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Posts posted by NuclearDaydream

  1. /signed


    Voidstar and Civil War will be absolutely tear inducing.

    I would go ahead and point out the dozen flaws in this change but anyone with half a brain can see them all.


    I think it's freaking mad that you guys are listening to all the casuals and bads complaining that they're always CC'd and none of the people who actually care about the state of PvP.


    If this goes ahead I'll be full on leaving. Well played Bioware.

  2. I've just recently re-geared my Juggernaut to be a PvP tank and am absolutely loving it so far.


    Now that shield is much more beneficial in PvP i believe that we'll start seeing a lot more tank geared tanks. However keep in mind than the stat Defense is still going to be lagging behind.


    Currently I'm gearing to get maximum sheild/absorb stats while keeping my HP as high as possible. This might sound slightly backwards to some people as in most cases Mitigation > Health but hear me out! :)


    First and foremost I seldom queue with heals, and as a tank my role in Warzones is to protect people. One of my primary Tank specific ways of doing this is through guard. Now if i'm not being healed then I can only do my job for a limited time before I'm toast, having the extra health both helps me absorb more damage, and it also gives the healers more time to react, which in a PuG scenario is pretty important.


    What it also does though is it increases the size of my self heals, which I'll admit this probably isn't as important as it would be to an assassin but they still help A LOT. Between my constant Intercede heals for Enrage Defense I can usually rack up enough heals to keep me kicking. My intercede heals for just over 3k at the moment and I usually get well over 100k healing, which is my health pool at least 3 times over.


    And for set bonuses go 2 piece DPS and 2 piece Tank all the way! :D

  3. You need a lesson in humility.


    That Novare Coast was pretty bad and here's why I think so.


    Your opening was only moderately beneficial, sure you may have been fishing to mez heals but in the end you took yourself out of the fight for longer than your target and gave them a near full bar of resolve.


    The use of recklessness and force lightning was good as the stealth scan in the way prevented a proper spike opening.


    However instead of wasting two of your best defensive's following that shadow into stealth you could have worked on popping him out or focusing on more important targets. Your team was almost completely pushed off of the node and you chose to try solo a shadow down. Overload-'Nade-Overload would have worked much better for an interrupt and would have allowed you to focus targets that actually mattered.


    Your little escapade was cut short and with no defensive left you drop like a fly. Immediately after that you proceed to call everyone ******es, then decide that it's not a good idea (kudos, kinda) and instead go for the one man team approach "Y'all didn't help me at south". I /facepalmed and stopped watching here to read the comments.


    Feeling generous I gave your video another shot only to see you waste a boatload of time by stealth-ing up before you even leave the gate, you continue chewing out your team instead of buffing yourself and miss a whirlwind on a sentinel. Once you get to west you phasewalk out of the way which is interesting but again you're wasting a crap load of time at a point you don't have yet.


    You finally get into some combat and get a nice spike on the 'slinger. However after that it all turns to ****, your hitting whoever is closest to you at the time instead of focusing and you shock before discharge which is backwards and makes no sense.


    After the combat you go back into rolfsap mode and get two more mezzes off, no real gripes there but it wasn't exactly doing anything.


    You then see one going over to east, (the easily protected point which has backup incoming) and decide to go help out over there. By the time you get there someone has already called west again (which was clearly going to happen). Instead of responding to the call you join in on the conflict at east to make it a 4v2 fight in your teams favor.


    You finally start heading over to west and pop stealth to ensure you get there as slow as possible. You get a nice mez off on someone heading to west but to make it worthwhile you should have kept up the west assault.


    Once you slowly plod on down to south again you open with force lightning from stealth on a healer instead of stunning and killing him. Here's where I called it quits, if i watch anymore i'm going to pull my hair out.


    I had originally put emoticons in this as well, but every freaking line had one so I'll just put them all here.


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