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Posts posted by WendaWenda

  1. Remove the aggro drop feature from Evasion. (PVE)

    Evasion is only usable against melee/range damage, which rarely targets a DPS and when it does its when there is Aggro on the player.

    For example you could use Evasion to negate damage from Dread Master Brontes in Burn Phase, but now u can't cause u drop your aggro and boss switches targets and u ''wasted'' your defensive.

  2. Don't nerf PvE concealment damage.

    The proposed nerfs to concealment will hurt it a lot in PvE and won't affect PvP.

    In PvE Conc. is one of the least, if not the least played DPS. If anything it needs buffs not nerfs.

    The only thing the class has is above average single target damage, which doesn't make it a desireable class for operations.


    It needs buffs to its damage, so it can shine in at least something or it needs some utility for group. What it definitely doesn't need is nerfs to its PvE damage.

  3. This is a followup post for my feedback on VM in regards to the recent changes.


    I consider 2T 2H 4DD as standard composition and like to play that wherever possible. We have killed the boss with 330 gear and that composition before. Tho with the last changes I'm getting mixed signals, on one hand you upped the dmg on enforcers/their debuffs which I'd take as you want there to be tanks, but on the other hand increased the dps check so much that this is plainly not possible anymore.

    From my calculations the current dps check in phase 5/6 is around 140k. With 4DDs doing ~25k each (keep in mind this is with carrying grenades out) it is simply not doable.

    So with that in mind we did switch to 5DDs and were able to kill it again. I'd say it is balanced well around that specific composition.

    I still enjoy the fight very much and I'm looking forward to do it on live servers.


    A additional note on the mastery achievement for not getting any stacks of escalating exposure.

    Is this achievement supposed to be individual or group wide? I checked the combat logs and I did not get a single stack and did not receive the achievment. Which leaves me to believe it is either bugged or all 8 players need to do it simultaneously. If that is the case, why?


    The DPS check with 4 DPS is very very hard, but it is doable. Also in the burn phase there are no grenades, just dummy parse. You need to have 4 very good DPS with correct meta classes and rest of the group also DPSing, nobody can stand in any voids.

  4. Both Watchdog VM and SM

    The Multibeam array spawns way too late in the fight, that in both difficulties the boss dies before the add has a chance to spawn. is the add supposed to be an enrage mechanic ? If not, the time it spawns at should be reduced or the boss health increased.

  5. When three players stack, their Polarized Proximity Bombs are removed. This should not happen because then one player is unable to cleanse his bomb. Please ensure that only two Bombs will ever be removed and any more bombs nearby will persist.

    You are not supposed to remove the mines like that, this tactic doesn't work on VM. You are probably supposed to let them fall on the ground and collect them with Stalker protocol, which is currently almost impossible due to the constant visual bugs and desync.


    After degausus the mines are seen in different places than they truly are. Most of the time it's impossible to recognize the mines and also the mine animation stays on players even when they have no mine. With such desync it is unplayable.


    This boss is in no shape to be released like this. All other bosses are fine as they are right now, some tweaks and they are perfect. This should be the priority boss for fixes.

  6. How often do you participate in Operations and on what difficulty?

    Multiple times a week on Nightmare difficulty.


    What role did you play on PTS?



    What are your overall impressions of Lady Dominique?

    Looks good, its fun, love the arena design.


    What are your top three suggestions for improving this encounter?

    Allow the boss to move at the start of the fight. Feels really weird that it is stationary.

    Make the boss shield itself before it dies and stay shielded until you finish the couplings mechanic, because currently the boss dies before you get enough adds to explode the couplings.

    Increase the damage required to break the Devastation cast, as currently the cast was usually broken within the first two seconds.


    Considering this is Story Mode, did the difficulty feel appropriate?

    Felt fine, except that u can skip most mechanics currently.


    If you were unable to defeat the boss, what gave your team the most trouble?

    Not applicable.


    Did the length of the fight feel appropriate for a final boss?

    Could be slightly longer, which could be achieved by giving the boss a shield (as i mentioned before), we killed the boss in 4 minutes and 30 seconds.


    If you encountered any bugs (even known issues), please describe them in as much detail as possible.

    The boss died before the attractors were defeated and we were unable to defeat those attractors due to them having a shield with no way to remove it. After everyone stucked, we were unable to respawn (attractors and the ship stayed alive).

    The boss was sometimes spotting Aria even when facing the other direction.

    Automatic jetpack only worked sometimes, more often you just died from fall instead of it saving you.

    You can interrupt attractors, which seems wrong?


    Were there any mechanics that were unclear or confusing?

    The boss seemed to reset aggro occasionally, was a bit unclear when or why. As the shadow debuffs didn't mention anything to do with aggro.


    Did any mechanics seem trivial or ignorable?

    Exploding the generators wasn't required as the boss dies before the buff even gets close to expiring.

    Tank swap was ignorable.


    Did you feel engaged for the majority of the fight?

    Yes, was fun.


    How did you manage Dominique's tank swap abilities (Desublimating Shadows/Shadow Mass, Shadow Resonance)?

    Ignored both, played solo tank. Felt almost no effect from the debuffs on me.


    Considering this is Story Mode, did the damage you received feel appropriate?

    Damage should be higher from the Boss, maybe lower from the Monstrosities.



    After looking at videos of another group killing this boss, i have noticed that the boss is actually supposed to shield before dying, but in our case, It seems we have skipped the shield and killed the boss early. So this should be fixed.

  7. One reason 6.0 was successful in bringing people into the game is that it reduced the abuse of PUG players. This was a departure from most previous gearing cycles from 1.0 onward. Most of those cycles were intended to reward group leaders. Each of those cycles progressively killed market share compared to competing games. Fewer than 1% of players are guild leaders. They will now control the gearing for the 99%. Dumb idea.


    How do guild leaders control it? They don't. Gear drops to random players and raid leader has no say in it, unless the group agrees to that beforehand but that's their thing if they do.

    This gearing is fine, its a bit grindy and rng. But otherwise its fine, if u don't do R4 veteran, u don't need better gear for storymodes.

  8. OEM and RPM being removed from Nightmare and Ranked drops, will decrease the supply dramaticaly.

    Tech fragments are used in gearing and buying materials. People will prefer buying their legendaries and tacticals.


    So if your goal is really to make golden augments more accessible, you either need to drastically reduce the price of Legendaries or keep the materials dropping in their respective content.

  9. Boss mines are insanely desynced since the last VFX changes.

    Also the VFX changes seem pointless. The red circle makes it harder to distinguish which color you and others have.

    It was more clear before those changes. Would suggest reverting them, which might also solve the desync issues?

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