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  1. As a maurader I would pay coins for something as simple as [Prototype] Venerable Vindicator's Chestguard as long as it was adaptive so I could ware it as mediun armour.


    Despite both being Sith Warriors the Jugs heavy armour look far superior to the Mauraders sets which are a horrible fushion of light and heavy components to make an ugly look.


    The jugs have the cool armor hooded robe later on and we marauders are stuck with ugly spandex ;C......FRUSTRATION FTW !!!!

  2. True story! Players with Jedi Knight are constantly (myself included) asking for robes with hoods down. On the other hand, Marauders want hooded robes. I guess there's a gear style imbalance in this game :-P



    No kidding !! D: I kinda stopped playing with my marauder for a bit because I cant stand those early lvl 30's medium armor.

    I'm wearing a light armor chest with hoodie just to look a bit like a ******.

    Jedi sentinals hooded robes, hooded robes. Marauders .. SPANDEX !!!!! I'm a marauder not a disco cape, spandex wearing dancer !!!!

    Whyyy are they taking their sweet time with fixing this problem Dx !!!!!

  3. More hooded armor robes for marauders (dark colours) and also make it available for low lvl marauders lvl 20 etc. I don't think they really like wearing that spandex armor type or that heavy metal rock style (I didn't like it when I was in the early lvl 20) :jawa_mad: It's ridiculousness that the marauder jedi counter part has a alot of hooded robe armor and the marauders have the darth vader/ heavy metal type of armor, it doesn't fit our class. And that we have to search really hard to get a decent robe armor :( We should be able to get some from class quest or even from the galactic market in my opinion.
  4. After reading this intire thread I regret choosing the marauder :( I chose the marauder for the looks and the lightsabre combat style.

    I'm a low lvl marauder and now what I have to look forward to is armor that makes me look like a 80's heavy metal rockband. I mean spikes ? C'mon I wanna look like a Sith not a walking lightning rod.

    Now I'm gonna do what some of you fellow marauders do is to get light armor to look decent ;C ........(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┳━┳ ◡ ヽ(`Д´)ノ ┻━┻

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