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Posts posted by Danicony

  1. 1. Sith Warrior, the story has a lot of variation depending on how you play it, and it all feels natural. I thoroughly enjoyed playing a scheming warrior constantly out to usurp his master's powerbase, I liked the dry humour of the warrior as well, in the situations I opted for it. Played a male and his voice is amazing. Vette and Quinn are great companions, I was hoping Pierce and Broonmark would develop into something a bit more 2 dimensional, which speaking of, sums up Jaesa. I wish she wasn't a pure binary choice, in either case, she's too extreme for me.


    2. Smuggler, just really good fun, loved the female VA, I didn't think I would like my smuggler as much as I do, but all the opportunities to climb the criminal ladder through lies and schemes made me enjoy it for a lot of the same reasons as the sith warrior, the comedy is on point for the most part too. I disliked Corso to the point I liked dragging him along just to see his reaction when I climbed the criminal ladder through lies and schemes. I really liked Risha & Guss. Bowdaar was okay, nothing revolutionary about him. My favourite Wookiee companion is still Hanharr by far. No idea why the zabrak joined up & stuck around, I did all my dialogues with her and I'm still none the wiser, I guess she fits in if you play a more light side oriented smuggler.


    3. Imperial Agent, it was hard to pick a 3rd and 4th place, as they are very close to me, I echo a lot of the sentiments others say about this class, but some parts felt too contrived or too "gotcha" for me to put it at the top. In stories like these the annoyance of predicting a twist and having no chat options to allude to your character understanding it becomes a bit more annoying too. The VA is really on point though. Hated Kaliyo, no idea why imperial intelligence would keep that liability around after she expended her uses. I guess you either really like her or hate her, to me she was grating. Temple I found kinda meh, she was there I suppose, but the rest I found really interesting and it was exciting to explore their dialogues.


    4. Jedi Knight, I thought the VA made the character seem duller than it is, playing a male. I've only played it once as a light side esque, do anything to crush the empire, and it was very enjoyable, albeit by the books. Companions were interesting, I brought t7 along with me for the most part, but I enjoyed all of them except Rusk, same as Pierce, just really one dimensional. And while the said can be said about t7, its personality aligns more with what I find enjoyable.


    5. Jedi Consular, I played a female consular, and I don't really have any major gripes with the story, I thought it was enjoyable and it was nice to play a "regular" jedi, that said I don't think the highs hit as high as the above classes. I played as a female and the VA sounds exactly as you would imagine, which is a good thing. Honestly it's been a while since I played this story, and I can't remember much about the companions, I didn't like most of them though. My favourites were Theran and Qyzen.


    6. Bounty Hunter, sorta like the smuggler, I just found it less entertaining. Can't remember too much about it, guess it just didn't appeal to me. Played as a male and found the VA very stereotypical, which is fitting. I liked Gault and Blizz.


    7. Trooper, I think the trooper storyline would fit better in a short fps shooter like republic commando, the story felt like it dragged out, the first act was by far the strongest, and I lost my interest in it after that. I don't really have any what you could call objective criticisms, same as the bounty hunter, the story just didn't appeal to me. The voice actor was a bit dull to me though, playing a male LS trooper, a bit reminiscent of the knight. Same with the companions, don't think I finished their dialogue trees.


    8. Sith Inquisitor, the voice actor both male and female are excellent, and I found it fairly enjoyable when I played it as a total psychopath cackling and electrocuting everyone in my path, which I did on my second playthrough. However, the reason I rate it this low is because of the missed opportunities, I think the warrior better embodies what it means to be an inquisitor, in that the inquisitor barely has any options to seize power, usurp others, and craft schemes. You trudge around doing irrelevant things and any advancement you get sorta just land in your lap, which felt really disappointing. Enjoyed Khem and Andronikos, the rest of the companions felt a bit lacklustre, although in my first playthrough I had some interesting conversations with the togruta one whose name escapes me at the moment.

  2. How would you attack a specific enemy in a group?

    -You would hover your cursor/reticle over the enemy and use abilities on it.


    How would you single out a single target to CC or avoid said target as to not break the CC?


    -Not attack it, or

    -Hover your cursor/reticle over it and cast a CC ability, or

    -Have a tank pull aggro and move it away from the group


    How would you attack only one group and not multiple subsequent groups?


    -By attacking the group and not the other subsequent groups.


    How would you leap to a specific enemy?


    -Leap would have to be modified so that you land at a certain area, or you could just simply hover your cursor/reticle over the target you wish to leap to. It would be more free form, like a modified or passive jump that only activates if you have another key held with the spacebar.


    All good points! It would definitely change combat quite a bit.


    Sounds more like we need macros like a certain other mmorpg, there you can make @mouseover, target or w/e you wish macros, which is in essence whats described there. Would be nice to be able to make focuse macros and shift modifier macros and what else. One of the reasons why i think pvp seems dumbed down here

  3. This have probably been brought up a million times, but I would like all chars to have a shared pool of credits. Say you have 1 million in total on all your chars, all of them would have a million, and when you for example loot 15 credits, all would get 15 credits. Same for when you spend it.


    Unavailable funds due to credit cap would just be greyed out in the inventory. Say you got 1 million, but you can't use more than 250k at a time due to limitations, you'd just have 250k credits in green text, and 750k in grey text.

  4. Where did you get that from?


    we now have to go through the *********** process of rng drops from alliance packs, wouldn't put it above bioware to put the sets on cm as well. If they really wanted to fix the problem they shouldn't make it retroactive. But they did. So they are clearly *********** buttblasted over something, probably the fact that there was potential for money and they missed out on it.

  5. Don't know if this is right forum, but this is the fastest one anyway.


    Me and my brother play swtor together, on the same network. Usually when we queue warzones nothing is wrong. We are 1 level apart. Currently 33 and 34. And today a weird issue have been happening where once he finishes loading I get kicked back to server select screen. Anyone encountered?


    Edit: Didnt happen when we werent level synced or w/e to the current planet


    Edit2: Happened without level sync, so far it has only happened when we were planet side. The attempt in edit1 was while we were on the ship

  6. Double D's are just fine. (For 25 years, I shared my life with a woman who had DDs, so I don't think of it as unnatural, just normal.)


    Double Ds are fine, double Ds on that frame looks weird if you ask me. Imo body type 2 should be more toned and athletic, which it is for the most part, except for the breasts which are plumpy. Probably for pandering reasons.

  7. said it in another thread, will say it here as well, people are so *********** fixated by power levels it's disgusting. imo jk and sw will be able to 1v1 him, possibly the 2 other force user classes as well, but imo they haven't been portrayed as powerful as the sw and jk.
  8. Without Disney, we'd have another SW movie like the prequels. Thank the mouse for that not happening!


    Implying the new movie is anything but a forgettable action flick.


    Regardless. I could see them bring K1 and K2 back as canon. But I doubt they will bring ToR and Revan novel as canon. Well, at least I hope they won't. I admit, I enjoy this game, but the overall storyline is *********** ****. How many times are they gonna milk Revan? And the novel is just utter trash. So is the treatment of the characters from Kotor 2. Kotor 2 is what made Revan what he is. The reason you remember Revan fondly is because of all the stuff you hear about him during your travels as the exile. From Kreia, Mandalore, T3 and so on. Kotor 1 had grandeur, environments and a nice twist to wrap it up, but the writing is absolutely cringeworthy. Kotor 2 is less grandeur, and the environments are more somber, not to mention the final act is poorly pieced together, with varying reasons to boot. But the quality of the writing is on another level. I wholeheartedly believe that Chris Avellone is the best writer to touch star wars media, of all time. Canderous and HK were the high points of K1, and they are even better in K2. T3 was basically a mobile dishwasher or some**** in K1, he actually had a character in K2. Mission is boring, she isn't the worst offender, but nothing spectacular. Bastila could've been great, but her fall to the dark side is unconvincing as ****. She shows up with black lipstick and robes and yells "HEY GUYS, IM DARKSIDE NOW!" then there's juhani, almost forgot about her, no need for an explanation, she stays on dantooine as a corpse. Oh, I forgot Jolee. He is great actually, the single greatest character in k1. Zaalbaar is your token honorable wookiee. And the worst offender is the PC. Holy **** the dialogue options are ******. Just to name one, early on in the game, a twi lek introduces himself. You have two options. Greet him like a normal human being, or go "I dont care about your name.... And im not telling you mine!" What surprised me is that this is actually the representative of the dark and light side choices in K1. You are either a complete edgelord with hammy dialogue. Or a full fledged boyscout dogooder. The final act you either say "im gonna kill you all! mwahahhaa!" or "i wholeheartetly believe that through friendship, love and good vibes that we can rebuild!" while having your nose far up the jedis ***.


    So back to my first point. I hope k1 and k2 will eventually see canon. But please Disney, stay away from anything but those two games regarding the old republic era. Because it all went downhill from there. I like the class stories though.

  9. It's like this; the day when random dudes on the forum and the in game chat stop with always assuming that everyone who play and chat with them is another dude, I'll stop care.


    Almost always people here (and in the game chat) get called he/him, etc. Stop assuming you know people's gender and we won't have a problem.


    Whatever you say bro

  10. Give us force push, or some other way to reset our force charge so we can actually initiate with it in pvp without getting knocked back, rooted/slowed w/e while looking at some ******* run away from you unless you spent a heroic utility to get a range root. ONE UTILITY SHOULDN'T BE SO FRIGGIN CRITICAL TO THE HEALTH OF THE ENTIRE CLASS.
  11. 2 second stun? why have stuns then if they're not gonna last anything


    As if 2 seconds ins't enough? The fact that every class has a 4 second hard stun is the most overkill BS I've ever witnessed in terms of gaming.

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