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Posts posted by AggiePunbot

  1. I've reached 15 on Scoundrel and there seems to be no meaningful difference between Ruffian and Scrapper, both are equally awful in feel -- am I missing something? What's the point of having Upper Hand if there's nothing to spend them?


    Also -- not having tranquilizer available till 30+ is ridiculous!


    Seconding the thoughts on Tranq. Being able to sleep and sneak past an enemy is my scrapper's bread-and-butter, so moving the Tranquilizer Dart to level 35 is absurd.


    Also, I've noted this before but the lack of any skills between level 15 and 23 is, well, boring.

  2. Not sure how many action movies you have watched with a mute protagonist whose dialogue is solely conveyed through subtitles. None springs to mind.


    Soldier had this; the protagonist of the movie was played by Kurt Russell who never uttered a single word throughout the movie* and thus had to rely on his body language and facial movements to sell the story (which he did extremely well, for the record). However, that was a movie and not a video game, where it's a lot easier to get facial expressions right in a live media than it is in a digital one.


    I am solidly in agreement with the people who would quit this game if they removed the voice acting for the playable characters; would make the game too boring and generic.


    * Well, evidentally according to Wikipedia he actually spoke 104 words, but I'll be damned if I can remember a single one of them.

  3. For at least one of the classes (Smuggler) your brand new character is always given a unique named weapon from a future companion (Corso). When you play a smuggler without using a smuggler advanced class you get a generic unnamed relevant weapon. Simliarly, when you play a non-smuggler as a smuggler's advanced you get the weapon named Flashy.
  4. Oh, the legacy perks are supposed to be there? I've gotten the ship on two characters already and I haven't regained my perks at all. I'll look again, though.


    ETA: Nope, mine were all wiped, presumably since my legacy level was reverted to level 1.

  5. Also, a question for those who did PTS stuff, are there new scars by any chance? Any other new customisations? Or was that all you guys could see at the least. I want some updated cool scars, we've been through it over the years after all haha. Body scars would be cool also, let my toons who lost to Arcann on Asylum have a bad lightsaber burn on the torso, visible on skimpy armors ;)


    Updated answer to your question: I personally don't see any new scars but I do see a bunch of new complexions (Chiss can now have scruff/stubble facial hair!).

  6. Was playing around in the character creator and I noticed that a Chiss character's complexions will change to something random if you change their body type. I don't know if this is linked to the Chiss species or not.


    Also, I can confirm that sometimes the Zoom/rotate button gets stuck on top of the Skin Color slider so we can only make the skin lighter and not darker. I got around this by going back one screen and coming back until I got a randomly generated skin tone that I wanted and edited them from there.

  7. I'm going to yell this so people might listen this time: (ahem)




    Seriously. I've been saying this for years but people just don't seem to listen. In fact, that advice goes double for any major game release (Cyberpunk 2077 I'm looking at you, no matter how much I love you); making plans (i.e. work schedules, subscribing early, etc.) around game schedules is doomed to failure for this very reason. It's perfectly fine to be disappointed but you can't say that this was unexpected; how many times has this game in particular failed to meet the first release date they announce for, well, anything really?


    This problem could be resolved if the game devs simply add the words 'Suggested release date' or 'Projected release date' on each announcement so that people don't get upset when they inevitably fail to reach it.

  8. This kinda sucks a lot D:


    Due to how 7.0 characters are limited in terms of initial combat style, if you plan on making a new characters in order to have a unique combat style/origin story combination there isnt much to do until then since all pre 7.0 characters are limited.


    Was really excited to start leveling a new character but 2 months is so far away >.>


    Would have been nice if at least combat styles could have been released early.


    Start a new character anyways and just delete them and start over in February.

  9. The two issues I've run into this far have been the Dash missions not completing, and the Prep Work: Primeval Marrow not directing me to the correct area. I was ushered to The Tomb (in the South-East area of the map) when I should have been pointed towards the North of the map (which, incidentally, really needs a QT point there. I'm just sayin').
  10. HAave they set it up for SWTOR yet?


    If I were you I'd wait on doing any Steam gift purchases. Firstly you'd have to make sure your friend has SWTOR setup on Steam; then you'll need to cross your fingers and hope that Steam/SWTOR has gotten their act together and started crediting peoples' accounts immediately rather than waiting hours or days for the purchase to register on both sides (I've been seeing a lot of complaints that Steam sub purchases aren't getting credited properly in a timely manner).

  11. Has anyone tried this with multiple characters yet? Since it's a legacy achievement, it appears it can only be completed once. So that means that only the (first) character that gets this achievement gets the pet. At least, that is how it appears. I finished this on my "main," but haven't tried it on another yet.


    You only have to do it once; get on a toon that didn't do the mission, navigate to the Achievements section, locate the relevant one, then click (or right-click) on the reward image. Bingo! That is how every character in your legacy gets the pet even though only one did all the work.

  12. I've played as a loyal Pub (Smuggler) and a Saboteur Imp (Bounty Hunter) and let me tell you: Malgus does *not* like it when the missions go south. At. All.


    Also, I'm pretty sure Vowrawn is onto me; I wasn't even given a choice to join the Empire or not, as he just decreed that I would and my character never had a chance to say nay. When my character is eventually found out she is in for some bad, bad times.

  13. It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


    I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.


    Wise words. :rak_03:

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