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Posts posted by HaZmY

  1. Sadly, Powertechs have much better DPS overall then mercs. in every field and they also rock as tanks. As for mercenaries...well they will get a huge balance in 2.0 and they will be viable especially in PVP but still they remain behind powertechs. I don't know about all the changes, but i don't think Powertechs will get that nerf nor will mercenaries get that buff to change this situation. But..i hope.


    Others also say that in 2.0 every class becomes viable as PVE DPS so..you might be right :)


    This is only my opinion, I may be wrong but it seems like Powertechs are way more effective than mercs now. Though I am a mercenary myself ^^

  2. As i said I am a new mercenary and I still can't perform as well as I should be, and I think that's not even a problem because it seems I might be better than the average. I made errors which occur quite often even at good players I think.


    About the critics..even though it was quite sharp, don't feel offended because I can work on these mistakes, but I think the guide itself is viable and helpful for a lot of people.


    I've also written that feel free to write or add new things or fix error in the guide and I will edit it and also add your name to it.

    Writing critics is easy, helping is the real work!


    P.S.: Judging from your videos, you aren't that better to judge my guide so hard and that's also not an offense.

  3. Mercenary PVP Guide

    Patch: 1.7.3


    04/04/2013 - added Credits and F.A.Q.


    It is said that Commando/Mercenary is the weakest PvP class in SWTOR due to it's nearly zero team utility, immobility and not being the best at any role! Well it is partly true, but in good hands this class can be a quite good DPS in PvP and that is what I will try to prove you!


    My guide is not strict and I am also open to new ideas so if you feel you can add something to it, please don't hesitate and comment, but with good manners please! Also if it helped you, give the credits!





    • 1. Abilities

    • 2. Skill Tree

    • 3. Rotation

    • 4. Stats

    • 5. Priorities

    • 6. Strategies

    • 7. Role

    • 8. Video Links

    • 9. Credits

    • 10. F.A.Q.


    1. Abilities


    Tracer Missile

    Activation: 2 secs

    Heat: 16

    Cooldown: zero

    Range: 30 m

    Launches a missile at the target that deals 670 kinetic damage and applies a heat signature, reducing the armor rating by 4% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Heat signatures leave the target vulnerable to Rail Shot.


    Heatseeker Missiles


    Heat: 16

    Cooldown: 15s

    Range: 30 m

    Fires several missiles that deal 816 kinetic damage. This damage is increased by 5% per heat signature on the target.



    Rail Shot


    Heat: 16

    Cooldown: 15s

    Range: 30 m

    Fires a very powerful shot at the target that deals 1404 - 1591 weapon damage. Only usable against incapacitated targets and targets suffering from periodic damage.




    Heat: 16

    Cooldown: 15s

    Range: 30 m

    Unloads your blaster into the target, dealing 587 - 690 weapon damage every second. Weak and standard enemies caught in the blaster fire are stunned for the duration. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.


    Concussion Missile

    Activation: 2 secs

    Heat: 8

    Cooldown: 60s

    Range: 30 m

    Fires a missile at the target that knocks it out for up to 60 seconds. Non-player, non-standard and non-weak targets regenerate health rapidly while knocked out. Damage to the target causes this effect to end prematurely.


    Jet Boost


    Heat: 16

    Cooldown: 30s

    Blasts 5 nearby enemies back and away. Targets hit by this take 462 - 501 elemental damage and have their movement slowed by 50% for 4 seconds.


    2. Skill tree


    Arsenal Skill tree: 3/31/7



    Henu's Skill tree: 7/32/2



    3. Rotation


    Normal Rotation:

    Explosive Dart

    Heatseeker Missiles

    Tracer Missile

    Tracer Missile

    Tracer Missile

    Heatseeker Missiles

    Rail Shot


    Death from Above


    Against Melee:

    Explosive Dart

    Heatseeker Missiles

    Rocket punch

    Jet Boost ( will be snared for a short duration )


    Tracer Missile

    Tracer Missile

    Tracer Missile

    Heatseeker Missiles

    Rail Shot


    "Your basic rotation, while not very complex, can take a bit of time to execute fully. Don’t be afraid to break it up with survivability skills, movement, or reactionary skills as necessary. Use your Power Surge with Tracer Missiles to get them up even faster. Weave in your Rapid Shots to maintain your ammo."


    Remember to always maintain your Tracer Missiles debuff


    4. Stats


    The primary stat for Mercenary is Aim, you should get all extra of it as you can, since it gives you the best boost!


    Accuracy is the second most important stat for your character. It reduces your chance to miss, no need to explain that.Your aim is to reach 110%. Above 100% accuracy reduces enemy defenses to dodge or resist your attacks!


    Then you should max your critical chance. You should know that there is no point adding more crit above 30%! Around 450 you should stop! See Graph below!


    The same is with Surge Rating, you should add as much as you can! Surge rating is the only stat you can the fastest. It's cap should be around 300 and there you can slow down. See Graph below!


    To further increase your damage, you will need Tech Power / Power, same as aim but reach crit and surge cap first!!


    The trickiest stat is Alacrity. It is the most argued stat I think in SWTOR, it reduces your globad cooldowns and cooldowns of your abilities. You should use this as you mind, personally I prefer getting as much as I can to be able to mass Tracer Missile! Though It stacks very slow, so you need a lot of it if you want to be effective !


    5. Priorities

    Cap Graph:



    Stat Graph:



    Aim >= Accuracy > Crit = Surge > Power/Tech Power > Alacrity


    6. Strategies( Unfinished )


    - Against ranged characters it works really well, you just have to keep doing the rotation with some Death from above or explosive dart maybe and try to close the gap and use some of your CCs.


    - Against melee classes...well your only chance is to kite them while you stack Heat Signitures and blow them up with Heatseekers really. Activating Energy shield is a must and stacking the Power Barrier also to reduce as much damage as you can. If you are ablo to push them away, use Unload immediately to slow them down and keep at medium range so Knights or Warriors can't jump on you! If everything fails use Concussion Missile!


    "Ok, maybe i can give a few hints as root and run instead of facetank. Hide in plain view so to speak, dont be a obvious target." - Nightkin

    So basically you should always avoid the centre of the battle and try to find a decent place to nuke from! And avoid facetanking melee classes, because they hurt quite a lot ^^


    7. Role( Unfinished )


    Being a ranged DPS means you will have to focus down squishy targets from your enemy's team!


    Priority Targets:

    Healers>Melee DPS( Sentinel or DPS Assassin or Scoundrel ), to help our melees>Ranged DPS and in the last case the Tank, but only if there's no other target


    You can change the Melee DPS, Ranged DPS Priority but i prefer helping my mates!

    Generally about the maps:


    Attacking :Basically you have to do the killing part, because you can't really tank or stealth ambush their objectives. Help your team with your great damage and stuns!


    Defending: Here I think mercenaries and commandos are absolutely great. You have CCs and you have plenty of AOE to interrupt and force the enemy not to capture objectives!



    8. Video Links





    9. Credits


    - Nightkin

    - Henu


    10. F.A.Q.


    I am feeling rather squishy..and I seem to die rather fast.. Should I focus on using more endurance mods..or continue as I am and just use primarily aim mods? - VictoireStar

    - Continue going on Aim, you will never be tanky enough to hold damage. Your only chance to survive is to be a Monster DPS.


    Thank you!:D

  4. Play in full recruit gear as a marauder and let's see how well you do in the 50 bracket.


    - I'm up for the challenge, it's not going to be my first lvl 50,so I know what is coming, but being low geared against fully geared is also not balanced. Actually until you don't have the normal War Hero set it's a joke.


    Seriously enough of mara vids. There's enough and they're all pretty much the same.


    - Why do you come here if you are bored of it? These videos are for those, who are interested.


    A Marauder video yes, yes, I'll watch that for sure......


    - Same as above...

  5. Hello guys!:rolleyes:


    I am making this thread to post you my Marauder gameplays and if you like them, maybe post my specs or give you some tips! Of course you can give me tips too because i am not so good :)


    Please don't abuse or harass this thread!;)

    I will keep on posting gameplays!:D


    Some videos from me:

    ( Under Lvl. 50 )

    PVP Compilation

    Annihilation Marauder

    My own Spec

    Hutt Ball

    Lvl 49 Aldeeran

    My Youtube Channel:


  6. EDIT : Turned out it's not viable!


    I've just developed a new Marauder specs, trying it out and i think it's efficient! It's half Rage and half Carnage!


    Check it out : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZGGroMbMzZGrzrzs.2


    It focuses on armorpen, critical strikes, gapclosing and high damage aoe! If it might interest you, i can make a detailed guide on it later!


    The most important skills are :


    Obliterate ( gapcloser )- Jumps to a target, dealing 734 - 915 weapon damage and immobilizing it for 1 second. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding.


    Gore ( armorpen ) - Gores the target for 551 - 634 weapon damage and grants Gore for 4.5 seconds, which increases armor penetration by 100%. Requires two lightsabers.


    Dominate ( Talent ) - Force Charge and Obliterate have a [33.34 / 66.68 / 100.02]% chance to make your next Smash used within 20 seconds an automatic critical hit.


    Shockwave ( Talent ) - Each tick of Force Choke and Force Crush grants you Shockwave, reducing the rage cost and increasing the damage dealt by your next Smash by [12.5 / 25]%. Stacks up to 4 times.

    Displacement ( Talent ) - Deadly Throw has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 3 seconds. Additionally increases the range of Obfuscate by [3 / 6] meters.


    Smash ( Main DAMAGE SOURCE ) - Smashes up to 5 enemies within 5 meters, dealing 714 - 779 kinetic damage. Also stuns weak and standard enemies for 1.5 seconds.


    Ravage ( Main DAMAGE SOURCE ) - Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 1026 - 1162 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. Cannot be interrupted.

    And here is my footage of this spec :



  7. I've just developed a new Marauder specs, trying it out and i think it's efficient!


    Check it out : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZGGroMbMzZGrzrzs.2


    It focuses on armorpen, critical strikes, gapclosing and high damage aoe!


    The most important skills are :


    Obliterate ( gapcloser )- Jumps to a target, dealing 734 - 915 weapon damage and immobilizing it for 1 second. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding.


    Gore ( armorpen ) - Gores the target for 551 - 634 weapon damage and grants Gore for 4.5 seconds, which increases armor penetration by 100%. Requires two lightsabers.


    Dominate ( Talent ) - Force Charge and Obliterate have a [33.34 / 66.68 / 100.02]% chance to make your next Smash used within 20 seconds an automatic critical hit.


    Shockwave ( Talent ) - Each tick of Force Choke and Force Crush grants you Shockwave, reducing the rage cost and increasing the damage dealt by your next Smash by [12.5 / 25]%. Stacks up to 4 times.


    Displacement ( Talent ) - Deadly Throw has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 3 seconds. Additionally increases the range of Obfuscate by [3 / 6] meters.


    Smash ( Main DAMAGE SOURCE ) - Smashes up to 5 enemies within 5 meters, dealing 714 - 779 kinetic damage. Also stuns weak and standard enemies for 1.5 seconds.


    Ravage ( Main DAMAGE SOURCE ) - Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 1026 - 1162 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. Cannot be interrupted.

    And here is my footage of this spec :



  8. Hi all! ( My apologies for grammar mistakes! )


    Why do i post this thread?

    I'd been looking forward to playing this game, and I'd started it just before F2P was introduced. I can say, I immediately fell in love, and was playing all day with the game!! A month later I decided to set my subscription to 6 months so Bioware would not bother me and drain the money from my credit card( I wasn't expecting any transfer) ...as happened before.


    Nah..after a good friday night, I woke up and checked my licence..."I think it's just ended". Well I looked quite unconfortable at it cause it said 179 days remaining...***? I went under zero? That cannot be...


    As turned out, I'd just got a transfer that morning for which I was waiting 2 months before, and yes...6 months of gaming time was drained...so I've been playing since!:)






    I had to face the fact that the money is gone...so I have to play the game. I decided to play as hard as I can and connect the game with my hobby...I began to make videos and start streaming!


    The stream can be found here : http://www.twitch.tv/hdhazmy

    My Youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/hdhazmy


    Usually between 15:00 - 24:00 it's Online, and on holidays almost nonstop!


    Other informations:

    - HD Quality!

    - Tomb of Freedon Nadd PVP server!

    - Empire


    The stream is mostly PVP and I'm trying to become one of the bests!


    In case you would be interested in my stream, i can start commentating in english and make suggestions or give tips about the game...about what i've learned!

    Until that, I'm available on chat all the time!


    Something about me...


    I am 19 and I'm preparing to go on Logistics. Playing on my Notebook and love gaming, making videos and streaming with all my heart!


    My specs:


    MSI GT 70

    -INTEL CORE i7-3610QM

    -Nvidia Geforce GTX 670M 3GB

    -12 GB Ram

    - 17.'' FHD , 1920x1080

    -1.5TB (750GB*2 RAID 0)7200 RPM


    Razer Lycosa Keyboard

    Razer Mama Mouse

    Razer Destructor Board


    Thanks in advance to everyone!

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