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Posts posted by HexMasterIG

  1. I was reading through the thread cus I was bored as F*** and I have to say I'm enjoying myself. So far in the canon Malgus is winning hardcore and a bunch of butthurt Jedi fans just won't accept that the empire's main man is better than Satele. Personally Star Wars is the one of the only series where I back the bad guys so yes I have a bias sue me. But if the Jedi fans can remember the events within the original trilogy....hmmm who won.... uhh i forget

    Then theres the legacy series which I just started so.....I don't know what happens but I'm assuming the jedi win or something or its a cliff hanger to where the jedi keep fighting, if I'm wrong about my assumption for Legacy feel free to correct me. Just ya know try not to spoil it for me.

    "just ya know try not to spoil it for me."

    ........and let the trolling begin

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