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Posts posted by Lennm

  1. Hey friends,

    I'm a returning player giving good ol' swtor another spin after VERY extended break. I'm primarily looking for NIM/HM raids but don't mind reprogging, as I may need a pull or two for everything to click back together. I would prefer to raid in the evenings, but my schedule is pretty flexible at the moment. Here is some of my previous history with the game, and yes I am more than happy to trail run/upload logs (i don't know if ppl still do that kind of thing anymore). But yeah, w.e u need, hit me up. 

    Warzone Annihilator, Deadly Contender 1.0-2.0 Era
    S1-S4 All Star/Champ can't remember which was which but a mixture.
    EV/KP/EC/TFB/SNV/DF/DP All NiM Cleared and farmed, titles, mounts, etc
    Rav/ToS HM cleared, titles etc. 
    Gods - Only Tyth HM cleared in live, did clear A and E in PTS, I quit shortly after. No NiM Gods experience what so ever.
    No idea what Nature is. I did like 1 or 2 runs, seems pretty forward, but for simplicity count me as fresh.
    No R4 anomaly experience of any kind. 
    I have every class, and know how to play just about every spec to atleast a 90th percentile efficiency, prob higher just gotta spend time with the dummy a bit.
    Have raid led before (plz never again)
    Have guild led before (i'll actually just sign out irl, plz no)

    Other Game Information:
    Cutting Edge in WoW S1-S2 in DF
    AOTC like too many patches to count
    FFXIV Cleared every Ulti except TOP (I quit, sadge 😕 )

    Closing Thoughts: I have a buddy too, I'm trying to get him to play as well. So if there's a spot there as well for him that would be dope, but not required. 

    Any questions or if you just say hi, here's my discord handle. Err sorry if this isn't the standard recruitingment format? I'm just kinda winging it. Anyways, hmu. 
    Discord: Nylor

    PS - Whoops posted in wrong place, there moved. 

  2. Is there anyway to get the first three doors to be toggleable like the rest?


    I'm talking about from the main elevator entrance to the main hallway before the stairs. and the two rooms opposite of stars and hangar,


    They seem to always be open, and it's just an open doorway. Can this be changed?



  3. Could you elaborate on the bold part? What chance are you referring to, and what is it from? This doesn't ring a bell for me, and I play a concentration sentinel (but it is not my most commonly played, I consider myself to have three "mains" at 65, and sentinel is my first "alt" 65, so I'm not an expert)


    Sure thing! (I apologize for the long wait, I haven't been online in a while.)


    Concentrated Defense is a level 60 talent that grants us a 10% Defense Bonus when we use Concentrated Slice. Because this is a flat Defense, vs a ranged or melee chance, it gives us 10% resist chance, which, when applied to an ability that does damage has the chance to cancel out not only the damage, but the effect as well. Since most 8 second cc however does not emit damage, you cannot prevent the effect. But seeing as most stuns is tied to some type of damage, you have 10% chance to avoid all of them. Hope this helped!

  4. Right now all 3 of your specs are viable for PvP. It all depends what you're looking to do. Number farm? Kill potential? Utility and Flexibility? What's the setting? 8v8? (solo ranked) 4v4? or group ranked 4v4?


    Watchman has the highest potential for number farm in 8v8 and 4v4 group ranked, however, you need to effectively maintain up-time on your single target and throw in your dotspread (Force Sweep) on as many targets possible. That can be a bit of a challenge to do sometimes, so it's somewhat less reliable on 8v8, but a tad more reliable in 4v4 group ranked with a cleave comp. I wouldn't recommend it for solo, as it is highly unlikely you will be able to maximize it's potential in such a short time.


    Combat has highest kill potential out of the 3 specs, arguably the highest burst in the game. It shines in 4v4 group ranked, and can do well in solo and 8v8. However, because of it's burst coming in a predictable and short window, it can be easy to shut down your kill window. Therefore it would be probably safe to say you might find it quite disruptive during 8v8 with all the random aoe CC, pushbacks, and stuns that go out. Not to mention you are tad squishy in Combat as compared to the other 3, so without proper support, you can burn out pretty quickly vs a coordinated team.


    Concentration has a humongous burst and quite a few perks. While less kill potential than Combat, it still packs quite the punch. You get immunity to push backs and stuns, and a chance to mitigate any kind of yellow damage, on a pretty short CD too. The burst is based off a long proc, so it's not as delicate as Combat. You have a big amount of rage pool to work with. And it is slightly more tankier than Combat. Making it the favorite for 8v8. It can also do well in solo, but falls somewhat short in group ranked 4v4.


    All 3 can be brought to all 3 settings, but they each excel in different areas. A small tip: While PvP is messy and there is no "set rotation". You should always try to mimic as much of the PvE rotation in the PvP setting as you can. As it is a dps boost. I would recommend you study the actual discipline and study a Priority System over a set rotation, the rest should fall into place. Hope this helped. Best of luck.

  5. Hey guys,


    Just wanted to let you all know that the Combat/Carnage guides are, for the most part, complete. I've just gotten to 65 so i'm looking to gear out and do up some parsing analysis and some video augmentation guides to supplement the text guide and then it'll be a complete project. Right now i'm looking at a November 3rd Tentative release. If I can get it done sooner than that i'll let you guys know. I'll post updates here and will make a new thread for the 4.0 guides once they release!


    Sweet, this will probably help me answer some questions. I saw alot of ppl doing some wierd stuff on Parsely.io...DB/CB and ravages/master strike outside of gore. I was hella confused.

  6. Class: Marauder

    Gear: Mostly 192 optimized, a few 2 198s.

    Progression: (9.5***/10) (4/5 Rava) (5/5 ToS)

    Availability: Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays

    Side Notes: *** Essenstially killed Cora/Ruugar, but as his cast began, it glitched out :(

  7. My marauder is looking for some raid love. Really looking to dust him out.


    -192s (set bonus, min-max optimized).

    -Can provide mil parses if necessary

    -9.5/10. (Ruggar pushed, then glitched out). (4.5/5 Rava) (5/5 ToS)

    -Have Revan on farm w/ other group I raid with.

    -Led own raid groups HM prog on EH for 8/10

    -Have Tanked and done all the fights


    Lemme know if interested! Thanks.

  8. 1.Lightning sorcs strength is in their mobility. It may not be optimal dummy parse damage, but2. you hardly ever have to stand still and hard cast in lightning, which makes it great for kiting and doing damage. They don't have as much burst as arsenal or marksmanship, but they have astounding mobility for a ranged burst class, 3.better self heals than arsenal, and 4.a much better anti focus defense than either mercs or snipers. There are snares baked into lightnings rotation, as well as mini roots on chain lightning. They can also choose to take either bubble stun or knockback root...as well as emersion for a root breaking speed boost on a fairly quick cooldown. I do however agree that the single target nerf was stupid. I'd actually be fine with TB hitting for 14k if their mobility was toned down to compensate for the burst increase. Oh and don't get me wrong....I think its stupid for any ranged class to be that mobile....including arsenal or IO. 3.0 gave too much mobility to range....too much range to AP....and too much cc immunity crap.


    1. I agree, but not so much so that it's unique. The merc has 1 spell to cast without being on the move, once in a blue moon. Tracer missle. Just like sorcs do lightning bolt. So I'd say their slightly ahead of the merc in mobility.


    2. When 1 good melee is on a sorc, he will control the living hutt out of it. You will barely be able to get anything off, or even create a big enough gap between you both (if he's smart). And your damage won't be enough to kill him, before he kills you. You are forced into a state where you must kite to survive, and if you're instants aren't up. You have nothing but a dot running. ***That's vs 1 melee. Don't get me started on 2 melee/1 ranged or 2 ranged.***


    3. Absolutely NOT. Sorc has 1 small HoT. And bubble. Dark Heal spam will never occur if 2 melee are locking you down. And if they do allow those GCDs to go through, than they are smart. Because they saved their control abilities on mitigating your casted damages, knowing fully that once your bubble is down, your dark heals will never be high enough to heal through their damage. Arsenal Mercs may get out less consistant off heals, but they fat offheals. And that's what keeps you alive. I'd rather burst myself back up by 8-10k and 3-4k in 2 hits than having to spam dark heal on myself. The heal is good in situations where you have a tank and a healer baby sitting or controlling the damage output your team is taking, but their heals are not burst heals. If it doesn't crit, it's a waste of a GCD, if people are on you.


    4. Ummm no? God bubble (in which you do no damage or healing unless you spec into it. And if you are, you're not taking 30% damage reduction when stunned, or force mibility, either way, GG) vs Balistic Shield, Roll, Shield Probe, Entrench, Cover? Energy Shield, Kolto Overload, Chaff Flares?


    Conclusion: I would also like to see 14k t blasts, but because of it's relatively short CD, and it's second ark RNG, plus lightning's cleave damage, it would be way too OP imo. That's why I would like to them first get rid of the second ark, so they can better assume a reliable number, than a coinflip between balance or op, or lame burst, and ok burst (as it is now). My last point to address is, while I do agree that classes are way too mobile. Melee has been buffed to compensate for ranged's new found ability to kite the living hutt out of melee, predation, h.o, immunity jump, roll ect,. You can't make adjustments for melee to have more uptime on target (which they make up in their downtime, when they get on their target by bringing higher burst and output damage) and then nerf the ability to inflict damage on that incoming threat via damage.


    In the end you are faced with an issue: TTK = Survivability (it's never as clean because it's pvp), but it's essentially true). The issue with Marauders at the beginning of the expansion was that by the time I got to my target, my CDs had been blown, I had 1 good hit in me, before he become mobile and did it again, this time I wouldn't have CDs. This has been compensated, giving us more time to kill, increasing our survivability. By nerfing their mobility, in addition to boosting our mobility, you flip the table. Just between you and me (and everyone else that can see this :p:p:p), since you have given me good arguements, and thats what I was hoping to get out of this thread, good constructive opposing views, I main a Marauder, not a Sorc, and while that may not mean anything. There's something terribly wrong, if I play the class that used to get constantly slowed, rooted, and negated uptime, and I even feel sorry for how easy of a kill they are, and how easy to replace them for something that does their job better, it is in both organized 8v8, 4v4 solo and ranked. Just sayin'

  9. Have you even played lightning sorc since 3.0?


    I have. And pre 3.0 madness was go to spec because of its ability to kite while still doing damage. Lightning was ok until people got on you. 3.0 happened and the class saw major improvement in its mobility by adding the tier talents, and reworking its rotation to more instant ability. I don't main a sorc, mind you; it doesn't mean I haven't played one, or know people who play them and main them. (I thought Force Storm was stupid, but single target burst didnt need that much of a nerf)


    The issue remains the same, my friend. If you're a lightning sorc, your burst does NOT compete with any of the other ranged class's burst unless you hit a second ark on ur t-blast (which is RNG), and if you do, you still don't equate to a heatseeker, or ambush. This makes it an unreliable burst. I have heard, but can't confirm, that one of the reasons they refused to up the damage on T -blast is because of how spiky it can become with a second ark. Can you imagine T-blast hitting 9-10k and then suddenly bam! second ark, + 2-3k. On a 9s CD? If you remove second ark, and just give it a flat damage, you create a better opportunity to better balance the class's spec without having to worry about variables that are RNG.


    Also, not to sound insulting but, have you played a lightning sorc in anything outside of mindless solo que 8v8? In solo, group, or even vs an organized premade in 8v8, you will not be as "mobile" as you think. Have 1 or 2 people stick on you and with your lack of defenses and ability to get anything out, you will not be able to do anything while on the move unless your instants are back, and most of the time, they won't be. Even if they are, its not huge.


    Lightning. The point: You don't have reliable burst that competes with the other ranged classes, and when targeted are left completely locked. Snipers have multiple tools, cover pulse, leg shot, diversion, push back on penetrating shots, shield, entrence, can't be lept too. Mercs have energy shield, burst self heals, kolto, chaff flare, knockback, net, and can cast 3 spells while on the move, 1 of which slows. And they all have atleast 14k+ realiable burst. Even the commando's burst which depends on a crit is still packs more of a punch then an gurantee autocrit from a sorc.


    Madness: Good point on the madness. I didn't think of the dotspread. =/



    TL;DR: Lightning Sorcs only hurt when left to free cast, just like every other ranged burst class. If that's the benchmark for "balance", then you might as well equate Vengeance Juggernauts with Madness Assassins and say they're "equally balanced".

  10. Lol....lightning already has more than enough instants.


    You mean the ones that are on CD while you're kiting? And if they're not, what where you doing when they werent on you?

  11. SWTOR as many of us see it.


    Jugg: Vengeance, Rage

    Mara: Anni, Carnage, Fury

    Sin: Hatred, Deception (meh)

    Merc: I.O, Arsenal

    PT: Pyro, AP

    Sniper: Marksman, Virulence

    Ops: Lethality, Concealment




    lol but on a serious note, can Sorcs get fixed yet? Make lightning good please. Remove that double ark on t-blast and give it a dmg increase, so its actually a reliable burst. Also change the insta lightning bolt talent to proc more often. someone gets on you and you dont have polirity shift and gg m8. Lol


    Make more of the damage from madness come dots than all this casting. So instead of kiting for 6 hours, i can kite for 4 hours :) I kinda don't wanna sit there offhealing all day. If I did, i'd go heals.


    lol kk. Go ahead. Tear my thread apart peeps.

  12. JC has like 2 to 4 groups that q grp ranked a few nights a week. Its not spectacular, but the interest in grp ranked is starting to spread so its possible there could be more groups in q.


    Interesting. Tho, I will wait to see what everybody comes up with. There should be like a poll or a vote. So we could see numbers of people wanting to go to a particular server. I think it's safe to assume that the aim is to place as many pvpers as possible within a particular server.

  13. You mean outside the fact that they were always viable, but people cried so hard because they didn't know how to play them and kept getting locked? Lol. Also, check his group rating.
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