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Posts posted by Avalanchehawk

  1. Just curious but you aren't one of the crafters that is requiring a 500k credit tip when providing the mats to you? I have several guildmates that are looking for the reflex barrel 31, but don't want to be required to give a 500k tip. Though I know they are generous tippers.
  2. On Wednesday I ran 8 man TFB SM on my sorc with my guild, the first attempt at terror from beyond we got his health down to 15% and then went into his tantrum, at that point he jumped up to 30% health. We ended up wiping. We regrouped and went again this time TFB didn't magically regenerate his health. We thought maybe by chance we screwed and missed something the first time.


    On Thursday I took my vanguard dps into a 16 man TFB SM, the first time we attempted TFB we got him down to about 15% and TFB regenerated health to about 34%, which eventually ended up in a wipe. Our second attempt we got TFB down to about 15% again, and then health was regenerated to 30%. This time however we lucked out and killed him.


    I'm inclined to say that this is a bug.

  3. Hey everyone,


    Simply put, players could see decreased game performance with a Mission Log larger than 25.



    Really? With the amount of weeklies and long term quests such as the the speeder quests. I've had the [Vehicle] Aratech Coral, [Vehicle] Aratech Nightscythe in my mission log since I hit 50 (in October 2012 on my tank), with various parts of it completed. That being said on my scoundrel healer I had the [Weekly] Rakghoul Conflicts in my mission log since I hit 50 in December, and actually never completed it because it was removed when 2.0 was released, but I was able to finally get a good group to run Lost Island with on that toon.


    Why not exempt [Weekly] and [Vehicle] and missions from the count and not have them tracked. Or even better, make it so we don't have to have them in our mission log to be able to get credit for completing the various requirements.

  4. Alpha Strike Force will be doing a +10 datacron run on the republic side on 06-Apr at 11:45 am EDT, message avalanchehawk in game as I'll be helping with it.


    Alpha Strike Force Canada will be doing a +10 datacron run on the imperial side on 07-Apr at 11:45 am EDT, message stagyn my imperial alt if you are interested.

  5. So are their guilds on other servers or on the Ebon Hawk that have been promoting the peace let? Are their other servers that have been at a ceasefire? Let me know in the comments below. May your travels on illum be filled with joy and snow.


    I have not logged in yet today, but I know last night on Jedi Covenant the hard/medium core PVP guilds were out in full force taking out those that either A.) don't normally do pvp but want to do the event, B. Normally do WZ's but don't do RWZ, C. didn't realize they went through a pvp zone, and became flagged. With the new repair costs you will find me not likely to be flagged for pvp doing the event, I'll likely even skip the PVP area unless I know the hard/medium core pvp guilds are not in my instance.


    Sure I like pvp, but I personally won't go and attack someone that is just trying to get the objectives done, unless attacked first.

  6. I logged in yesterday after work, the last thing I had done on my shadow tank prior to logging off on Monday was running lost island hard mode that was unsuccessful. I had to double check to see if I saw the repair amount correctly. I work 50+ hours a week and don't have alot of time to play SWTOR or well any game for that matter so grinding credits is not something I have alot of time for. This is going to hurt for the progression runs that my guild does.



  7. Hey,

    maybe noob question, but what actually happens when someone screams out long in general chat "advanced something hilt/barrel/mod 27, no fee, your mats.."


    Then am I supposed to send him those mats and he will craft the item for me at no fee and send back to me?


    I hardly believe in that, what would be the purpose of it?


    You don't send the mats to them, you find them on the fleet/planet and trade the item for the materials. I've heard of people saying they lost their mats and didn't get the item when they mailed it to the person that was crafting. So always make sure the person has the item on hand before trading.

  8. I'd be more apt to suggest they do more to thin the throngs of players on fleet rather than give them yet another thing to stay there for.


    I recall a post about making orbital stations into a more useable social hub, for example, complete with trainers, GTN, and daily terminals. It's quite jarring to be running around doing belsavis or Illum dailies and have your daily flashpoint pop, only to have to go all the way back to fleet for the turn in, then all the way back to wherever it was you were to begin with.


    I would be happy if they made the return terminals take everything that you have to return. Say for example, running dailies on section x and you just finished with the heroic 4, you want to go to Black Hole to do those, and you have the legacy quick travel to black hole just use the black hole travel perk and turn in the section x dailies in black hole, as well as the daily hard mode flashpoint. I can't remember how many times I've logged off for the night without turning in the daily hard mode only to log in the next day and wanting to kick myself.

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