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Posts posted by Drasill

  1. Dark Honor Guard would be cool. It could have one AC that specialized in Electrostaves and one that specialized in Vibroblades. Shadow Hunters (like Khem Val) would be cool as well. I'm not sure what the Republic equivalent of these would be though.
  2. I'm still playing but the things that are annoying me and which could potentially cause me to quit are


    1. Low population
    2. No LFG tool. It should be cross-server to deal with low population issues.
    3. No seperation of pugs in premades in PvP
    4. Lack of diversity
    5. Not much to do at end game besides grind dailies
    6. Credits do not serve much purpose at end-game
    7. Very grindy. I have a full champion set and now I'm just grinding to valor rank 60 before I can get any new gear.

  3. this is a really dumb idea, and would phase out ops completely, why get 8 people together for a weekly reset when a 4 man resets every day

    but since this is SW:TOR watch them impliment this and ruin the game further


    Because more would drop in Ops, and they could make it so you can only run a limited amount of Nightmare mode flashpoints per week. Perhaps only the final boss in a NM mode drops a rakata piece.

  4. I'm not quiting for at least two more months because that is the time I've paid for. When that time expires I will see where the game is and decide from their. If there is not a cross-server LFG system by then I may quit because spending the entire day LFG for something like I did today is not fun.
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