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Posts posted by horridperson

  1. I have to agree with leonlotus concerning the new arc. KotFE leaves me feeling underwhelmed. At first glance I enjoyed the initial installments story presented in the cinematics but was disappointed by the stifling, linear gameplay I had to trudge through in order to take it in.


    I felt as though I was released into a pet's outdoor run/enclosure. The "adventure" is an unalterable progression from predefined point to predefined point. As a consequence I no longer feel as though I am part of a larger world. When I played the class driven stories diversions like side quests and freedom of movement from planet to planet provided an illusion that I wasn't on rails. The recycled corridor and location assets suggest a sequence of tiles being slapped down directly in front of me in order to disguise the nothingness that surrounds my character.


    This felt most pronounced as I played Firebrand. The book-ended cut scenes framing the monotonous corridor walking and too numerous, pitiful enemy spawns was an insufficient payoff for the tedium. I returned to SWtoR because of the promise of enriched story telling. I feel that the bar has not been raised and what could have served to focus attention on an enriched story telling dynamic is just lazy and miserly use of development resources because there is nothing that has been delivered to call further attention to.


    While the jetpack was kind of neat a hollowed out robot head for a hat just looks silly and is poor incentive for continuing to subscribe given the underwhelming serial I just experienced; This being the draw and the novelty item being just that. I hope that next months story will be better but am skeptical as the majority of the player base hasn't seemed to share or at least expressed a similar opinion. I want to enjoy this and have a happy Star Wars Bioware experience but I'm not feeling it.

  2. I don't normally group for regular story content. The challenges seem to be appropriate for one player and a companion for the most part. I have teamed up for heroic 4s when I was nearby and I had the time to spare but they are grinds and detract from the story experience.


    I was very grateful to have another player who was willing to team with me at the end of the Empire Belsavis arc. A certain Rebel General is a sneaky, cheap, dirty clown yet in spite of his many failings and reprehensible manners he tends to bring people together :).

  3. I like that hooded outfit. I'd really like to see one that eliminated the decorative trims on the hood and tabard; A single color that could be dyed appropriately for Sith or Jedi. There are so many outfits that look like fashion accidents as a result of those untouchable tertiary colors. Hate them.
  4. I'd really like to see a headpiece represented by a pair of goggles resting on the forehead of the wearer. The eyes are such nice features on the models it's a shame to cover them especially during cut-scenes. I have seen a chest set with with a visor hanging from the neck but would like see see a, "shades up" look. If there is already something like this I apologize and please point toward them.
  5. I find the critical self-loving "pro" players the most frustrating to deal with. It usually starts with the cut-scenes. If the rest of the group hasn't space-barred the conversations they type on chat to everyone that they need to space it because we obviously have done this all before and shouldn't inconvenience them.


    The same person will usually start crying about what a lousy tank or healer one of the other player's is. In spite of not rolling a healer or a tank them self they know everything about it. Reminded of how they missed their true calling they usually try to have the poor substitute kicked from the group.


    When the vote doesn't fly because nobody else is bent the expert usually rage quits. Problem solved and justice served.

  6. I was playing an encounter area I had played before with another character. I recalled how difficult the fights had been with the old character. This time around I was beating the guts out of them and I felt like such a boss.......then I ran into into the empty elevator shaft and plummeted to my death:).
  7. I like the idea of customizing spaces for my characters but wonder why this wasn't done with shipboard interiors. In the case of the latter you would never be that far from home. With the introduction of fixed personalized spaces it would be a real boon to RP groups who would be quite enthusiastic about having private instances that could be "sets" for their dramas. Very cool if you can invite others.
  8. "Roleplaying" is prevalent in game and even on the forums. It just isn't the positive and creative collaborative story-telling kind that people would like to be part of.


    Greifing is a form of roleplay. Unfortunately there isn't any consent and participants have limited recourse when they are "invited" to play along. I think I might enjoy being a jedi, sith lord or any number of characters in the star wars universe. What better place to have such an experience than this?


    Griefers roleplay assertive personalities (poorly like a caricature from a power fantasy) because they don't get to wear the pants in RL. Who's the sad little "nerd":rolleyes:?

  9. originally posted by Ancaglon

    In a way, I'm happy that people can't just pick black/black -- if that were the case I imagine at least 50% the characters and companions you see would be in black/black,


    I don't understand why this would be a problem. Assuming 50% of players were involved with the Imperial faction (Imperial army and Sith particularly) black would feature prominently in choices for canon costuming. It would be consistent with imagery depicted in the IP.


    If there is one thing about SWTOR that keeps me trying to play it is the story driven approach to gameplay. That's the reason I'm disappointed when I see decisions made that compromise aesthetic for profit. In game I can disable nameplates and don't have to see XXDarthPlayaXX but a Sith in Lakers gear (rare yellow/purple) can't be erased.

  10. No need for me to create another thread. This title took the words right out of my mouth. "Customization" turned out to be painfully underwhelming. Beyond mentioning the shameless monetization of the procedure there is no point in stating more other than to say it isn't the greatest disappointment.


    The dyes are paired and hard set in primary and secondary roles. I can't even "flip" colours or designate which appears as primary or secondary. I was hopeful that this system would dramatically increase the diversity of appearances by allowing everyone to claim their avatars. Sadly it looks like we will in all probability be wearing the same colour dresses to the prom. Congratulations to the designer for taking drab conformity and transmogrifying it into tacky conformity.

  11. Originally posted by RepublicChicken

    I've seen plenty of Darth's in the game, and I'm sure there's a Jedi equalient. So why not give us some Darth-ish stuff? I don't want a Darth Vader mask, but something that makes Darth's stand out from the regular, non-darth sith


    I like this idea. Moving away from iconic Vader how about something that draws more influence from a McQuarrie concept than the films?

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