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Posts posted by datast

  1. I feel your pain, for i am also a more single-player loving person. KOTOR will remain in my mind forever, and SWTOR just doesnt live up to the single player experience KOTOR did. Although the story is really good, solo-mode flashpoints and ops would definitely be an improvement (and hopefully with the same rewars). I know this game tries to focus on cooperation and social interaction, so I'm not to worried about a change, but I feel like I am forced to play with people I would never talk to in real life, much less get along with.
  2. yeah, i think as far as gear goes, the staff is running out of ideas. im not impressed at all by most of the cartel gear, or any of the designs for that matter. but every now n then they have something that looks totally cool but is unmoddable and u only use it for like 2 levels. and its not just jedi, its most classes
  3. i have to say im not crazy about the "daisy dukes" or non existing pants legs for a male, but showing more muscles would definitely improve the look of the male characters. although the star wars universe has reasons for covering up skin (vaccuum emergencies), the amount of skimpy costumes for females seems to be very plentiful. plz give guys muscle shirts :p
  4. I'd really adore a 'toggle hood' option. Seriously! Sure, my Guardian may look nice with his hood on (I made him bald while choosing his face to make sure I liked the look he'd have with a hood), but I actually feel that he's much more iconic-feeling and has much more personality when his actual whole head is showing. I mean, that's why I gave him that hairstyle in the first place -- it made him look like a twentysomething kid who was kind of goofy but still pretty serious when it came to it (since I wanted an intense and passionate righteous bringer-of-justice character to foil my Marauder, who is a more malevolent pseudo-honorable 'bringer-of-justice'.).



    Hoodless Therech - Just imagine that he's smiling, heh. I wanted him to be able to look serious and/or angry enough to cut someone in half while still looking a bit young and I think I got a pretty good medium there.


    Hooded Therech - He looks kind of bored and/or dull, but I guess that's a Jedi for you. At least he isn't hideously ugly.


    Note that there isn't really any viable Guardian armor that doesn't have a hood, hence why he's shirtless in the first pic. xD

    although he does look ****** with the hood on, i see what your saying, he just doesnt have the personality with the hood on

  5. Opened a thread similar to this a while back, didn't get much attention.


    What worries me about the current setup for Twi'leks - a lot of the new Cartel Armour sets contain chestpieces with hoods on them, what're the odds we won't be able to wear the hoods on these new pieces?


    looks like that'll be an issue

  6. And while you're at it:

    please stop Twi'Lek Headbands from disappearing whenever a hooded robe is equipped. There is absolutely no reason for that to happen. I selected my headband during charakter creation. It's a part of my char. I don't want it to disappear just because i'm wearing the wrong part of equipment.

    i myself have not run into that problem, but i havent played many twi'leks yet

  7. I would very much like to see an android/ipad app that lets u manage crew skills on your downtime. Let us send our crew on missions and crafting tasks while not playing so we can increase skill points away from the action of battle and story. You would definitely have to link it to each character and their individual inventories so that you cant do more missions that you can afford, as well as apply inventory limits (although u could send items to the in-game mailbox instead).
  8. I too think twi'leks should be able to use hoods. You can see in the movies or games that they'll wrap their lekku around the neck or have it hang out the front of the hood. I think that look should definitely be implemented.


    I also noticed that (with my twi'lek smuggler) a flight helmet or full headgear removes the lekku completely, making them look human. I got worried for my poor smuggler I thought he may have cut them off just to put on the headgear lol.

  9. I think we would all like to see some options for hoods, such as a hood up/down, and display with masks/headgear. I finally got Kellig's Countenance with my female sith sorcerer, but when I put it on, it completely removed the hood and made her look horrible. If only the hood could be placed over the countenance, my character would be so much more pleasant to look at. Yes I could hide head slot to get the hood, but I wanna look more like darth vader or malgus. I'm sure the countenance is not the only headgear that interferes with hoods, but this is the first example I've come across.
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