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Posts posted by HawkRyno

  1. there's nothing wrong with scouting the pylon, they may have left it open for you, zero risk, high return.


    Of course not at the very start of the match, or round, if that's what you meant.


    Yes, at the start. Someone runs up to cap, then leaves it undefended. Don't cap unless you plan to stick around and defend the MFer. Don't know if that's just plan ignorance or what.

  2. As to the part in bold;


    Sorry, but this is one of my -biggest- pet peeves in this discussion. It's a "queue solo" button. When you hit it, your chat says "You have been queue'd for warzones as solo." It is literally read as "To take your place in a line unaccompanied," with queue being a verb in the sentence.


    :D Sure I sound snooty, but it -really- irks me how many people point to the word "solo" and go "See, it -says- solo queue!" in a fit of poor reading comprehension. I may start a petition that Bioware change the wording to "Queue Self" to avoid this confusion.

    It seems pretty self explanatory to me (i.e. "you have been queued for warsones as solo" as opposed to "you have been queued in a solo warzone"). You can dumb it down to a Powerpoint presentation and people will still be confused.;)

  3. While we are at it don't grab any of the buffs until the bridge is down. It really grinds my gears when people do this.


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+infinity x infinity.

  4. that may be, but if a team has bunch players with the charge ability, it can cause issues, assuming if they're skilled players. Nonetheless, this issue should be prevented.


    Workaround; Move away from the edge. There's no real tactical benefit to standing there. I usually wait on the ledge below the respawn or the middle platform to see which bridge goes down first and go where I'm needed.


    - PuG Stupidity: The BIGGEST reason why people Premade isnt because they want to pwn people, its because they dont want to play with *******. If you havent been asked to join a premade then you might be one of them!


    - Fun factor: Right now, too many PuGs are into DMing and not in objectives. Because hitting random **** is fun. Which I dont get because thats like hitting a training dummy really. But hey "whatever floats your boat!".




    The reality is Premades ARENT killing the game, you know whats killing the game, it's IDIOTS NOT DOING OBJECTIVES WZ REPEATEDLY. They're like sheep and not use their brain to work out where to go, the follow blindly to do random ****.


    No communication even, its like talking to a brick wall when asking them to call incs. Maybe what we need is to make IDIOTS not do STUPID **** REPEATEDLY. If BW can figure this out, this game would be the best game ever!!!


    The excuse of a premade/guild/whatever is drivel, if people are trying to do objectives and win then they can beat premades/guild/whatever (not easy but can be done).


    Its when idiots have this fallacy of how OP a faction/class/player/premade that is whats making this game stupid.


    NOTE: Being BAD and IMPROVING is fine. Being BAD and repeating it ad nauseum is not. You can start bad, I did, but you should be improving and trying to help your team rather than for yourself and stroke your epeen to top some charts you will never get.

    This and people seeing that they are up against a premade and foretelling doom. Yes they may have voice chat clients and yes they play together all the time. But how long does it take to type "INC EAST" or to type a game plan at the beginning of a match? There are only four war zones and neither one requires a complicated strategy. It only requires players to work together to win. When they don't listen to plans, don't call incs, or run off to la la land trying to shoot anything that moves instead of guarding a turret.

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