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Posts posted by HeckdadddyG

  1. I know opposing view can be sometimes surprising to hear once they speak up. Well guess what ganking annoys me 2-to-4v1, so ill annoy u back.


    Make FFA a real FFA area, no allies no grouping to have that great an advantage, every man/woman for themselves. Much less ganking hopefully, more real 1v1s, more happy faces.


    Do you queue for warzones then cry when you die in there as well?

  2. I dunno about you but I dont enjoy being literally annihilated by a group of 4 when im alone.


    Guess your going to tell me, go get some friends together and get ur revenge.


    Welll most of the time its really not an option.


    I think not allowing grouping in the future in the FFA zone would be ideal (u cant heal a friend even if u want to, no more sin + op healer combo or equivalent).


    Genuine 1v1 would be pretty awesome even if a stealther gets the jump on you. You have a fair chance of fighting back instead of /stucking so that those gankers dont get credit.


    Oh you got killed in the pvp area...do you want me to warm you a bottle of milk now?

  3. Defending yourself is different then being flat out murdered a group campers with nothing better to do then grief people.


    Will you just shut up with it already? If you are willingly walking into a pvp area or getting yourself flagged for PvP, you are in every sense saying "Hey I want there to be a chance that I will get attacked" Stop QQ'ing pls

  4. Thanks for the offer of protection. I think I have that covered now. I don't enter alone anymore I go into thepylon area with 8+ friend/guildmates now. We WON'T Attack unless Attacked (my guild/friends don't believe in ganking).


    Stop PvPing in the designated pvp area or imma reprt u 4 hacking bro

  5. This may have been meant as a slideshow war which is all good. But with all due respect if this is not ment for "ganking" random people then why are members of you're guild grouping up (Max 4) and "ganking" randomly? please don't try to deny it ether.



  6. lol, not trying to start a fight, but if someone is going to act like a big shot, they should recognize they were in the same situation at one point. There's always someone better than you out there.


    And then came Gladium

  7. Btw Faat's solo kill record is actually 1 more than shown in the screenshot, also

    1. Zythis

    2.<Avereage Joe's>

    3. Powertech

    4. Novare Coast

    5. Solo kills 8v8

    6. http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1405433973_11-solos.jpg


    Posting for a friend

    1. Lokk

    2. <Proper Villains>

    3. Sorcerer

    4. Voidstar

    5. Biggest heal 8v8


  8. Hey guys, I was wondering what are the queue times for solo ranked arenas on the Harbinger!! What are they like? Does solo queue still pop? Thanks for your help!


    You should probably ask the Harbinger forums..not the Ebon Hawk's

  9. To all the ******s who want to take away my name because it doesn't meet their perverted sense of acceptance, **** you and go die in a ditch. I like RP, I love to RP infact, but I'm not going to change my name because mr uptight who can't handle someone else who has a different way of thought and must have his little pristine walled garden.


    Enforcing these types of ludicrous rules is dangerous for BW simply because you are potentially alienating a playerbase. I don't care if you enforce these godforsaken demands in a guild, but don't enforce them on me, or I will hunt your dirty little asses the moment you *******s flag for PVP, and I'll be bringing friends. Stay out of my Raiding and PVP, and I'll stay out of your namism.


    I'm sure they're all shaking in their boots

  10. well i can tell you never actually played this. Wow has never come close to the class balance this game has in pvp. Seriously, the only spec that is truly underpowered is madness sin. All of the other specs in the game a good player can hop on and compete at pretty much the same level.


    Now pan over to wow, tell me how well fury warriors did in pvp in vanilla and cata? Tell me when mages and rogues were underpowered or eaual with all other classes in the game?


    It never happened, thus your reference is flawed.


    Madness sin is OP, L2P, Derca

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