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Posts posted by CRSerenity

  1. This seems like a good writing prompt! I'll jump in with this as well!


    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Velmorite, the Living Droid:


    Velmorite was a strange case of the wrong place at the wrong time for those who discovered them. The droid that calls itself Velmorite was found in the derelict with a lightsaber in it's hand and a dead sith nearby. The discoverers initially thought that the droid was just a malfunctioning wreck and attempted to salvage it, but it was discovered that not only was the droid active it seemed to have developed a personality that no amount of their tampering could undo. Odder still, the droid itself seemed to be able to possess abilities that were more akin to Jedi and Sith than regular droids. What is the mystery surrounding the being known as Velmorite?


    Personality: Velmorite is a being of intense curiosity and immense anger. The droid seems to have little knowledge of the outside world despite having the shell of a standard, so even the meeting of new races and ideas send the droid into a frenzy of activity. However, in combat and in times of strife, the droid acts violently, trying to ensure its own survival by throwing itself harshly at whatever is in its way.


    Companion Story: Velmorite is curious about the world around them, but is not very open about themselves. However, as time would go on and several big questions were answered, there would be a reveal about Velmorite: It isn't an actual droid but a creature known as a Shard. It had been discovered after the destruction of a Sith warship over his homeworld of Oraz. It was Force Sensitive and was found by a mechanically inclined Sith Lord who installed Velmorite into a war droid that had survived the destruction of the Sith ship. After some training, Velmorite was forced to leave with the master. However, it struck out and killed the Lord before Velmorite had gotten into direct Sith space. The rest of his story revolves around finding Orax again.


    Romance Possibility: No. Velmorite is far too unlike a human to really be romanceable.


    Companion gifts: His favorite is Cultural Artifacts, has a love of Imperial and Republic Memorabilia, and a like of Technology


    Likes: Curiosity, studying other species, history of the universe, and combat.

    Dislikes: Mindless destruction, hatred, and disrespect.


    Combat Role: Velmorite was very much a Tank/DPS companion. Among his abilities is Shatterpoint, which acts as a stun normally. Against Strong and below, it also works as a severe armor debuff, allowing for more damage for a short amount of time. In addition, there is Robotic Body, which allows for some self-healing depending on the stacks of Shatterpoint. given out.

  2. Hello hello, SWTOR forums! In having discussions with some people I learned were kind of curious as to where the story could after Rise of the Hutt Cartel, and while in the end it is up to the writing crew at BioWare there is plenty within the Star Wars expanded universe (and possibly hinted at within the game itself) that could work as main story beats for the game's next expansion. But what kind of story would work? I have a few ideas, which I will share below:


    The Rogue Moon Project: A holdover from the KOTOR comic books, the Rogue Moon Project was started by Zayne Carrick as a means to help out those that fall outside the notice of the Republic and the Jedi. There are plenty of places on Coruscant (specifically, the Migrant Merchants controlled areas) where the Rogue Moon could be working, but they seem oddly absent. They could be overwhelmed because the war and the like, but it would be interesting to see what the Rogue Moon Project has been doing. And it could tie in as a half and half with...


    The Questioners: Going again back into the KOTOR comics, one of the stand out characters was Rohlan Dyre, a damn smart Mando who was able to figure out that something was rotten in the state of Mandalore in the KOTOR era. And I would certain think that 300 years later with the Mandalorians allied with the Empire, there would be more than just the Caderas questioning just what the hell the Mandolorians are doing. They may well get a lot of interest with more intellectual Mandos and those who *really* don't like the alliance.


    The Chiss Ascendency: With only a handful of handful of hints on Hoth and a few dialogue choices, we really don't have a damn clue as to what the Ascendency is doing. We know they're nominally allied with the Empire, but why? For what reason? Why their interest in Hoth? Are their actions there a colonizing effort? Are they doing the same as the Imps and Pubs there, to get the tech stranded there on the planet? It would be a damn good mystery to figure out and possibly be the focus of the next expansion.


    Any other ideas that could work as a full on expansion? Anything to possibly expand on the above? Something in between? Pie?

  3. I do have some stuff set-up: a web-site for the guild to use (which I was a bit slow in building, but that happens) and I have a character to start as one of the characters. But beyond that not much. I have been rather busy and distracted with RL things that have kept me from really pursuing this whole cloth, but I do have some time now.


    If you wish to talk, message Kenndi'koraz (twilek Jedi Consular) and we'll see what we can do.

  4. Who's Zayne Carrick anyway?


    What they said: Zayne is the protagonist of the KOTOR comics. He crossed paths with several KOTOR characters (Revan, Carth, and Mission) and is overall excellent. He's also a Jedi who isn't that good at being a Jedi. The story starts with him on the verge of flunking his Padawan training. His relationship to the Force is tenuous at best, and he seems a bit of a screw up. But (with no spoilers after this point) he does a lot to prove himself, and in ways one wouldn't expect.


    It's a wonderful read, even if the art team isn't consistent (ie the art style can change from issue to issue) and there are some points where it seems to drag. But overall? Wonderful read, great characters, and very Star Wars. :D

  5. Oh, good, it's not just me.




    Yeah, this looks like a great pack. I'm looking forward to it.


    Huzzah a fellow Zayne Carrick fan! Yay!


    This is actually just a straight up copy of a set that was in the game from the start.

    You can buy it with planetary comms on tython IIRC.

    Not that I'm complaining, that set was a medium set so now everyone can use it instead of everyone except consulars and inquisitors :)


    I suppose so, but as an adaptive bit you could go all Quinlan Vos with a Jedi Knight. Or have an Agent who blends in more with the dreggs as opposed to wearing stylish longcoats and imperial uniforms that don't really work in every sense.


    But that's just me, is all.

  6. The info from the Galactic Starfighter Ace Packs have come out, and so far here are some thoughts:


    Exposed Extrovert Armor Set: Goofy, but not at all as goofy as the first set of Extrovert armor.


    Naga Sadows Armor Set: Oooh, this is gorgeous. Nice tie in with EU stuff and overall it just looks pretty damn nice.


    Ambitious Warrior Armor Set: Eh. It's decent, but another piece of armor that covers us dudes but not ladies? Kinda annoyed by this, although not a bet looking set.


    Casual Combatant Armor Set: Oh look! It's the Blue gear from Tython as an adaptive set! It's a bit odd to have the exposed sides, but you know what? I can set that aside, because that still looks pretty solid.




    Ironclad Soldier Armor Set: Oh hey! Some solid trooper type armor that anyone can use! Don't care for the open helmet much, but that's workable.


    Arkan's Armor Set: Hmmm, interesting looking piece. Nothing popping out for me in regards to interest but it has a pretty solid Lando feel to it. So while it may not pique my interest, I can see the interest.


    Forest/Timberland Scout Armor Set: Not bad. One set is just a recoloring of another, but again, I like it. Nice ruggedized kind of look.


    Jungle/Marshland Ambusher Armor Set: Again, another not bad. Slight preference for the Scout, personally, but overall not bad.


    Series 510 Cybernetic Armor Set: Damn it, another one that comes close to great only to miss it by a little. I prefer the 212 look and grab a proper covering helmet to go trundling about as a droid. But Different Strokes and all that.


    Mounts: Such no Bantha. Much Dissapoint.


    Weapons: Not a bad batch this time. The Auto Cannon isn't quite as ridiculous looking as some of the others around. The rifle and sniper are nice, and the sabers are solid. The Pistol is pretty damn nice, too.


    Misc: Khem Val Customization is cool, Regen Item is pretty nice and will probably be popular among Trooper and Hunter types. Emotes are emotes. Titles are titles.

    Overall: Solid release, made all the better because of ZAYNE CARRICK ARMOR SET!!!1!!!

  7. Hello, folks of Begeren Colony! I was fiddling about in another server and came up with an idea that...well, doesn't work so well over there.


    In the Star Wars universe, there are more than just Jedi and Sith in regards to force users. There are the Baran Do, the Wardens of the Sky, and more, but there is one that has been around for at least as long as the Jedi, a group that is dedicated not to mastering some esoteric understanding of what the Force can do, but precisely what the Force is. They look at the Force not through the lens of spirituality or superstition, but scientific inquiry. They tend not to fight and guard, but study and report. They are researchers of the highest order, diplomats on equal terms with their Jedi counterparts, and users of the Force who brought their skill and understanding to as many as they could.


    I refer to the Jal Shey. They have been hinted and teased at within the universe, but little has been shown of this organization. I wish to develop a RP based guild, but one that assists its fellows in any number of situations including PVE and PVP. Any takers would be appreciated, as well as anyone who has knowledge of the Jal Shey to allow for great RP sessions. This would be appreciated!


    EDIT: A website is now up! It is still in the process of being built, but for anyone interested go ahead and take a look.

  8. Jal Shey


    The Jal Shey are an ancient group of force users that stood for something far different than their Force-weilding peers: to study in an academic fashion that which has been deified. We Jal Shey study the Force as any other universal force within the universe. To the members of the Jal Shey, it is no different from gravity and electromagnetism.


    We are looking to build our tradition here on Jung Ma, bringing forward scientific research on the Force in it's many forms. In addition, as an organization we have a long and storied past as diplomats and philosophers equal in skill to our better known equivalents amongst the Jedi.


    Our guild shall be heavily RP and Republic based, but we will not shy away from PVE and PVP. The guild will be open to all classes. We will defend those who are attacked, but we shall not be any aggressor. We shall study the world around us, but ensure those who are disruptive to our work will be dealt with.


    For anyone who is interested in assisting in setting up this group, please contact Kenddi'koraz via mail. He will get back to you as soon as possible.

  9. Excellent. What made it very interesting to me is that it has been stated that the Jal Shey became militant during this time period due to the Sith Wars, but they were still heavily focused on the academic side of Force study while doing so.


    This would make me think that they would probably be more Republic aligned than Imperial, but as nomads could be Mando-style freelancers that happen to favor one side over another for a bit.

  10. I have to say, as I have read more and more into the alternative Force schools that exist within the Star Wars Universe, the more I love the force using group known as the Jal Shey: a group that has studied the Force from a far more academic view than their Jedi or Sith counterparts. They may not have been as numerous as their counterparts, but they were renowned for being diplomats and Force users on par with the better known within the Galaxy. So, with the Empire and the Republic at one anothers throats...where are the Jal Shey? They are in age comparable to the Jedi and are supposedly well known within the universe, so where in the hell are they?


    A guild based around the Jal Shey would be fascinating, both in an RP and PVP sense. I'd like to hear just what the Jung Ma crowd says!

  11. I am also in the Thana Vesh fanclub, but since she is killable does that mean she is off the table? Or should she get implemented as a companion, only characters who didn't killed her can have her as a companion? Would she come with her own set of Thana Vesh outfit (I mean since it is also already on the cartel market, packs and reputation vendor)?


    If she were an available option (which I doubt, since her death is on screen), she would probably get something similar to Treek and HK-51: a whole set of gear with her name specifically tied to her.


    Are there class specific companions possible, or do they have to work for everybody like the last ones (HK-51 and Treek)?


    That would be nice, but it may be difficult to implement.


    I don't know is Theron Shan anywhere in the game or is he just in the comic and the novel? Would like to have him as a companion for Republic characters (and a flirt option for females... maybe also for males, I don't mind).


    Theron comes from some of the tie-in comics and novels. He's an SIS agent.



    He's also the son of Satele Shan and Jace Malcom.



    In his showing, he doesn't seem to have a favored type of partner. He's friends with a Twi'lek mercenary but their relationship seems more sibling-like than romantic. So having him popup as a flirt-able NPC would be cool. Plus just seeing him doing SIS shenanigans would be awesome.


    Also I would like to have a true padawan for my Consular, not an adult that also works as a romance (am I the only one who thinks it is wrong to have a reletionship with his own student?). Give me a teenager/kid like young Anakin or Asoka that is really my padawan and not some genius who doesn't need any training or teaching or mentoring from me.


    Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks the M!Consular/Nadia pairing is a bit on the squicky side. I can see why there wouldn't be a young padawan as a companion (having a child about could be a bit disconcerting to players), but Nadia is kind of a weird case (and she did spend a good deal following the Consular in Chapter 2, albeit in an indirect way).

  12. A lot of you are suggesting characters that don't fit Bioware's criteria:


    So add some more to the discussion. Don't just nitpick and not contribute. And now, to continue:


    While the Sith and Jedi are big players, there are several other force schools, and not just the one I mentioned earlier. A new companion (especially one that is romance-able or same gender romance-able) who is of a different force school would be great. In addition to the Jal Shey, there are several other schools, including:


    Wardens of the Sky

    The Blazing Chain

    Zeison Sha

  13. My suggestions would be for a few characters not in the game:


    Theron Shan from Lost Suns and Annihilation

    She Vizla from Deceived trailer

    Nico Okarr from Return trailer


    I would say as people you can run into, yes. She vizla would very much fit a Jace Malcom-stlye antithesis for the Imperials, and seeing Nico Okarr would be nice for certain. And any love for Theron Shan is always good.


    As companions, though? Not so much.


    And I did realize that there is a Force philosophy that may work as the Force Based healer: a member of the Jal Shey. They would be a wonderful force-based healer while being able to work relatively well with both factions. And even then, they would work as a very interesting counterpoint to any Sith or Jedi that works with them.

  14. On a broader discussion, I think it would be nice to fill in the gaps of each class with a companion that wears a gear type that doesn't currently exist in the class. For instance, there are no strength wearing Agent companions. So any strength gear I get from random greeds I just end up vendoring. I even offer to them to teammates and usually they're like, "nah, my comps all have better". You might be able to legacy transfer to some alts, but that only goes so far.


    I wouldn't mind this, actually. I've come across this issue with Willpower stuff and my Scoundrel. Having some companions who use each of the stats would be pretty nice, and in some cases (like a Willpower user with a Smuggler), the interaction there would be pretty damn interesting.

  15. A few of the ones I like have been talked about here. Here's my list of folks I'd like to see as potential new companions, starting with the listed ones:


    Jonas Balkar

    Cytherat (as Crispengray said, no body doesn't mean dead)

    Lemda Avesta


    As for ones I haven't seen yet:

    Ladra: The pureblood sith crazy woman of the Revanites. She seemed a hell of a lot more fascinating than the little bit of interaction suggests, so seeing her later as a companion would be fascinating. And it would even more interesting to see her if the player betrayed them... :D

    : He was a minor character in the Trooper storyline on Coruscant who just stuck in my memory, just behind Jaxo. He was strangely chipper in talking about the explosives he was giving you. It would be fun to see him developed some more as a generic NPC and/or possibly even as a companion


    ...I swear I had more, but my brain is not cooperating. I'll put up more as I remember.

  16. Hello folks! I was hoping on joining or possibly building a guild idea on Jung-Ma. It's an idea I have had for a while now. The main idea is this:


    1) RP/PVP/PVE, in order of what I would have done in that order of importance.

    2) Non-Force users as the focus. It wouldn't necessarily be limited to them but a big focus on them

    3) Potentially off-SWTOR Rp on some kind of forum (like Dreamwidth)


    The first two are far more important than the last, but I would love the last one for some great interaction. If these don't exist, i have a few ideas of names. But I would rather see if there was something that already existed that fits my desires.

  17. (Decently) Long time player, first time poster here on the forms, and I had a suggestion for a new pet: having the smaller bantha models found in Tattooine and making them available as pets though the Cartel Market, either through direct purchase or within Cartel packs.


    Here's hoping we get to see baby Banthas!

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