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Posts posted by Girnobi

  1. Lore wise Jedi, Sith, and other force users or, more specifically, lightsaber wielders' ability to survive against opponents with ranged weaponry comes from their ability to deflect blaster bolts.


    Why don't people interested in killing Jedi rely on old fashioned projectile weapons and flamethrowers? Sure, pre-cognitive reflexes will let you block a blaster, but if you try to block a regular lead bullet you'd only have a super-heated lead bullet slamming into you after it passes through the restrained plasma blade of the lightsaber. Same goes with flamethrowers. Can't exactly block a 25ft jet of burning prometheum.


    Jedi and Sith are a big enough threat to both the empire and the republic that it seems like both would invest in equipping units with AK-47s instead of Blastech D-25s if they knew they were going to be facing Jedi.

  2. Usually I name my characters actual name type names, like Todd or Jim or Graphalavax. But I named my scoundrel Spacer and my inquisitor Heretic and you know what I was thinking would be a rad earnable title?




    Like as in, you aren't Noobstomperroflxx, you're THE Noobstomperrolfxx!


    Ideally it wouldn't be a freebie title that you get just for playing the game like Darth or Republics Most Wanted, it'd be nice if you had to do something cool to get it. Like maybe use the Punch ability on X number of hippies or something like that. Or beat high end content in upcoming or current expansions.

  3. I'm genuinely surprised how little love body 4 is getting in this thread.


    It seems to me to be the obvious best pick for any tank. 3 is ultra-macho venice beach gymrat mode. Thing is, when body builders go for that tapered lats, shrinkwrapped skin look they're actually at their weakest. Genuinely strong dudes go all semi-chubby HUEG bearmode like bod 4.


    And the voice fits 4 perfectly. I guess it's all about who you play as first. I'm always weirded out in dungeons when some scrawny bounty hunter wins a convo role and I hear him talking in MY character's voice. Uncanny!


    Here's the way I see it:


    Bod 1: Rogues and casters, people who think of themselves as 'the smart guy'


    Bod 2: Gunners, casters, duelists, people who think of themselves as the archetypical 'hero'


    Bod 3: Melee bruisers/dpsers


    Bod 4: Melee tanks or people who think of themselves as 'the big guy'

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