course not. This game seems to almost discourage OWPvP for 50 of 52 weeks a year. I would think folks that are really looking for that would be playing a different MMO by now.


    But perhaps I'm just over thinking it....

  5. Forgive my ignorance because I'm just recently back to the game. but are you saying the game has a 1-2 week event (once a year) that needs to have two instances ( one with aprx 16 people in it) on a pretty much dead planet. there's a lack of OwPvP participation, and that's the player bases fault?


    Geez, I can't imagine why there aren't people just lined up just waiting those other 50 weeks a year.


    Again if I'm off base on this I apologize, just going by the info provided. :)


    I love opvp but I'm not really expecting to find much in this game, as they pretty much shy away from it.

  6. Hello, I've recently returned to the game, and I have a few PvP questions.


    I reached 55 a short time ago, and I really enjoy playing my Guardian as a tank in PvP, however I'm curious about gearing up. I have quite a few of the conqueror pieces, and i'm doing ok, but (obviously) my damage is pretty poor, which I am fine with, but my mitigation doesn't seem to be making up much of that difference. When attacked by a DPS character I really don't seem to stand much of a chance, should I just grow accustomed to this, or should I perhaps add some other pieces besides War Leader to up my damage? My build is along the lines of 39/5/2 so theres a lot of defense going on with my entire build. Granted I don't have much more than the armor, so I still have ear and implants to go, plus I have no augments to speak of. I also realize I may be down a tier from the folks I may be up against (obroan),


    I really enjoy playing support and I love the control I have with this class, but I seem to be lacking in almost all other areas


    I guess im just looking for a bit of gearing direction.


    Thank you kindly.

  7. So is there something wrong with children having fun playing a video game? As we children know when it comes to the internet words are merely words. One should not take offense to anything said over the internet.. Since the one slinging insults, crude remarks knows little about you, and their primary goal is to strike a cord by tossing mean spirited words. Why give said person the satisfaction knowing that you upset them?


    Once again, this is how a child that enjoys guilds with silly names. Words are words when it comes to the internet. Adults should know this by now.


    Crude, insulting, and/or derogatory words are what the are, no matter where you use them. Sadly, some children don't know this.

  8. It will be really sad to see, after season 1 starts, the truly "leet" players of this game, that have to "pug".


    Its really a shame that these masterful players of pvp, can not manage to round up a few other players just like them, and join a group ranked PvP, I wonder why that is?? There honestly seems to be quite a few of them, and they aren't too bashful about announcing how superior in every way that they are to, normal folk, or "noobs".


    You'd think it would be easy for them to find a group with all that awesomesauce oozing out (just ask them about it).....


    I may have to look into this, there may be underlying issues afoot!

  9. Not that I consider anything the OP stated as actual "fact', it is nice this game is adding to the PvP.


    Would love an MMO to focus on PvP as much as it did on the PvE, I like both, and theres a good amount of PvE to enjoy in this game, especially compared to the PvP.


    Sadly, I don't think SWToR is that MMO, but it is nice to see.

  10. The problem is there is no guarantee people would be willing to pay enough real money to make developing housing worthwhile. Post -F2P, housing will only happen if it can be sold through the CM. I seriously doubt enough people care to make it worth the risk to develop.


    I remember folks paying a thousand plus for some if the better (castles) established housing in ultima online, on eBay . It's surprised me a f2p game hasn't picked up on something like that.


    Though the housing there had purpose...

  11. I've been here since before launch. They promised us story..individual class and companion stories, that is why I'm here, I'm not here to raid, and certainly not to pvp.



    There is no consumer error here on my part. They showed us an MMO based on story, and that's why I subbed. I've been here, since the start, and I've been paying my sub since then, without interruption...no breaks, no leaving and returning, I've been here solid.


    I'm a fairly patient person, and I've made the best out of what I'm given, but that doesn't mean, that I'm not going to come on here, and speak up for what I want, and what I believe in.


    They are the ones who are guilty, if anyone is guilty of anything, they promised story as the main focus of this game, and now they don't care about it in the least, throwing out this pvp stuff to people who predominantly are interested in pve and stories.


    If you haven't noticed, this game is not doing as well as was originally expected. I believe a good percentage of the original Bioware is now gone.


    Story is hard, and expensive. So instead of that, you get 12v12 dogfights. Honestly. And I'm not trying to be a jerk, you might want to get used to it. Your in for a really long wait for more in depth personal story in my opinion.

  12. I love people who complain about 10 bucks, or 8 pounds or whatever price the currency is for you.


    If thats a lot of money to you, get a job.


    If you do have a job, and paying 10 bucks is a problem, you shouldn't be playing games.



    Look at all the dang content we got for FREE in this past year. I'd gladly pay 10 bucks for makeb, and I did too.


    It isn't about the money. I just gave my paper guy/boy/girl $50 in a Christmas card, i've never met the person, and all he does is chuck a paper out his car window onto my lawn. I just have very little faith in the way things are being run in TOR.


    Oh, and they haven't given me anything for "FREE" I pay a monthly sub.


    I'm just tired of the BS, the shoddy development, all of it, I lived through it in Warhammer with this same group, and this feels all too familiar, no thanks.


    I can count on my paper guy... ;)

  13. I hope you guys all play on a RP server cause if not leave the rest of us the hell alone, with if what we like fits your little Star Wars fantasy or not.


    My Role-Play days ended shortly after i left Ultima Online, and that has nothing to do with my post, i could care less what they add.


    I just find it amusing that a game billed as adding the famed fourth pillar to MMOs, the famed BIOWARE story, has content that completly defies Star Wars story. I had fun in Huttball for (one) example, but Jedi fighting Sith to score a point.. Epic story-telling there...




    as i said, they use the story card when its convieniant...

  14. Post #11 was the first non negative, and my first post #17 is the first of only 2 "thank you's" in this thread. So are we up to 4 positive comments to 88 negative? This community is awesome!!!!:rolleyes:


    Sort of telling no?


    I haven't seen such negative feedback in a very, very long time in an MMO, they all have it of course, but this..... In a celebritory post by a CSR, that actually needed to un-stickied may be unprecidented...


    I hope behind the scenes, this is working out for them, and this is all worth it.


    As far as the negative posts go, i wouldn't be blaming the consumer if it was my business...



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