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Posts posted by Kajuratus

  1. I see people saying to roll back the change, but I don't personally see that happening. All we can hope for is that they decide to change it. Make it so that the UI interface window can change its size, or increase its transparency, or ideally, disable it. Far too many pop ups in this game have no way for them to be disabled, guild invasions, stronghold banners, now this thing. Let us customize our UI. Not everybody wants something annoying on their screens that they can't get rid of
  2. Eh, change it back or keep it, I don't really mind, but for the love of god, let us disable it, or increase its transparency, or resize it via the UI editor. If you're that terrified that we won't know about the existence of the cartel market without this, and you don't want it to be something that we can disable, surely you should be able to let us increase its transparency so that it isn't as intrusive while we're playing the game?
  3. I suppose this isn't technically a bug, its more to do with my client, but everybody's legs have disappeared in my game. This includes NPC's, player characters, and even spreads to the preview window. I have tried the Repair function on the launcher after logging in, but all that comes up with after the Repair Scan is this for around half an hour. The bar doesn't progress during the repair, and it doesn't end up fixing the issue. I'm guessing I should submit a ticket in game, but would it fall under Video or General?
  4. I'm pretty sure the Emperor's not alive, this is more of a "if I die, everything dies with me" backup scenario. I'm also pretty sure he's only "back" to justify Scourge's absence from KOTFE and KOTET. It was bad enough Scourge said absolutely nothing in Shadow of Revan and Ziost, and I'm glad his absence from the Knights expansions actually has meaning now. However, if we end up hearing Vitiate's voice again, I hope they've got back Doug Bradley to voice him. Nothing against Darin De Paul who voices Valkorion, but the original voice of the Emperor IS Doug Bradley. Considering this plague originates from his original body, it wouldn't make much sense for the Valkorion voice to somehow manifest itself in this new storyline. I'm often reminded of the description the Revan novel gives, "There was something strange about the Emperor's voice. It didn't sound like the voice of a single being. It had an unusual echo and resonance, almost as if a great multitude were speaking his words in perfect symphony." The way the Emperor speaks in the base game encapsulates this almost perfectly. Alongside the codex entry, "the Emperor's Voice can always be identified by its emotionless, precise and controlled manner of speaking. Some have privately described conversations with this entity as extremely disturbing"

    Remember that Lucasfilm has said nothing about a KOTOR movie, one way or the other. They haven't even confirmed that they're making a movie that will take place in the Old Republic era at all. Buzzfeed claiming that "three sources close to the project" told them about it means diddly squat at this point. And Kathleen Kennedy saying "Yes, we are developing something to look at. Right now, I have no idea where things might fall." just means that they're discussing the possibilities. Sure, it could happen, but don't bother getting excited until Lucasfilm confirms anything. They might completely ignore Revan and KOTOR for their canon timeline for all we know

  6. That was an amazing read, and a theory I quite like. Only recently with the release of The Last Jedi have I been thinking about what "the balance of the force" actually means (as opposed to the "good guys always win" trope), and considering Snoke's quote, "I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the Light would rise" I assumed that meant the force actually wanted to balance both light and dark. In defence of the "light must equal dark" theory though, it makes the Rule of Two look even more impressive, considering that if Darth Bane managed to figure out that the force would strive to have a balance of light and dark in the galaxy, having only 2 members of your belief system would make you ridiculously overpowered against your polar opposite organisation.
  7. Bioware said that Master Ranos or Darth Hexid would be an exclusive reward to those who attained the Eternal achievement, and that the companion we got would be dependent on whether the dark side or the light side won the Dark vs Light event. Since the light side got more points, Master Ranos was the companion that anyone who managed to achieve the Eternal rank of the DvL event obtained. Now they are making Darth Hexid available as part of the United Forces update, and in order to obtain her, you must either complete 3 flashpoints, or operations, or veteran uprisings through group finder and be eligible for the daily reward, or complete three warzones.


    Darth Hexid was always a potential reward for the DvL event, as was Master Ranos. Master Ranos BECAME the reward, so Darth Hexid ended up not being the reward. She is now becoming the reward for something unrelated to the DvL event. These rewards are both exclusive to their specific events, so why should there be another way to obtain them?

  8. Anyway, I'm kind of confused about the voice actor strike thing. Jennifer Hale was in Knights of the Eternal Throne, but she is also part of the strike. I think Steve Blum was too? How does that work? What did the strike affect if that's the case?

    I always read that since games that started production after February 2015 wouldn't be affected by the strike, that meant that SWTOR would be safe. (considering it started production around 2006 or something?) I guess we'll find out with the new story thats coming later on, or if the new group content that Bioware has "announced" will have the likes of Jennifer Hale or Steve Blum voicing any characters in this new update. Of course, its possible that this content was also voiced before the strike took effect

  9. Maybe, but that was over a decade ago, they aged her down some with the CGI to fit the timeframe. But Leia and Tarkin, that was CGI to the hilt and it was fantastic. It was better than the CGI work in Tron:Legacy.


    Gotta remember that while Revenge of the Sith did come out 11 years ago, Rogue One takes place just before A New Hope, which is itself around nineteen something years after Sith, so the actress would technically be too young to play Mon Mothma at that age

  10. The stepfather didn't realize that Tenebrae wasn't his until his power in the Force manifested when he was six. If he (and his wife) had been human, shouldn't he have realized the truth the moment Tenebrae was born?


    I think the cold, jet black eyes would have taken precedence for any concerns about little baby Tenebrae's skin colour.


    As for his original Sith body, good question as to where it is now. Originally, after the Sith Warriors storyline, the Hand says that the Imperial Guard has moved the Emperors body after the Jedi Knight wrenched the Emperor's consciousness from his Voice. Now, presumably this body that the Imperial Guard has moved can't be the same one that the Jedi Knight fought, as was said in the mail the Jedi Knight defeated his "true voice", so it is an interesting question as to where they moved this body. His spirit apparently took off to Yavin 4 to r+r afterwards, and we don't see him in another body until KOTFE, with Valkorion. I wonder what happened to the Imperial Guard, come to think of it, and the Emperors Hand, since they hold no loyalty to the Empire at all, and obey only the Emperor without question.

  11. We have been reading everything you sent our way, and there are couple of stand-out points (this is by no means everything):

    • There needs to be a way to work towards a specific slot of gear to fill in gaps (especially set bonuses) for people who are unlucky with Command Crates.
    • Gearing your other characters is too grindy.


    With this in mind, the team has some important changes planned for Game Update 5.1 coming next month to address the above concerns! We are finalizing those changes now and will walk you through our plans during this Thursday’s Livestream, 12/15 so be sure to tune in.



    PS - I will be back on the stream this week so the stream dream team is back together again.


    Thank you for this. I honestly think that this GC is a good idea for end game gearing, everything you do at top lvl contributes to your end game progression? Fantastic! Bonuses are also a nice incentive for people to try out other aspects of the game.

    What HASN'T worked is RNG and the lack of a legacy wide system. With the gear in the command crates being specific to disciplines, legacy wide Galactic Command wouldn't work how it is atm, so a bit of tweaking to the contents of the crates would be necessary if it were to be legacy wide. Now, I don't expect it to actually become legacy wide, I'm expecting more of a catch up mechanic based on legacy ranks of other toons. And the problem with RNG... well, you can guess what the problem there is. No matter how many ranks you have of the first tier, whether it be 90 or 300, you'll always have somebody not getting what they want. And remember, you could control what you wanted with commendations/crystals. Token drops were also distributed fairly within an organised and trustworthy raid group, although I do like the fact that you've reduced ninja looting in pugs for gear now.

  12. Yep, I unsubbed about a week after the announcement of the Command Crates RNG gearing system. Since I had a 6 month recurring subscription which would run out during November, I decided to get a 180 time card from the website to give me enough time to check out the expansion and everything, but after that I'll be taking a break from the game. Housing is coming to ESO, and I play there from time to time, so that'll keep me entertained for a while
  13. I got a belt on my first one.


    ATM, on my main, I've got 3 set bonus pieces, one blue 230 mainhand, a purple relic and a purple implant. Everything else was either blue or green, the implants of the blue were an upgrade to my 220/224 gear, but everything else in the blue shell and everything green was useless. Apart from a recent alacrity enhancement, first one I've got so far this xpack (even though it was green)


    I'm only command rank 12, so I consider myself pretty lucky. Which is a problem. Some people not even having got a set bonus yet is ludicrous with these command crates.

  14. The VA strike doesn't apply to SWTOR. Yes it applies to Bioware and EA but not this game, since the strike is against games that went into development after February 2015. I haven't seen any information about strikes against expansions, or DLC for current games.
  15. Well, it seems now it makes sense why Jaesa hasn't come looking for the Warrior. She thinks he's dead, and now shes insane and just out looking for power, shes not likely to be checking the holonet for any information about this Alliance thing. I can't imagine Bioware bringing her back and saying "nah, you can't romance her any more", could you imagine the outrage here on the forums? Most likely if/when we get reunited with her, she'll be incredibly shocked, maybe even attack us in a rage or something at first, but probably go back to "normal" once she gets used to the fact that the Warrior is in fact alive.
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