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Posts posted by TheEvilHeart

  1. Well i kinda liked the idea of the unassembled components as a reward in daily and other pve focused missions (operations / etc.) but... at the same time you raised the price for every item significally. So its is still alot you have to farm / grind for. And ppl with more luck in the commandcrates have still a way faster chance to get gear than ppl that don't have that luck. i thought the price of a chestpiece for example with 270 unassembled components was already high enough... but now they cost 675... good job guys good job. to get one 270 item i had to grind for about 2 weeks in pvp... now if i would go for my preferred pve playstyle i would have to play alot more than just 2 weeks to earn enough components for that item.


    So it is still a very slow option to obtain gear. So i would like to hear about other opinions on this, because i think that the initial price before the patch (270 unassembled components for a chestpiece) was already very high.


    (p.s) i know that the primary way to obtain gear is through running ops in (hm and nim mode) But they have created this system to get another way of obtaining gear into the game for players that don't do ops that much. So i would like a reflected and open opinion on that not a simply... "run ops to gear your toon" answer, thx.

  2. Tjoa, evtl. wäre es gut mal noch dazuzuschreiben welche Einbauten am sinnvollsten sind (Enhancements / Augments) um auf über 1850ig Schnelligkeit zu kommen ^^. Ich hab das wieder ausgebaut, da ich zumindest bei mir eine Verschlechterung in längeren Kämpfen festgestellt habe von der DPS her, da der Kritwert zu niedrig wurde.
  3. Try Styrak NiM without this damn crystal and with 4 sorc dps... just try it and show me that it works... withouth bugging them or and a combination out of madness and lightning ones... :o I am very sure it won't work...


    This is what i would consider the fight with the hardest dps check / burning phase ingame right now.

  4. A Sniper, a Merc, a Marauder and a Sorc are hunting a Kryat Dragon on Tattooine.


    The Sniper sits infront of the caves entrance and measures the distance to the furthest point in the cave where the dragon could run away from him.


    The Mercenary checks his flamethrower he never uses because he got Heatseakermissiles that won't let the dragon get into its melee range. Nods as everything works like intendet for him.


    The Marauder gets right on top of the entrance and jumps a few times to see if he should throw his lightsabers first or simply kill the dragon with his first few hits. Thinking about the best spot to hit for its valuable pearl...


    The Sorc stands there mumbling Words and watching the group prepare. The Merc who stands next to hims asks what the heck he is mumbling.


    "I am focusing myself and calling for the strenght of all the ghosts i have absorbed through my original storyquest."


    "Well whatever..." responded the Merc, aimed and shot a rocket into the cave.


    With a loud growl the krayt dragon bursts out of the entrance...


    The Marauder jumps on the dragons head slicing through the skin, the sniper penetrates with shot after shot. The Merc let rockets rain on it. And the sorcerer dies after his bubble expired... because the dragon had a too thick skin for him and was blowing sand in the direction of the sorc while screaming in pain of the other attackers...

  5. You should switch to the new setbonus. Its totally useless in its last tier (3 recklesness stack instead of 2) but the additional mastery makes up for it. But i am curious which spec you are playing, because right now a dps sorc (lightning or madness) wouldn't be a good idea. They are nerfed to a point where ppl don't take them with them when they pug for sm operations on some servers. Just to give you a hint about the "class balance" right now.


    Hope that answers your question ;)

  6. Well, hello there. What i would like to talk about is the status of swtor at the moment and my experiences with this game in the past. Lacking another way to get a suggestion about some things to the devs or people at bioware/ea that are working on this game i'll post this here.

    It will be a very long post so please feel free to fetch some cup of coffee and get your seat into a comfy position. I am not a native speaker so there might seem some words misplaced and some sentences not right at all but i hope that it is still good enough to be at least understandable.



    I. About me

    Ok at the beginning of this i would like to say a few things about my background in this game. If you are not interested in this feel free to scroll down and skip this part.

    I am an swtor player since the 2.0 version of this game. It is my first mmo and i chose it because i really like star wars and really liked the kotor timeline that i had experienced in Knights of the Old Republic. The revan story was to say it simply: great, wonderful, enjoyable and inspiring. You had to made choices that matters. Sorry but i have to place this sentence here ;).

    The first week in this game i played alone. Tested a few classes and found the one i like te most: the sorcerer/sage. I play mostly on the dark side so i'll speak about the sorcerer or sorc most of the time here. But these two are mirror matches so i won't write both down every time.

    So while questing along the storyline i found some interesting people and joined there guild. I had never done something like this before so this was a complete new experience for me. A guild. People that played together and this was something really fun. It was more thrilling to play as a group to have a specific role (tank/healer/dd) and to fullfill it so that the group as a whole would succeed. This made this game fun to play for me and it was this experience that let me choose tho play this game further.

    Now i can say that i have seen everything in this guild as a recruit or as the guildmaster. It was really a great experience. After our old guild disbanded in 3.0 i chose to join a raidguild and i wanted to join the raidguild on our server. I read alot about my class, installed a parser to see how much dps i could make etc. etc. i put some effort in becoming a not decent but really good player. And it worked. I was accepted in the server-first bosskilling raidguild on my server. So i would say now that i am kind of an hardcore player in this aspect of the game, but i know that there are players that are to say it bluntly much more hardcore than i am :D.

    Ok i think thats enough to say about me at this point so lets start.



    II. About the past

    At first i'll talk about the class changes since 2.0 and how i personally experienced them. What made sence to me and what didn't. I can only speak for myself here but most of the things that are written down below where discussed by members of my old and my current guild as well. So you could extend my opionion on at leas over 30 people or more, that played this game so much as i did. Ok lets start:

    In the 2.0 version of this game you had skill-trees where you could invest freely points that you earned by leveling up. Because of the possibility to invest points not only into one tree but to spend some into the for example burst version of the class and into the dot version you got some really ****** character builds. Some of them where crushing and overperforming in the pvp and some where really useful in the pve part of the game (of curse a mob won't complain about your strenght as a player, but other players would do). So with the changes in 3.0 you decided to take away the possibility to choose your spec freely. So now there weren't any more hybrid builds possible. My opinion on this is a bit biased because on one hand you had those really useful perks now that made your class easly adaptable to different enviroments, but on the other there was a set way of skills that your class had. And so less options to freely develop your character. On the same page the order of skills that would be learned at a specific level was changed and this was something that started something that i really can't understand completely until now. Remeber as a player that playes mostly pve i really don't get this on the first glimpse but it seems that the low pvp was more unbalanced that before the patch. I personally think it was caused by this particular choice to make the big aoe for the sorcs avaible at level 10 or 15 i don't completely recall it but they could use it in low pvp matches. Remeber in the 2.0 version of this game the forcestorm was unlocked at around level 45-50. So it was a high level skill that was now put into the lowlevel pvp area. In the pve part ist of course nothing to complain about but when you are playing a level 14 mercenary in pvp and there are two sorcerers casting the forcestorm and you die in an instant it is well at least frustrating. The choice to put this skill on a lowlevel... i simply can't understand it until today. Ok so what were the options to change this:

    The first option is something i would like to suggest as the best one in my optionion and remember this is the conclusion of discussions with people playing the game as long as i do or unitl the start of it:

    To make the skills in pvp and pve different. Like for example two specs for the madness part of the sorc. One balanced for the pvp and another one balanced for the pve part of this game.

    The problem is that when you nerf a damage dealer in this game it won't perform well against bosses in operations which are of course not nerfed at all. They stay the same even if you are not able anymore to put out enough damage in time to kill it before it goes enrage an kills you.

    3.0 was a really good point where it would have been possible to differ these two fields of play in this game. The classes where overhauled at whole and it wasn't anymore possible to build hybrid specs. If these two would be seperated it would be possible to balance them easier in the particular section of this game.

    But it there was a different "solution".

    I've experienced in 2.0 that the people were suspicious if i would be useful in an operation as an dd, because i mained a lightning sorc. And the lightning sorc was underperforming in comparison to the other classes. With the 3.0 update well it was a bit overperforming, because of the forcestorm that was really strong. It was so strong that you could use it in a rotation against singleplayer targets. Remember it is an AoE spell that should be used against groups of enemies. So it was nerfed into the ground. It wasn't even possible to kill groups of normal adds on yavin with it anymore and that is something an aoe should be used for or am i wrong at this point :rak_02:. But not only the problem was nerfed. The singleplayer damage of the sorcerer as whole was nerfed. Now the sorcerer was back to 2.0 times and was underperforming against for example a marauder or a mercenary. Why they had to change it? We'll these are mysteries that i can't explain. Other classes had been nerfed too so the sniper wasn't that great anymore and in the pve ranged classes had a difficult time.

    Then 4.0 was coming. A new update, a new hope for seperated pvp and pve and for a buff on underperforming classes. Well we didn't get it. With the introduction of "Critical rating" as a combined stat it was described that if your class has an autocrit ability the critical rating will be applied as bonus damage. Guess what for us sages/sorcs this wasn't true. If you apply your long ticking dot on an enemy and then hit it with thunderingblast you are guaranteed to hit critical. But the damagebonus of the critical rating missed there for us. For the other classes it was a useful addition in damage. It was such a good buff for example the powertech that this class had to be nerfed because it overperformed in the dealing of damege. This was something you could see on for example parsley.io where some powertechs with 216-220er gear were able to get higher dps than a full equipped sniper for example.

    Now we are here again before the next big update of this game and after the information about classchanges in the livestream was cancelled i, as the last one in my guild, relied on information that people who search in the gamedata on live servers and public test servers dig out. The things i read there where shocking for me. Imagine the ??!?!? in my head when i was reading about class nerfs on currently in damage underperfoming classes. And the buff on for example an operative that is already overperforming in pvp atm (he deals alot of damage and can heal himself full very fast. As a healer i have a really hard time killing it. And it isn't possible for me in an 1on1, but i'm not a pvpler so there could be ways to deal with him even as a sorc). I won't link these sites here because as far as i know it is not allowed to make these mined changes public because they are not the finished product, and not official released by ea/bioware. But if i can trust this informations classes like the marauder or the powertech are being buffed with 5.0. This is something that again if true i can't understand. If you take a look on parsely.io THE site where dps meters are posted you'll have a hard time to find for example a sorc on the top ranks. And the underperforming classes should be nerfed again?!



    Search for the sorcerer please... and tell me where you see it on the top list of dd classes.

    I have to admit that this is i would say the main reason why i'm writing this very long post on the forums now. But i think it is perhaps the last time to suggest things that are being discussed by players that are veterans in this game, that played it for a long time and that loved it.


    So now about some things not being related to class specs and changes.

    About things that where, or really are annoying to say at least:

    Releasing buggy, not playable or to say interesting scaled content:

    -Buggy: For example the underlurker in 3.0. It had a nice bug that when every class was standing right it won't trigger it's cross green infight. because this particular cross was buggy. Raiders had to find a specific way of tanking this boss to enhance the possibility of the cross to be right... If something like that occurs shouldn't there be a "hotfix" for it?

    -Not playable: Chapters in Kotfe, at some point you weren't able to start a chapter in kotfe on it's prerelease date for subscribers. As a player you had to find a workaround with porting to the fleet and resetting the phase which let you play the chapter but you couldn't from the moment you started it, you had to start it and after that porting to the fleet..... Or the bug that some chapters weren't "accepted" for some players after an update. Missing achievements that you had completed long ago etc....

    -The interesting scale of content: For example the flashpoint blood hunt. It's a flashpoint so it should be possible to clear it in tactical mode without operation gear and in hardmode with 208-216 gear. Well to say it bluntly when this particular fp was released it wasn't. For people like me it was a fun dps and heal check fp. Because of the scaled bossdamage and the enrage timers. But for the most people if they joined per groupfinder and ended up in blood hunt they quit it, or tried a couple of times and quit it then. To say it clear there were no hard mechanics like in an nightmare operation (i'll leave nefra on the sideline here :p) but the damage scaling was very, very high.


    Another part that is really difficult for me to understand as well:

    Leaving some parts of the community out of a big update/release. I would like to categorize the players in this game into 3 different classes:


    1 - The casual/roleplayer/newbie Players

    Players that like to play this game but are not investing the most of their time into pvp or pve (raids). Players that focus on playing the story, doing h2s, or roleplaying their character. And yes i call roleplayer here a vaild group of players that have impact on this game ;).

    2 - The PvP Players

    Players that are playing pvp matches most of their ingame time and have mastered their particular class and playstyle.

    3 - The PvE Players (Raiders)

    Players that are playing/ running operations most of ther ingame time and have mastered their class so that they are in HM and NiM Ops. The last part is important, because most of the mechanics were cut from the story mode operation difficutly level so they are more like a tactical flashpoint now :rolleyes:.


    I place myself in the last category of players, but as i indirectly mentioned before it is really important to adress every single one of those 3 categorys. At least if there is a big update coming.


    Category one is happy with fortresses, guild ships, storytelling like the class stories in 1.0 or particular the chapters in kotfe. But i talked to an rpler last week and he was also complaining about the lack of emotes in the last months/years (this is just something i would like to place here to make clear what demands/needs those differenct groups have). Another point that pops up in my mind while writing this: I've heard plenty of complaints about the forcing to do an operation to complete a story arc (oricon ^^). But this is something you already showed up a solution for with the way of implementing operations in Shadow of Revan. So basically in this category are falling those players that i would say you adressed the most with kotfe. I won't accept the repeatable same star fortress as group content for category 3 players, because you could do the whole thing alone even on the hardmode version...


    Category two want to have more pvp maps and a very specific class balancing, i'll now point out again that it would be appreciated by both the pvp and the pve players to seperate the class skills in pve and pvp so that this particular balancing act would be much easier to achieve. And they would like of course one new map per big release...


    Category three players are happy with i would say two things: A balanced class system where every class is kind of useful in an operation. Even on Nim. To say it again a seperation between pvp an pve specs would make an impact here like a force wonder. And of course a new challanging operation every big release (sm and hm on the release date and a nim at a different time, for example after half the year).


    Why those particular things that i pointed out? Because swtor is an Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (short: mmorpg). So it is a game where people play together, have to play together to achieve something.

    With Kotfe no content was released that demanded to group up for something, that demanded to rely on another player to see everything to it's end. For an mmorpg this is in my humble opinion kind of sad.

    I saw in the last months a lots of guilds disband. Because there was simply nothing new to do in a group activity for them. A big yearly update like for example now Kotet simply has to adress every one of those three category players.



    About the Future - Suggestions

    Well lets continue about Kotet now. In the sentences above i pointed out that there are three groups of players that have to be adressed with a big game update / addon:

    Category One would be really happy with new emotes and fortresses, perhaps the dark vs light event that is due to change now would fit although in here at this point. And of course the new chapters that are coming with Kotet.

    Category two would really appreciate a new pvp map and a fix date for the beginning and the final of the ranked season in 2016/17.

    Category three: One new challenging operation (first in sm and hm, in 2017 then in a nim version).

    And i am speaking here not of groupcontent as this could be another starfortess or the uprisings you are implementing in kotet. To most of the players i spoke with operations with its different difficulty modes are an evening filling thing that you can enjoy in a group of players. Not something like a fp or an uprising that is finished in a couple of minutes. Things like this get in my opinion boring very very fast.


    The last two categories would really appreciate a difference in balacing pve and pvp chars. So that you get a different lightning spec for example in pvp than in pve. In the long run i would think that balancing will be easier for the developer as well because of the different demands that pvp and pve has to its players.


    One big, very big point: COMMUNICATION. Show that you are for example reading posts on the forums, respond to players that are posting in the pts parts and that are testing things. Another big part that fits in here: Release information about an update early so that you guys can get feedback from your community about changes (for example class changes :o) and new stuff like for example those uprisings that are coming with kotet. Of course there can be a "All these information we released are due to change and NOT final!" but please leave your feedback here so that we can take things into account that would make you as a player have an improved quality of life in this game and suggest playing this particular one to your friends etc. An absoloutly no go for me at the Communication part is what is happening in every life stream on twitch. You start it, show us the parts that are being discussed or presented and when some players point out critic or suggestions in the chatbox, well than magically there is something you'll give away for free if they only spam one word into the chat so that every structured sentence is washed away by the hungry boys and girls that are spamming because they want this particular item. I thought a livestream would have this chatbox to take some of the sugguestions there an discuss them live... to be simply said interactive between the devs streaming and the players watching it. Btw. Eric i know that you have a hard time of standing between the devs and the community but please if you are playing a class on a livestream read through the description of the skills first for yourself or look it up somewhere. Placing a dot spread skill before applying the dots themself or something like this is really hard to watch for people like me :eek:, it still gives me chills when i recall this scene as an example...


    If i recall some statements right you guys said that you have the support from disney and ea to take this game further. So i hope that this Statement of mine about class/content and the game as a whole is being read and will not simply vegetate here in the forums. As i mentioned before the communiation even about receiving things like this is lacking. To the posters that might write something after this wall of text and that have read through it.

    Please feel free not to troll post to much. If you have something to agree or disagree on write it down in a correct matter that express your thoughts about it and give examples if you talk lets say about why the scoundrel should be buffed/nerfed. My hope is that we can talk about these points like people that care for this game and so not write down unqualified stuff like "the sorc is op because i couldn't kill one in my last pvp match, because of... reasons". Bring up examples for your suggestions and opinions please.

    For myself at least it would be nice to see if some of the devs or community managers are reading this.


    What i made at least clear i think is that i care for star wars and i like to play this games with the people i met here. And that i would love to play it with them in the future.







    -A guildmate pointed out to me that for the people that are playing ranked pvp the season ranked gifts are a huge thing and that they would appreciate a new set of special weapons or something like that. Like a real gift and not another mount...

    -And what i forgot to mention was the performance of the game in large groups like for example a 16 man operation group in dread fortress at the corrupter zero bossfight. It is so laggy that you can't sometimes get out (with jumping afterwards) of the void before it hits you. This has been already a lot smoother than is is now.

    -And one final word from me about the rng loot system you'll implement in 5.0. In the most raidguilds the gear that you got out of an operation wasn't random like when you'll actually join a random group on the fleet. The best and fastest way to gear up was planned for a raidgroup, because it was possible to plan. Like for example to know what item which boss is dropping and how difficult it is to obtain this gear from it. So after two weeks in the new patch the most parts of a raidgroup was equippt. This is something that isn,t possible with this new loot system. I have to admit that i have to wait and see how it works out but what you mentioned so far in the livestream didn't calm down my fears at all. And the mention of a hardcap in the week for obtaining the loot left a bad taste in my mouth. Did you perhaps put it in there because you already found a way to abuse this system? Well these are things i forgot to adress in the post above so i added them now, afterwards.

  7. 1. So why this thread and what is it about?


    In the past two weeks there was few but very essential information communicated by you guys from Bioware/EA. A lot of it makes me feel unhappy about the direction you are taking this game. So after hours of reading through the forums and posts i thought to myself: How could i respond? How could i make my voice count? Well i'll post this in two different sections on the forums, in the suggestion box and here in the general discussion.

    Well, the suggestion box seemed to me quite fitting, because this is one. And well the general forums have much more attention by the devs and players. One last point before i'll get to what my suggestion is about. I'm not a native speaker so please feel free to ignore some mistakes in the following sentences (missplaced or slightly wrong words that lets the text seem a litlle bit odd sometimes). Now lets get started!



    2. Criticism should be always packed: something positive, negative, positive and suggestions to improve the current state.


    Knights of the fallen Empire - You guys did impress with this expansion. It has an interesting story and, i will not lie here, i like to see where your choices are leading. Who will die and live? So the story part of it, the part you focused on, it is really cool, fresh and suprising at your first playthrough. The introduction of level sync and the changing of the operation level (up to 65) was, in my opinion, a good one.

    But still a few things could be improved: For example the balancing of the refreshed operations is a little off, as if you raised the damage and health of all npcs in some but didn't test it through completely. For example the kick garj (i hope this is the right way to write his name ^^) in the Eternity Vault. If you play a bountyhunter and use hydraulics, well he simply ignores the fact you are using this skill.

    A nice feature would have although been the new implementation of some boss mechanics in higher difficulty modes. That would've made them more appealing and fun to play through again for raiders. I am speaking of nothing too fancy here, but to put it bluntly: Something unexpected in the old content.

    -> A hint: This is the first attempt to refer to the title of this post ;-)

    Lets return to the Kotfe release. It runs well. I could play through the chapters without noticing mayor bugs. When 'ziost' came out there where lets say a few language barriers (like a missing translation in a few languages for some player). So this time i at least experienced nothing like that. Which is a good point, because at a game this huge mistakes can and will happen.


    Things that could improve the current state of the game:

    -appreciate the feedback already given to you in many other threads and bug reports

    -communicate correct when it comes to your announcements: For example the last stream from you devs was about "Rewards for our long time subscribers" That suggests something big for people that played your game for lets say a year and stayed subbed. Well what you presented was a reward for future subs... isn't that a little bit more than just misleading? It's ok to hype things a bit up but don't communicate wrong information to your playerbase, that could annoy them.

    -balance the groupcontent, continuous. But test it before you release it. An example: There where quite a few threads about the balancing of sorceres in the testserver forums. Before you released a patch with exact the same changes that you implemented on the testserver. Without responding to the players who played and tested the stuff you wanted to change. The people that play on your testserver care for this game and suggest things that are thoughtful. To completely ignore / or don't respond to their opinions and suggestions, well that feels just not right.



    3. The communicaton in the past two weeks / information releases and community feedback


    You guys at bioware wanted to make a great step with this expansion and told the community that with the initial release of Knights of the fallen empire there would be no new pvp or pve (FP/OPs) content because the initial release will set its focus on story. Ok that went really well. The expansion started great. And we all enjoyed the fulminant story arc. So after the release the groups that play this game (casuals, pvpers, pvers and rplers) are waiting for the next content that let them enjoy this game as an mmorpg. That said they are waiting for things they can do toghether. As a community.

    Let me point a few examples.

    -I'll start with the Roleplayers. They are interested in some new strongholds. You announced them but never said when they will/could be released. But its ok as long as they know these are in work and they assume to play in them next year, lets say uhm in april.

    -Next are the PvPers. You told them a new map is in development and after years waiting they can look forward to it. Here is a first hint: Most of the Pvpers left this game because years of waiting. To deliver content in a periodically time (for example every half year) is one of the key features mmorpgs do to keep the player that play it entertained. Because if they do so those players subscribe to it and provide estimated money which helps you because it secures your working place in the gaming industry as (for example a level designer). New content with replayability keeps players entertained, happy and subscribed. Well you did not release pvp content every half year so those players wandered away to more appealing mmorpgs. Thats sad but its never to late to learn from that.

    -The casual player: He enjoyes the expansion, sometimes he just want to try this game cause it's free to play, and he will eventually find a guild that offers him help and tries to keep him ingame. The last point is important. It would be better if the casual wants to stay in swtor even if he/she has played through the storyquests. Those are the players that runs Flashpoints with their friends, build up a guild ship simply play different aspects of this game in their freetime. To offer these players something like a guild it is important to have subscribers that enjoy playing this game period. Like the things you announced: The returning of HK-55 or rewards for being a subscriber. In my honest opinion these rewards could be a little more appealing, for example a subs get the next stronghold for free (something like this would certainly keep casuals subbed and interested)

    -Ok lets get to the last group the PvElers that play Operations. Like i mentioned before when writing about the pvplers a long waiting time for content extending half a year let these players loose interest in this game and the won't be willing to support it with a monthly subscription any more. So it is very important to develop replayable contant that will keep them in the game. As i said before subscribers are an income rate that is secure and not unsure like for example players that want to experience the story of this game, eventually sub and then unsub when they are finished with it.


    What you released or communicated in the past two weeks hurts some of those communities and is exact the mistake you took with the pvp part of the community. No replayable content in a decent amount of time. That will and is hurting these parts of the community and conludes in loosing subscribers. That should never be a goal at all. I know it is not easy to please every one but you can't plan players to wait more than half a year for content that they enjoy. That is quite a long testing of their patience. The community has shown you that they are willing to wait more than that. A whole year or so. Which is in my opinion a wonderful thing, because it shows you that your work is appreciated and that people stick to you even if new content for their taste is not that fast released. But the longer the estimated time of arrival is the more player you loose as subscribers. For the Pvelers there isn't even an eta at the moment. And after the changes you made to rewards in this section of the game (no i won't open up the discussion about nim loot here) it isn't surprising that many of them are upset and leaving.


    Well why did i name this "What about... Content that offers 'replayability'..."

    Because if you guys would create a warzone or an operation yearly there wouldn't be some upset parts of the player community as there are now. A clear information regarding new replayable content keeps them happy. When we look at games that are competing with you (other mmorpgs) then there are expansion packs that attends all the parts of their community not only one of them every year.


    Perhaps someone relevant enough at Bioware will read this and change his or her mind about things i mentioned in this post. Hopefully i could made a few points clear.






    (i wrote this in the middle of the night so there will be incorrect words or misspelled sentences, and to remind you i'm not a native speaker. If you read this post to its end i just want to say thanks for reading and hope it let you become thoughtful of this game and the people that play/pay and those who develop it)


    One last thing please comment, but before you do think about what you are going to write and if it is appropiate, thank you.

  8. 1. So why this thread and what is it about?


    In the past two weeks there was few but very essential information communicated by you guys from Bioware/EA. A lot of it makes me feel unhappy about the direction you are taking this game. So after hours of reading through the forums and posts i thought to myself: How could i respond? How could i make my voice count? Well i'll post this in two different sections on the forums, in the suggestion box and here in the general discussion.

    Well, the suggestion box seemed to me quite fitting, because this is one. And well the general forums have much more attention by the devs and players. One last point before i'll get to what my suggestion is about. I'm not a native speaker so please feel free to ignore some mistakes in the following sentences (missplaced or slightly wrong words that lets the text seem a litlle bit odd sometimes). Now lets get started!



    2. Criticism should be always packed: something positive, negative, positive and suggestions to improve the current state.


    Knights of the fallen Empire - You guys did impress with this expansion. It has an interesting story and, i will not lie here, i like to see where your choices are leading. Who will die and live? So the story part of it, the part you focused on, it is really cool, fresh and suprising at your first playthrough. The introduction of level sync and the changing of the operation level (up to 65) was, in my opinion, a good one.

    But still a few things could be improved: For example the balancing of the refreshed operations is a little off, as if you raised the damage and health of all npcs in some but didn't test it through completely. For example the kick garj (i hope this is the right way to write his name ^^) in the Eternity Vault. If you play a bountyhunter and use hydraulics, well he simply ignores the fact you are using this skill.

    A nice feature would have although been the new implementation of some boss mechanics in higher difficulty modes. That would've made them more appealing and fun to play through again for raiders. I am speaking of nothing too fancy here, but to put it bluntly: Something unexpected in the old content.

    -> A hint: This is the first attempt to refer to the title of this post ;-)

    Lets return to the Kotfe release. It runs well. I could play through the chapters without noticing mayor bugs. When 'ziost' came out there where lets say a few language barriers (like a missing translation in a few languages for some player). So this time i at least experienced nothing like that. Which is a good point, because at a game this huge mistakes can and will happen.


    Things that could improve the current state of the game:

    -appreciate the feedback already given to you in many other threads and bug reports

    -communicate correct when it comes to your announcements: For example the last stream from you devs was about "Rewards for our long time subscribers" That suggests something big for people that played your game for lets say a year and stayed subbed. Well what you presented was a reward for future subs... isn't that a little bit more than just misleading? It's ok to hype things a bit up but don't communicate wrong information to your playerbase, that could annoy them.

    -balance the groupcontent, continuous. But test it before you release it. An example: There where quite a few threads about the balancing of sorceres in the testserver forums. Before you released a patch with exact the same changes that you implemented on the testserver. Without responding to the players who played and tested the stuff you wanted to change. The people that play on your testserver care for this game and suggest things that are thoughtful. To completely ignore / or don't respond to their opinions and suggestions, well that feels just not right.



    3. The communicaton in the past two weeks / information releases and community feedback


    You guys at bioware wanted to make a great step with this expansion and told the community that with the initial release of Knights of the fallen empire there would be no new pvp or pve (FP/OPs) content because the initial release will set its focus on story. Ok that went really well. The expansion started great. And we all enjoyed the fulminant story arc. So after the release the groups that play this game (casuals, pvpers, pvers and rplers) are waiting for the next content that let them enjoy this game as an mmorpg. That said they are waiting for things they can do toghether. As a community.

    Let me point a few examples.

    -I'll start with the Roleplayers. They are interested in some new strongholds. You announced them but never said when they will/could be released. But its ok as long as they know these are in work and they assume to play in them next year, lets say uhm in april.

    -Next are the PvPers. You told them a new map is in development and after years waiting they can look forward to it. Here is a first hint: Most of the Pvpers left this game because years of waiting. To deliver content in a periodically time (for example every half year) is one of the key features mmorpgs do to keep the player that play it entertained. Because if they do so those players subscribe to it and provide estimated money which helps you because it secures your working place in the gaming industry as (for example a level designer). New content with replayability keeps players entertained, happy and subscribed. Well you did not release pvp content every half year so those players wandered away to more appealing mmorpgs. Thats sad but its never to late to learn from that.

    -The casual player: He enjoyes the expansion, sometimes he just want to try this game cause it's free to play, and he will eventually find a guild that offers him help and tries to keep him ingame. The last point is important. It would be better if the casual wants to stay in swtor even if he/she has played through the storyquests. Those are the players that runs Flashpoints with their friends, build up a guild ship simply play different aspects of this game in their freetime. To offer these players something like a guild it is important to have subscribers that enjoy playing this game period. Like the things you announced: The returning of HK-55 or rewards for being a subscriber. In my honest opinion these rewards could be a little more appealing, for example a subs get the next stronghold for free (something like this would certainly keep casuals subbed and interested)

    -Ok lets get to the last group the PvElers that play Operations. Like i mentioned before when writing about the pvplers a long waiting time for content extending half a year let these players loose interest in this game and the won't be willing to support it with a monthly subscription any more. So it is very important to develop replayable contant that will keep them in the game. As i said before subscribers are an income rate that is secure and not unsure like for example players that want to experience the story of this game, eventually sub and then unsub when they are finished with it.


    What you released or communicated in the past two weeks hurts some of those communities and is exact the mistake you took with the pvp part of the community. No replayable content in a decent amount of time. That will and is hurting these parts of the community and conludes in loosing subscribers. That should never be a goal at all. I know it is not easy to please every one but you can't plan players to wait more than half a year for content that they enjoy. That is quite a long testing of their patience. The community has shown you that they are willing to wait more than that. A whole year or so. Which is in my opinion a wonderful thing, because it shows you that your work is appreciated and that people stick to you even if new content for their taste is not that fast released. But the longer the estimated time of arrival is the more player you loose as subscribers. For the Pvelers there isn't even an eta at the moment. And after the changes you made to rewards in this section of the game (no i won't open up the discussion about nim loot here) it isn't surprising that many of them are upset and leaving.


    Well why did i name this "What about... Content that offers 'replayability'..."

    Because if you guys would create a warzone or an operation yearly there wouldn't be some upset parts of the player community as there are now. A clear information regarding new replayable content keeps them happy. When we look at games that are competing with you (other mmorpgs) then there are expansion packs that attends all the parts of their community not only one of them every year.


    Perhaps someone relevant enough at Bioware will read this and change his or her mind about things i mentioned in this post. Hopefully i could made a few points clear.






    (i wrote this in the middle of the night so there will be incorrect words or misspelled sentences, and to remind you i'm not a native speaker. If you read this post to its end i just want to say thanks for reading and hope it let you become thoughtful of this game and the people that play and those who develop it)


    One last thing please comment, but before you do think about what you are going to write and if it is appropiate, thank you.

  9. Well thx Bioware, all we wanted was a useful setbonus... And now we have this:


    The 3.0 Setbonus with an epic 6 setbonus that gives us 1 more charge of recklessness.

    As a Sorc playing on lightning i'm very very sad. You know that there are not many skills that are useful with this.. Should we play our rota with lightningstorm again? Or what should we do with this? Still what many people complained about when the 3.0 setbonus was revealed: There is no push in alacrity. And it seems you guys at bioware didn't listen to many thoughtful written comments on this. (I know that my comment here is not as detailed or useful on this but there are many threads and comments which pointed it better than i could ever, because of a lack in my english skills) So if you really want to know read them!


    This whole thread was about to find a useful and good setbonus for the sorc/sage. Well done. well done.

    What should we do now? The 3.0/4.0 setbonus lack still the alacrity we need on our sorcs. And the old 2.0 setbonus with a useful setbonus on 4 items. Well lets face it the missing Main stat makes it useless in the higher levels.


    All we wanted was a useful 6 setbonus. A setbonus we would want to achieve, to raid for. Something that makes you smile when you aquired it. This is nothing like that.


    So please bioware. I still have hope in you guys, still have hope that this is just a mistake, a bug that will and must be fixed.




    a not so calm sorc/sage

  10. Nach einem Jahr in SWTOR muss ich hier nun auch eine kleine Geschichte verewigen.


    Nichtsahnend schloss ich mich gestern Abend einer 55er SM Operation (Schreckensfestung) an.

    Der Raidlead suchte sich auch halbwegs normal alle Rollen zusammen, zumindest bis auf den zweiten Heiler. Dieser fehlte uns noch. Also fragte ich kurz eine Kollegin von meiner Freundesliste, ob sie aushelfen könne. Sie sagte zu, war zu diesem Zeitpunkt allerdings selbst noch in einer OP.


    Das bunt gemischte Grüppchen versammelte sich also vor dem Operationseingang. Zwei Fragen kamen auf: 1. Welches TS? Und 2. Ob wir den Trash schon bis zum ersten Boss weghauen können.

    Die erste Frage wurde vom Raidlead ignoriert. Auf die Zweite meinte er: Wir müssen noch auf den zweiten Heiler warten.

    Ok, an der Stelle begann sich bei mir die Stirn leicht zu kräuseln, doch da zwei aus der Gruppe die OP noch gar nicht kannten fand ich es in Ordnung.

    Sich Zeit für Neulinge zu nehmen ist ja auch wichtig, evtl. findet man dabei auch nette Spieler ;-P.


    Weiter im Text. Die zweite Heilerin kam dann nach 15 min. dazu und Frage 1 wiederholte sich.

    Von der Antwort des Raidleads war ich dann doch leicht geschockt:


    "Teamspeak brauchen wir keines. Die Bosse erkläre ich euch kurz im Chat. Wenn alle da sind gehts los!"


    -_- Ja, ok. Das wird heute sehr interessant. Zwei Leute (einer davon war ich) boten ein TS an, auf dem sich dann die anderen 7 aus der Gruppe versammelten. Wohlbemerkt hatten wir zwei Neulinge im Team, von denen einer zwar im TS war, jedoch kein Mikro besaß.

    Einen Ladebalken später versammelte sich unser Grüppchen vor den ersten Adds.

    Unser Raidlead fragte kurz (so nett war er dann doch), ob denn alle da seien. Es wurde fröhlich im Chat mit + (Plus) geworfen...... und er sprang das erste Add an. Etwas schnell der Liebe ^^.

    Es kam wie es eben kommen musste: Er sprang. Das Add kickte. Er flog. Und verbrannte in der Lava jenseits des Brückengeländers. Zusätlich erwischte es noch einen der Neulinge mit Lvl 57 (sein Equip entsprach noch nicht ganz seinem Level).


    Wir sieben im TS waren kurz sprachlos.


    Weil es uns dann aber doch reizte, zu sehen was dieser Kerl mit uns noch so vorhat, schrieben wir im Chat zunächst nichts.

    -> 1. Bosskampf

    Ihr erinnert euch, dass er uns am Anfang Bosserklärungen im Chat verspach. Jedoch fand er es scheinbar ganz humorvoll einen kurzen Bereitschaftscheck zu starten und anschließend den Bossfight ohne Erklärung zu starten.


    Ein Traum von Organisation

    Im TS flogen die Wörter umher, damit unsere zwei Küken zumindest nicht in Bombenadds oder im Boss drin standen. Puh. Überstanden. Weiter im Text.


    Nach diesem leicht überhasteten Bosskampf steht man in der Festung bekanntlich vor drei Türen. Hier orientieren sich die meisten Gruppen einfach links, ohne die schweren Adds im mittleren Durchgang umzuhauen.

    Das taten wir dann auch und erklärten nebenbei unseren beiden Neuen warum wir hier durch gingen und wieso sich die Gruppe dazu aufspalten muss.

    Selbstverständlich fragte uns der Raidlead was zur Hölle wir da machten. Von unserer Seite gab es dazu keinen Kommentar.


    Wieder Erwarten standen wir dann vor dem zweiten Boss dieser OP.

    Da ich ein Dejavu vermeiden wollte fragte ich ganz dumm, ob er mir diesen Boss erklären könne (da ich diese Op ja noch nie gesehen hab ^^).

    Seine Antwort:

    "Ich tanke den Boss, ihr haut die Adds! Ganz einfach."

    Tja, jetzt war ich wirklich sprachlos. Ein Bosskampf der aus 9 verschiedenen Phasen besteht, in denen der Boss nur die Hälfte durch seine Anwesenheit glänzt sollte SO erklärt sein?!

    Ich konnte nicht anders und warf einen kurzen Blick in seine Erfolge. Bei Operationen generell 1%... O.o

    Ja ihr lest richtig: 1% !!!

    Zumindest diese Operation hatte er scheinbar im SM gesehen. Alle Anderen noch nicht ^^.

    Meine Heilerkollegin fragte ihn dann mal noch ganz unbedarft: " Was ist denn mit der Massenpein?"

    Und er erwiederte nur: "Die übernehme / tanke ich!"


    "Tanken", einen DoT der den Raid trifft.... ALLE.... Und er wollte ihn tanken...


    Da mir nun endlich der Geduldsfaden riss, schrieb ich im Chat: "Kurz afk" und suchte im Internet für unsere zwei Küken nach dem Bossphasenbild, begann dann auch mit der Erklärung.


    Da bei 9 Bosskampfphasen diese etwas dauerte, fiel mir erst anschließend auf, dass unser spezieller Leiter das für ihn sinkende Schiff verlassen hatte. Einer der Anderen steckte mir dann zu, dass es ihm scheinbar zu lange gedauert hat (mit meiner afk Zeit). Danach lief es natürlich wie am Schnürchen und die beiden Neuen lernten auch ein wenig über Ops / Bossmechaniken / usw.


    LG Sylor


    p.s. Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf sie behalten ;-P

  11. So, hello folks. This Update 3.1.2 is my worst Nightmare so it kind of forced me to write the following sentences:

    You have nerfed the Lightning Sorcerer so much that my Char dropped ~1000 dps on the dummy! Well thanks for that *sarkasm*.

    Btw. i'm very sorry for my bad english (i'm from germany so not a native speaker). I just think that the Posts in the english forums are viewed much more than our german ones. Ok back to topic:

    The lightning Sorcerer is a class that wears light armor, so it dies much easier in PVE than a class with medium or even heavy armor. To make up for that it should make some burst dmg or have a few skills that rock the s*** out of your enemys. Well now it does not.

    The whole complaining about the Lightning tree was about PvP til lvl 30 (from 10-30), because the Lighting Storm (I hope this is the correct word for it, please remember i play this game in german language) did far too much dmg.

    Ok that's understandable.

    So whats your reaction? You nerfed the Lightning Storm .... and the complete Class on the way. Above level 30 the Lighting build wasnt overpowered it fits right in. After 3.0 i was happy that my lightning spec becames playable and did at least dmg. Now you guys took my chance to see the Hardmode Content to its end. Even with similar equip the dmg is nerfed if you look at another dd class. So now you are not that sustainable (i hope this word is correct ^^), as an dd with medium or even heavy armor, you do at the top of it far less dmg than them. So why did you do this? I simply can't see the concept behind it. Or am i that bad as an DD O.o well who knows. But my wish for the next update is: change the skills back to how they were before this huge castration of a class but let the Lightning Storm as it is atm. Then everyone will be happy.

    Sincerely Lyran

  12. So, hello folks. This Update 3.1.2 is my worst Nightmare so it kind of forced me to write the following sentences:

    You have nerfed the Lightning Sorcerer so much that my Char dropped ~1000 dps on the dummy! Well thanks for that *sarkasm*.

    Btw. i'm very sorry for my bad english (i'm from germany so not a native speaker). I just think that the Posts in the english forums are viewed much more than our german ones. Ok back to topic:

    The lightning Sorcerer is a class that wears light armor, so it dies much easier in PVE than a class with medium or even heavy armor. To make up for that it should make some burst dmg or have a few skills that rock the s*** out of your enemys. Well now it does not.

    The whole complaining about the Lightning tree was about PvP til lvl 30 (from 10-30), because the Lighting Storm (I hope this is the right word for it, please remember i play this game in german language) did far too much dmg.

    Ok that's understandable.

    So whats your reaction? You nerfed the Lightning Storm .... and the complete Class on the way. Above level 30 the Lighting build wasnt overpowered it fits right in. After 3.0 i was happy that my lightning spec becames playable and did at least dmg. Now you guys took my chance to see the Hardmode Content to its end. Even with similar equip the dmg is nerfed if you look at another dd class. So now you are not that sustainable (i hope this word is correct ^^), as an dd with medium or even heavy armor, you do at the top of it far less dmg than them. So why did you do this? I simply can't see the concept behind it. Or am i that bad as an DD O.o well who knows. But my wish for the next update is: change the skills back to how they were before this huge castration of a class but let the Lightning Storm as it is atm. Then everyone will be happy.

    Sincerely Lyran

  13. So, hello folks. This Update 3.1.2 is my worst Nightmare so it kind of forced me to write the following sentences:

    You have nerfed the Lightning Sorcerer so much that my Char dropped ~1000 dps on the dummy! Well thanks for that *sarkasm*.

    Btw. i'm very sorry for my bad english (i'm from germany so not a native speaker). I just think that the Posts in the english forums are viewed much more than our german ones. Ok back to topic:

    The lightning Sorcerer is a class that wears light armor, so it dies much easier in PVE than a class with medium or even heavy armor. To make up for that it should make some burst dmg or have a few skills that rock the s*** out of your enemys. Well now it does not.

    The whole complaining about the Lightning tree was about PvP til lvl 30 (from 10-30), because the Lighting Storm (I hope this is the correct word for it, please remember i play this game in german language) did far too much dmg.

    Ok that's understandable.

    So whats your reaction? You nerfed the Lightning Storm .... and the complete Class on the way. Above level 30 the Lighting build wasnt overpowered it fits right in. After 3.0 i was happy that my lightning spec becames playable and did at least dmg. Now you guys took my chance to see the Hardmode Content to its end. Even with similar equip the dmg is nerfed if you look at another dd class. So now you are not that sustainable (i hope this word is correct ^^), as an dd with medium or even heavy armor, you do at the top of it far less dmg than them. So why did you do this? I simply can't see the concept behind it. Or am i that bad as an DD O.o well who knows. But my wish for the next update is: change the skills back to how they were before this huge castration of a class but let the Lightning Storm as it is atm. Then everyone will be happy.

    Sincerely Lyran

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