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Posts posted by DoctorDragon

  1. Thanks guys.


    Yeah, I dont PVP what so ever, all PVE.


    What's the deal with Sniper Volley?


    Sniper volley finishes the cooldown on SoS, increases alacrity by 10% and increases your energy regen by 2 points (which is a loooot). Preferrably used after SoS, after which you can fit in lots of high cost attacks, like Explosive Probe and orbital strike without dipping too low in the energy bracket.

  2. Wouldn't say never EP, but rather treat it like in MM and use it if you have the energy or with TA/AP. granted flyby will still be better then EP in most regards


    Indeed, that was bad phrasing on my side. I have to agree with you, when I've been testing full leth in both raids & the dummy, EP is never rotational, I'll only use it if I get lucky with energy refunds, or during AP. However I'm only 2/2 pvp and 1/(4) PvE so takedown costs half a leg and I tend to run dry on energy very easily if I'm not careful.

  3. Well, it says "major update since 2.0" so I kind of assumed it was going to be udpated.





    The proc makes so it resets Takedown cd and you are able to use on targets regardless of their health. As for the energy issue, that's why I'm keeping the "old" armorings for bonus set since they provide a significant reduction of Takedown's energy cost.


    Currently, tooltip on my sniper shows:

    Explosive probe: Energy 25, damage 4288-4395, 30 seconds cooldown

    Lazed snipe: Energy 20, damage 3451-3639 (crit multiplier 67,40), 1 minute cooldown

    Takedown: Energy 8, damage 4511-4757. Cooldown, well, pretty much everytime after a Cull. With both dots up, I don't remember ever not getting a proc for it.

    If energy is an issue and I have to choose, I would skip EP and use Takedown if possible tbh


    Sorry about any confusion, but I was talking about the lethality hybrid in that post, (and thought you did too). I won't go in to detail about full lethality but yeah, takedown all the time, and basically never EP since it's too costly without the energy refunds from cluster bombs in the engineering tree.

  4. all nice and dandy, but those boots, you have some better choices out there.


    Yeah, I used those boots for a while after unlocking the entire Mira's set. Ended up changing because I was afraid my toon was going to trip over her own boots while dropping scatter bombs, that would not have ended well.

  5. Hi, I'm starting to train a bit with my sniper, using lethality atm. One question, what about Takedown ? You don't even mention it on the first page ? Don't you use it at all ?


    This guide was written for the Lethality/Engineering hybrid, which doesn't have the takedown procs. If you're referring to 30%< hp takedown I'd say use it as a filler if you've got a lot of energy (like cull - sos takedown - cull). Might not be worth sacrificing EP or Lazed snipe for it though. Never seen any real numbers on what is most effective but I'd assume so.

  6. MM hands down. Engi and the leth hybrid in all their glory but marks would be my #1 choice, mainly because it's got good sustained damage, great burst, good at target switching and decent aoe with OS on a 45m cd. Some fights where I rely on reapplying dots during movement phases or so would be hard to do without my beloved hybrid, but all in all, it would be the best spec for current content.
  7. I have to agree with you, except for the fact that my LS scoundrel pretty much let everything slip between her fingers. I loved it, but she was terribly careless about pretty much everything. Except for kissing random men.


    Edit: in response to

    while this lightside gunslinger sees sees the good in them and goes out of his way to help others.
  8. Definetely min/max your partisan gear before getting Conq. I haven't got any solid numbers on how important it is, but in my opinion min maxing your partisan gear will do you much much better than starting to slowly get the conq armor.

    no doubt that this is coming but it wont help people that wear lets say - jedi battlelords armor. Wearing a large helmet that disables the hood gets rid of it completely (the hood isn't even down its just gone) making the outfit look like trash. Id assume this is what would happen with covert head gear thus solving nothing.




    Ahh right, didn't think about that. :/ I personally wouldn't care about that but I realize it might be a big concern to many.

  10. Here's two suggestions from me (and everyone else who might have suggested this).


    1. A crafting trainer that adapts to your chosen crafting skill. Easy peasy would cut my travels in half when levelling. (Since the only reason I go to town is to train, got my hutt statue & field repair and mail droids when out in the wild).


    2. Another convenience thing, for levelling. A tent, that you pop up wherever you want to, and it acts as a rest zone for you. Great for those times in the Dune Sea with your quick travel on CD.


    I would spend cash directly for theese two things. But putting them in packs would work too.

  11. Hello there! I've been thinking about this for quite some time now, and I'm sure there has been loads of threads before me asking for this, but here it is:


    Legacy cargo hold droid. Simple as that. Just like the repair droid & mail droid, one unlock, with two unlocks shortening the redeployment time. Pretty simple, and it would be a great asset. I've seen this mentioned before, and there were some neat suggestions there on how it could look. Like a bank valve dropping down from your ship, and then jetpacking back. (Or just disappearing) ETC.


    And, the second suggestion. GSI/Gree/Reputation speeders bound to the collections. Also very simple, don't feel like I have to explain any further.


    That's it for me. Thanks for reading it (if you do).

  12. Thanks for the feedback! Like I said, the 2pc pvp bonus will come later this week, and hopefully the 2pc pve too. I did have some trouble with my energy as I was squeezing in fillers and os as often as I could. Will try some crit for better energy management later, I actually have 2x 31 keen mods and 2x battle enhancements in my cargo that I could pop in my gear. :) I'll report back for more feedback later this week!
  13. Been working on my hybrid parses now, and here's my highest so far:




    still almost 300 dps from that magic 3k that evryday is parsing. I'm in a mix of 69/72, with about 68% surge, 0 crit, 1250 power, and 3300 cunning, stimmed and buffed. 69 mh & 72 oh. We have about the same % of damage done by our abilities, and almost the same APM. So, this difference in DPS, is it because of gear differences, or different stat allocations? Can't really think of a way to improve my rotation as it is now. Oh and for this parse I didn't have any set bonus, will be getting 2pc conq pvp bonus later this week though.

  14. What are bis relics for this spec? power proc is obviously bis but what is second? and are there big difference between dmg proc, EW or BA?


    And i dont count 2 pvp relics anymore.


    I would say underworld boundless ages and the arkanian elemental tech proc.

    Power procs in all their glory, but they are not suited for lethality/hybrid/engi because of the random procs. We want controlled burst. For example, it would be a incredible waste to proc your relic while casting like.. corrosive dart followed by shatter shot and a snipe. Or for a hybrid while putting the dots up.

  15. What spec are you playing? I've found that when parsing MM and casting oribital followed by ambush in the middle of a fight will put me out of combat, because of the ~5 sec casting before anything hits. (For the record, I dont cast oribtal followed by a 2.5s ambush in the middle of a fight, I was just testing when I found this out).
  16. I've been working on using the stationary roll for a couple of weeks now actually, stumbled across it in a moment of lag when running a flashpoint. Usually, I can nail it about 50% of the time, BUT! The other day, I was downloading something, so my ping jumped above 100 in game, and when it did that, I could nail 10 out of 10 stationary rolls, it's easy as heck when my latency goes up abit, gives me "more time" to react, I suppose. 100 ping isn't too bad, but it's quite a hassle to keep the ping high all the time to get this to work as good as possible. Just thought I'd share this if anyone cares. :)


    BTW this mechanic is insanely OP in pvp when bursting down healers/tanks. 2 gcd's and bam, dead.

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