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Posts posted by Swizzord

  1. It is not a waste. And this problem not happen only with double XP weekends, happen with only being subscriber.


    Besides, we have a lot of things to earn XP. These double XP weekends, the rested experience, the boost of experience you can buy...


    And in my humble opinion, it isn't an option which takes very much development, like many others who people suggest. And it doesn't makes the game "larger", but makes it better.

  2. I've started a new thread one day ago in this forum, but If I had known of this issue before, I would not started it. For my convenience, I will quote my post:

    Good day everyone.


    I am a subscriber, and I am having the same problem on all my characters: they win experience more fast than I wanted.


    I like to "squeeze" the game to the maximum, like many other players. So I do all the side quest available in all planets, get every codex entry, etc. I also want to keep my and my companions' gear up to date. The problem is, when you do that, the character gain levels quickly, and the gear you get from missions is too low for your currently level. Also, the quests becomes very, very easy, and the game become less enjoyable. And with the lasts double XP weekends, my character just was over the recommended level to the planet when he arrived. Rested XP -although is very useful- doesn't help in this case.


    So that is -among other reasons- why I want to propose an option that switch between stop the gain experience and let it. It will solve all those problems and more, such as enjoy PVP/space missions or repeating flashpoints to get the wanted gear without gain several levels, travel side by side with an F2P player without surpass him, etc.


    I think it is a little option with a great impact on the game experience. With that, I believe more than one will love SW:ToR even more ;).


    I think it's clear enough... Some people don't want to get a "2 weeks = 50 level character". We enjoy going slow, travelling in our rhythm, getting our gear up to date and keeping the quests challenging. And "experience toggle" option would be a REAL solution for our problems -and the ones more mentioned above-. Besides, It would not disturb the other kind of players.


    So I completely agree with this proposal.


    I must say this is the 1st MMO I have played where players complain about getting double xp.



    I must say that it's not the first. And many others have the option we are talking about. And even being that true, that's because this game have more possibilities and better history than others.

  3. Good day everyone.


    I am a subscriber, and I am having the same problem on all my characters: they win experience more fast than I wanted.


    I like to "squeeze" the game to the maximum, like many other players. So I do all the side quest available in all planets, get every codex entry, etc. I also want to keep my and my companions' gear up to date. The problem is, when you do that, the character gain levels quickly, and the gear you get from missions is too low for your currently level. Also, the quests becomes very, very easy, and the game become less enjoyable. And with the lasts double XP weekends, my character just was over the recommended level to the planet when he arrived. Rested XP -although is very useful- doesn't help in this case.


    So that is -among other reasons- why I want to propose an option that switch between stop the gain experience and let it. It will solve all those problems and more, such as enjoy PVP/space missions or repeating flashpoints to get the wanted gear without gain several levels, travel side by side with an F2P player without surpass him, etc.


    I think it is a little option with a great impact on the game experience. With that, I believe more than one will love SW:ToR even more ;).

  4. One problem with this is I believe there is a completed quest queue maximum of like 4 or 5. If you have already completed but not turned-in (let's say) 5 quests, I'm pretty sure you can't trigger new ones. Plus, it's a royal pain to manage your completed quest queue because you have to close out each one in the queue with every new completion.


    That's the problem I see too. If only I could switch between completed missions and have no limit of those, It will be valid to me.

    Ironic, I stopped playing because without double-exp I cant bring myself to level anymore.

    I actually canceled my account until BioWare announces permanent double-exp, at least on weekends or via Cartel Market.


    Yes, I know that for F2P players leveling is quite slow... I'm even thinking to cancel my subscription, do everything until I hit 50, and then become a subscriber again -like another player said before-. But the advantages of being subscriber makes this option a real doubt.


    Thank you for your comments.


    P.D.: I have made the suggestion for the "experience toggle" option; take a look at the "Suggestion Box" in the "General Discussion" forum.

  5. Thank you everyone for your answers and recommendations.


    The best solution, unfortunately, isn't available. Like two of you have mentioned, is the "toggle experience" option. I would LOVE to see this feature implemented soon. Really. It would solve all my problems, and more. It would let repeat the flashpoints to get the gear according you class -and even to your companion- without winning a couple levels. Also, It would let advance at the same time with another F2P/Preferred player -as is my case-. I have seen there is a "suggestion box" to give ideas for the game, and I have seen another player gave it -more or less; he said to put a legacy unlock, I prefer a general option-, but I think it has gone unnoticed, even without any reply. I would like to do my part, perhaps suggest it, mention the benefits of it. Don't you think?


    About the others solutions, there is a loss in each one: or less challenging, or with outdated gear, or having a list with the quests done on each planet to done the rest with another character... Anyway, I think the options more fitted to me are: continue with a "balanced" character to keep it challenging, and when hit 50 come back and do all remaining missions and codex entries -but... will I really do it? :rolleyes:- or have an overleveled character to do all possible in the galaxy, and the next characters will be the balanced ones. And I think I prefer the last one.


    So, now I'm wondering the same, Saragundius:

    Why would you delete your character?


    Perhaps the answer in one word is "perfectionism". Something went wrong, wasn't enjoying... then I typed "delete". I'm not proud of that side of my personality , but I do not regret of it.


    Thanks again guys, and keep up your great work.

  6. Hello everyone.


    I created a powertech and started to doing all quest and all that I can do, and didn't move on until even the last codex entry was found -except bugged ones, of course-. That's what I like: do everything is possible and squeeze the juice of the game.


    So, after doing all on the boring Balmorra -bonus missions set included- I arrived on Nar Shaddaa with more levels than the planet indicates -20-24, and I was around 26-. Then, I began to feel that I was doing something wrong. Besides than all the quest was ridiculously easy, I was getting stuff many levels behind my character's level. And that's another thing that I like, to keep my gear and my companions up to date.


    Then, I "balanced" the player doing only the class history until reach an appropiate class mission acording my level. I literally bypass Tatooine, and then, on Alderaan, the quests levels began to match. And because I wasn't enjoying, because I had to bypass Tatooine, a planet that I like, I deleted the character and start again.


    So I start with an imperial agent, a sniper, and I try to get as close as possible to the recomended level for the class mission. The result: I have to skip a lot of side quest, losing a lot of the game content -yes, I've done those with the previous character, but what happens when she arrives on Tatooine?-,besides, I still having a problem with the gear... before was underleveled, now is non-existent; I'm getting only a very few pieces of equipment, and forget my companion's gear...


    Someone will say: "Gain less experience". Well, that's what I do:



    • First of all, I'm a subscriber
    • Rested experience at minimum; I don't leave my character on a cantina
    • Avoid all unnecessary enemies, only kill what I have to
    • Don't play PVP
    • Don't play space missions
    • Flashpoints, only once each one


    I think that's all. By the way, the double XP weekend doesn't help...


    So, anyone have a tip, recommendation...? I'll be appreciative ;).


    Thank you.

  7. Hello everyone.


    Please excuse my bad english, I'm spanish, and still learning english ;).


    I have been playing SWTOR since more than one month, and I still thinking about this question: What is the meaning of the number that appears near a modification item on the tooltip of a moddeable item? I mean these ones, for example:




    Color crystal (8)

    Barrel (20)

    Mod (16)

    Enhancement (20)


    Thank you.

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