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Posts posted by Arbil

  1. My two cents are...go with logitech. G700 and G13. Or maybe that new mmo mouse they have, haven't tried it. But I have been using the g13 and g700 for a while now in all my games and it is great. I have 3 main quickbars in the middle. 1-5 is bound to my left hand on the g13 and 6-= are bound to the mouse. Quickbar 2 is the same but shift modified and quickbar 3 is alt modified. So each button I use is 3 different abilities. I try to keep my ability order in mind when laying them out on the quickbars so I can have the most minimal amount of finger movement when in battle. Like have my first abilities to fire off be 6 - = on the mouse then after I fire all of those I'll have the next abilities in row 2 so i hit the same buttons but add shift. It works really well. On my main, a seer, I keep all my healing abilities on the g13/left hand and the damage dealing stuff on the mouse/right hand. So for an emergency burst heal all I have to do is hit 3 different buttons but add shift the second time and I fired off 6 abilities very quickly with very little hand movement. Sorry for rambling.
  2. I wear my Revan chest piece with a, uhh....vinesilk face mask I think it is called. So on my character it works perfect because it doesn't put the hood over my head so it is laying across my back. Looks fine. I would like a hood toggle, though. I would be okay with being able to put the hood up and down on my mask but not if they "fixed it" and I had the hood over my mask and laying over my back at the same time. Yea, two hoods is no good. I agree with ppl getting a little upset over decisions like this. It seems that the priority is adding new stuff to the cartel market on a regular basis and fixing bugs and listening to the community for what we want implemented is pretty low on the list at EA/Bioware. This is probably making them tons of money but if they don't change they way they are doing this it is going to kill the game.
  3. I know this would be a huge undertaking but...There is a game called Star Conflict that I tried on Steam that has pretty awesome space combat. If we could have space combat like that it would be EPIC. Have both PVE and PVP in that kind of open map style space combat. It could be worked seamlessly into new flashpoints as well. Also, have a good level of cosmetic customization options available to the ships. So everyone can have a fairly unique starship.
  4. I just wanted to add to this and say that at first I thought the same thing. But after a few tries with each mission I figured out what needed to be done and when and I was able to beat them without looking up any guides or videos for help. Stick with it and you can get it, especially if you have all those nice upgrades. You have to know when to switch between the shield boost and the blaster boost and know when to let your shield charge back up. Certain missions to me seem like the only way to beat them is by firing the EMP at a specific point during the mission. But I was able to get past them all. They are definitely much more of a challenge than anything before.
  5. On my JK my HK-51 came fully armored (quest unlock, not legacy unlock) and a day later I got an email with a clickable item that gave me a 2nd full set of gear for him (all the exact same stats as he already had) for some reason.


    I finished the quest and HK-51 unlocked fine with full gear and I got the extra clickable set right then with the mission rewards?? Makes no sense.

  6. I don't really understand some of this legacy stuff as well. Like all the perks you can get for extra XP in warzones, flashpoints, etc... What good does this do my level 50 who doesn't get XP anymore? I understand the benefit for lower level characters to a certain extent but even then once they get sixty its useless right?? I thought the legacy perks would be better. Like they would actually be useful to my high level character that I play most of the time? Am I missing something?
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