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Posts posted by Elfeden

  1. If your average GCD didn't get smaller, you're not using abilities fast enough. If your ping is really bad (bad connection), you can turn on ability queueing to help keep the time down between your moves.


    I'm fast enought ^^

    I tried with just some thrash, or VS, to be sure it was not me, and i have the same problem.


    My queueing setting is by default at 0.50. I think this is enought to chain ability.


    I just tested again with 542 alacrity (6.07%). I should have my GCD at 1.41 and starparse logs show me a GCD between 1.48 and 1.51.

    With just 152 (1.84%), my GCD should be 1.47 and logs indicate it between 1.48 and 1.514. So, just a bit more.


    I test with queueing at 0.0s, 0.50s and 1.00s, results are the same.

    I think it's the ping but if someone knows more about, feel free to give me some informations ^^



    My main question is, does it worth to run some alacrity with my problem to get force regen and toget some CD more quiclky ?


    Obviously, i gave up to do some top parse since alacrity is the way to go.

  2. Since 3.0 i tried alacrity but i never saw a gain of dps. I know everybody put it and can parse highter.

    I checked starparse and parsec log and i can see my GCD at 1.5 or just a bit less (1.48) when my GCD would be 1.4 !

    I don't have a very good connection, so maybe it's the reason.


    The question is : do i need to put some alacrity to gain regen and CD on buff (reckleness etc...) whithout the gain on GCD ?

    And do you know why my GCD don't change ?


    (sorry for bad english)

  3. So you haven't noticed your 1700 dtps on Torque that would have been closer to 1000 in Infiltration, and more like 900 come 3.1.2? It may be the most egregious example of this happening, but it's a heck of an argument to play Infiltration. For the maybe 1% better damage you get in Serenity, with no better range and too much reliance on sustained damage for AoE (which will be limited to being pretty close to you now), AND further reduced self heals, I don't think you realize quite how this all builds on itself.


    I'm between 4k and 4.8k on torque in serenity, depending the fight (sometimes i'm only at 3.7k of course when script hates me but 4.3k is the average). I doubt i can do this in infiltration (but yes i didn't try). How high it is in infi ? I think it's more than 1%.

    I'm only at 10% of eHPS so the nerf is not important and we can manage to be constantly (almost) at 10m. That's easier than being at 4m in infi. And less dangerous.


    But yeah, again, i'm mad against this nerf we don't deserve in pve.



    EDIT : of course i talk about dps on normal try, not a fight where all your group manage to give you the opportunity to do a great parse. Otherwise, sure, we can reach big number.

  4. (sorry for bad english)


    I don't understand why everyone want to play infiltration/deception with the new nerf incoming. You say there is more survivability in infiltration, and the nerf of HPS lead to switch to it. Ok, but i just check my parse and on all the HM bosses (except coratanni and revan, i didn't try) my effective HPS didn't exceed 10%. And of course, we don't have any trouble with ours healers.


    So, that you currently like with serenity/hatred Shadow is actually not a good reason to play it. Sure, you can help yours healers but it's can be done without it. And it should be done without it.


    Actually, the HPS nerf looks like a good thing, because of pvp, and don't have a big issue in pve.

    And he will not leads me to play infiltration instead of serenity.


    The main reason to play a shadow is shroud, force in balance and the Dot range, imo. And THAT is nerf, and THAT is a real problem.

    But, again, we will have a little dps less with the time to travel to our target (20m to travel) but i don't think infiltration will do better than serenity. We will just need more experience to have a better position and optimise our dps.


    So, imo again, the nerf will not lead us to play infiltration, but yes, we already are low in dps and that will be worse.


    My 2 cents.

  5. Hi guys,


    I wonder how much you do on a 1M dummy parse ? There is a real lack of data about the dps of the different classes (or i can't find it).


    I'm currently around 4550 with normal crit and can parse at 4600+ with some good crit.

    My stuff is 192 with some 186 and non opti 198, main hand 192, off 198.


    Do you have the same result or i miss something ?

  6. Bonjour à tous,


    Je viens de publié un guide sur l'Ombre Sérénité 3.0 que vous pourrez trouver sur swtor-guide ici : http://swtor.game-guide.fr/58371-ombre-serenite-jce-3-0


    Quelques erreurs ont été pointées du doigts :

    - l'alacrité a bien un effet sur les DOTs, c'est donc à prendre en compte dans le stuff

    - Pour l'engage, placer la teneur en force juste avant la 1ère Force en Equilibre est plus rentable que de la placer juste avant d'attaquer.


    A priori, quelqu'un va s'occuper d'en faire une "traduction" pour le côté Empire.


    Enjoy :)

  7. Je me demandais si ce boss pouvait se faire en sous effectif (à 4 par exemple).

    J'ai trouvé ce message sur le fofo anglais qui date de plus d'un an :


    1.scoundrel healer

    2.sentinal dps

    3.Shadow dps

    4.any tank

    you need the scoundrel healer and the shadow dps to switch colors during the begging fight for instance. you would have the healer and tank be blue first once you have that done the dps which would be orange would then channel during this channel the scoundrel healer will stealth out go to the color switching thing and choose purple same with the dps shadow during this u should have 1 blue 1 orange 2 purples 0 yellow after this phase u want to make it last long so fail the phase so the shadow and the scoundrel can swtich to yellow. once yellow is gone ur dps will change spots to purple so now u should have 1 blue 1 orange 1 purple 1 yellow now the 2nd part is simple just dps the boss and stand in both circles when they pop up and repeat and DONE!


    ...mais je ne sais pas trop ce que ça vaut.


    Quelqu'un a déjà tester ?

  8. Non mais sérieux, barrez-vous...


    On peut pas avoir UN SEUL sujet sans que des guignols viennent se prendre la tête en se tauntant sur des sujets dont on se contrefout.

    Et nous (pauvre pouilleux, ils nous laissent, tous les deux... ah non mince), on est obligé de se taper les pages de taunt sans AUCUN rapport avec le sujet qui initialement nous intéresse.

  9. Plop all,


    J'aimerai connaître vos soirs de tag, ou vos soirs ou vous pourriez éventuellement tag dans un futur proche ^^

    Actuellement, le Lundi est connu, mais c'est le seul jour de réellement sûr.


    Nous (ASTRIA) aimerions tag un autre soir dans la semaine (voir plus). J'ai pensé au Vendredi.

    Je me trompe ?


    Bref, j'attends vos réponses pour qu'on s'organise :)

  10. Juste 2 tag en fin de soirée (vers 00h) où j'ai eu la chance de tomber avec un de mes heals (tanya) et un de mes tanks (sobaka). Donc, pas trop pu voir le côté "solo".


    En tout cas, c'était quand même sympa, même si j'ai clairement une préférence pour des combats en vocal.

    Sur une manche, j'ai pu effectuer un viol en règle sur un merco pyro sans qu'aucun de ses mates ne viennent l'aider. C'est un peu le désavantage.


    Gros point positif : les gens ont tag ! et ca c'est cool :)

  11. Non.

    30% d'armure en plus représente seulement 2% reduc de dégâts. Autant dire que ca va pas changer grd chose à ta survie.


    C'est la bonne utilisations de tes cd qui va te faire résister : deflexion, black out resilience et le vanish.

    Dopant, medipack et empressement de combattre également.


    Les cc et la mobilités sont également un atout.

    En bref la survie de l'ombre est dans le gameplay.

  12. Yop tout le monde.

    Plus de net depuis une semaine mais je devrais le récupérer jeudi si tout va bien. Si je pars pas en opé, ca.sera avec plaisir que je taggerai.

    Bonne initiative en tout cas, Agri.


    Comme quoi, quand on veut faire bouger les choses, on peut :)

  13. Vous voudriez pas svp retourner vous insulter sur vos serveurs d'origine svp ? ou alors enlever DN de vos signatures ?


    Merci par avance :cool:


    Oh non, surtout pas !

    A leur départ de MoTF, on a perdu en intérêt IG ce qu'on a gagné en ambiance sur le forum.


    Je crois que je préfère encore des joueurs moins bons qui viennent poster sur "l'état des lieux de Motf" à quel point ils sont contents d'avoir pu, l'espace d'une soirée au moins, relancer du RBG sur leur serveur, que de me taper 7 pages de kikalaplugross / kikoralederniermot...


    Est-ce qu'au moins vous vous rendez compte de la non-constructivité de vos propos ? ^^

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