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Posts posted by langsmic

  1. Considering that the security key is no longer availible for people who do not have a tablet or a smart phone, is it not a good idea to let everyone buy from the security sellers? And if you must make it not widely availible give it another threshold. Like let only subscribers get access. Name it subscriber seller. The stuff those security sellers have is cheap and nice, so it should be easier accessible. At leas according to me.
  2. I also agree. If clothing does nothing for the stat, then you could let them run around naked. It does not matter. Had bioware that in mind when they designed this upgrade? And another thing. You also do not have to level further to get a companion who can heal or act as a tank. No they can all heal or act as a tank. In my opinion these features of the new upgrade are really lame. I quit wow because they oversimplefied the game. I fear that swtor is next in line.
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