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Posts posted by demonpride

  1. i have to say i totally agree with the op here. i am sorry but i got fed up of blizz saying you want gear here is some dailies. and it made me brain dead to the fun of the game. i have been 50 for less then a day and i am like OK so whats there left to do besides raids and pvp. my friends like well there is dailies. and b4 he got the last of the word dailies out i was ready to smash my head into a wall.


    i understand their needs to be something to hold players. but dailies are not it. i log into a game to have fun and 7 years of wow and their shoving dailies down my throat as a means of having fun has worn so thin. i absolutely refuse to do dailies anymore.

  2. Exactly. And they might be new to MMOs and the way they responded I wouldn't blame them to be put off a bit. It's one of the things I hate about that area of the MMO community.


    i couldnt agree more. not everyone is that proficciant at games. so why bad mouth them for it. if this world was full of people that were great at everything we wouldnt need armys.


    take me for instance i had a rough time on draggh the second go around. no class boss should force me to kite him so my companion can kill him. i didnt relise i was playing star wars: the companion quest.

  3. People that have 12 lvl 50s have invested more interest and time on the game, why shouldn't they be rewarded for that ?


    wait that question was asked in wow also. i will tell you why. what if a person didnt have a pc that could handle the game. what if parents were unwilling to let their kids go thru it. so many factors. you pay to play not to recive rewards for being a long standing customeer. if that were the case blizz owes me alot for being a 7 year supporter.

  4. You get force camo. L2p and stop bytching.


    seriously force camo which lasts 4 seconds. is that your opinion use a rediculusly underpowered skill. go grab a brain then come back. im not asking for a pushback or knockback. but the ammount of knockbacks there are in thsi game is stupid silly. i am playing sith marauder and it feels more like a punching bag then a jedi counterpart.

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