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Posts posted by jamesvasquez

  1. what is going on now is basically 12x xp. the way 4.0 has changed things has basically enacted a permanent 6x xp, and right now there is a 2x xp event. so you better get in on it now as it ends on the 3rd of jan.
  2. I am indeed using a power generator rather than a shield generator. thank you very kindly for your response. that fixed the problem admirably. Nice quote from American McGee's, btw.
  3. So I have a 55 tank spec in full purple 66s with augs and for some reason my absorption and my shield rating are at 0. This is what I have.


    1 Adv. Guardian Hilt 28

    8 Adv. Guardian Armoring 28

    9 Adv. Elusive 28B Mod

    7 Adv. Bastion Enhancement 28

    8 Adv. Redoubt Augment 28

    3 Adv. Absorb Augment 28

    3 Adv. Shield Aug 28


    This is my first time running a tank, so I just want to make sure that what I'm geared out with isn't causing the numbers I'm seeing.

  4. So is there an opt-out option this time for those of us leveling a character who don't like Double-XP?

    I mean, of course, besides having to not play the character because we would be forced to outlevel everything too fast.


    You could stop being concerned since outleveling content usually happens by playing the content any way.

  5. Heh, yeah, he says that nowadays, but you have to remember that back when, it was a whole different story in most interviews... never was it mentioned that it as made for the kids...


    You can't tell me episode VI didn't make it blatantly obvious that it was for kids with all the teddy bears running around.

  6. Actually, I wouldn't mind if Rebels was a bit more adult oriented, but just adding blood and slaughter is not the way to do that.

    I never could get into Clone Wars because it was so obviously aimed at kids.

    Some have said that it became more adult oriented towards the end, but that doesn't help much since I'd still have to sit through all the seasons that were aimed at kids.

    Sure, Star Wars (the originals) were child friendly, but they were not directly aimed at small children. They were aimed at the entire range of ages.

    This is something so many (including George Lucas) seems to have lost grasp of. Most things Star Wars (save some computer games) are so obviously aimed at children with no consideration to the adults.

    The one does not exclude the other, just look at pixars movies and some of the later disney ones.

    Most people are not in the "I want blood and guts" corner, but most DO want movies aimed more towards adults and not just kids.

    I personally think that is one of the major flaws with the prequels. They were aimed at kids. This lead to pretty bad writing overall and some horrible horrible decisions when it came to "comic relief"... Not to mention the extremely shallow and unconvincing love story.


    Not that I disagree with you, but George Lucas himself said that his target audience was always kids. Even if the original trilogy delves into the darker side of things, it was pretty acceptable as a kids' series of movies at the time. Ever see "The Witches"? That was aimed at children too, and it involved slaughtering children by turning them into mice and stomping on them.

  7. I didn't mind it terribly, I just snatched all of mine off the GTN, and now I have a few sitting in my Cargo bay for when the time comes that this pack is out of commission. :p

    But it was a pretty silly implementation, and I'm glad that they won't be doing it again.

    That being said, I hope it didn't turn them off completely of the idea of story content through the CM - I, for one wouldn't mind seeing some DLC/mission packs in addition to what we're getting with the patches.

    That's actually how a lot of other MMO's do it, in DDO for example all the new quests need to be unlocked through the store - same deal with The Secret World.


    SWTOR's devs made it pretty clear when they went F2P that the "base" game, as it was then is pretty much what you can expect to get for free - something which TSW devs also did, except that the latter also promised that each time story content came out it would be within your monthly points budget (if you are a subscriber at least) and that they expect you to use your points to acquire that content then if you want it. (similar to how a classic subscription would give you access to all new content)

    Bioware did the same thing with the Cathar, they told the players that they could easily get them for "free" if they reserved some points for it, yet a bunch of people threw a giant fit about having to use their points on an unlock instead of on packs or some other things. :rolleyes:


    Honestly, this I would be ok with. I don't like them in the gambling packs, but if there were pure DLC packs, I think that would be great. At least then I wouldn't necessarily be paying 60 bucks to get turn-in missions.

  8. One of the reasons why I use Trymbo's rants and random NPC conversations as an example. If someone really wants to argue that the silly ramblings of the generic NPCs is story content, I say it's a pretty weak stance. And as I've pointed out before, the novels, comics, and short stories about the story are not included either, but they are much more relevant to the story than the Shroud's ramblings, which, by the way, are as insightful and important as Trymbo's. The story as to WHY (Which is revealed in the novel "Deceived") Malgus

    betrays the Empire and declares himself Emperor

    ,is relevant story content, not the narcissistic rants of the Shroud.


    This All-or-Nothing stance is frankly, ridiculous. It doesn't work in the real world, it should work here. Again, I'm glad that I noted that they stated that they didn't have any plans at the time to do any datacubes. Since that leaves open the fact they said, "...at this time" and datacubes, there will still be other avenues, which I would totally support. I loved the datacube idea, from delivery to finish. Not so much the content, but the idea. I thought it was great.




    So this makes you a hypocrite then. You paid for story content and then was pissed off that they charged for story content.


    Yes, I think it is time to apply your All-or-Nothing stance to this.


    How does that make me a hypocrite? I'm a realist. I know that expansion packs come out for MMOs and I can fully expect to pay for them. I don't mind. I do mind buying gambling packs and crossing my fingers for a set of missions. Honestly, I would have liked it better if they had been implemented the way Andryah suggested, as not taking up the rare slot, but rather the mats slot or companion gift slot, or their own slot altogether for these packs. At least in those cases, it wouldn't be such an exorbent amount of money for 8 backstory missions.

  9. LOL.. poor Eric. He gets railed when he mis-speaks (which we all know he does from time to time), UNLESS what he mis-speaks serves an agenda to prosecute the game.... in which case he is your hero. :)


    Did you upack and use the datacubes? Or are you performing faux indignation? What's inside? A Mission, a turn-in mission to be precise, which has no bearing or contribution whatsoever to a characters storyline progression.


    There is no story there, as we know it in this game (ie: interactive aspects of class_story or story that progresses your character in some meaningful way). These were simply some cutscene fragments of no value whatsoever, regardless of what Eric said. If any of you actually think/believe that those cutscenes = story.... then you have incredibly low standards as to what defines story in this MMO.


    Cutscenes?.. yes. Story?.... no.. not even close. Cutscenes can be storyline.. but just because something is a cutscene does not make it storyline. Eric simply misspoke IMO when he responded (as he has been known to do..as anyone who is a regular in the fourm knows). Let's be honest... and objective.. what they did here was experiment with adding missions_in_a_box in the CM as random drops. And as with most missions that are frangments (not in any way connected to a charcters storyline progression)... they are delivered through a cutscene. Fragments of cutscene in this game are synonymous with random NPC dialog in other MMOs when you turn in a quest.


    Were they experimenting with inserting cutscenes via a different method into the game? Absolutely. To what end in this case... if you did all 8.. you got a limited availability armor set you could add to your collections. Did the cutscenes in any way integrate with your character and their progression through the game? NO.... so to call them storyline is hyperbole.


    Fact: they are experimenting with all kinds of game content insertion through the CM. So what. All this "a bridge too far" nonsense is simply people being bent that class specific stories were not exteneded in RoTHC... and they need something to beat on.. so the datacubes are low hanging fruit for those that hate the CM to rage on about.


    TL;DR: NOT ALL cutscenes in this MMO = storyline. ;)


    Now, IF you want to complain about a Turn-in Mission being random dropped in Cartel Packs.. at least you would be standing on ground worthy of some discussion.


    The thing is, he corrects himself whenever it's a misquote. Considering that he has not come in here to say that it's a misquote, that should make it pretty clear that it's not. Is it a significant amount of story content? No. But it is story content. You can dispute that, but since Eric, himself, said so, I'm gonna have to just go with you're wrong. I never said all cutscenes were story content. But these 8 cutscenes are all about the Shroud's story. How can that not be story content?

  10. I have mixed feelings about this topic myself actually. :)

    Though mine are more about the randomness (and limited availability) rather than it being "paid story content" - after all Makeb, and pretty much every other MMO expansion is "paid story content". :p

    Games themselves fall into that category.


    I don't have a problem with paying for expansions, and in fact, preordered RotHC, but for a small set of missions that provide xp and story content, it seems a little underhanded. I buy hypercrates every month or so, so I was bound to get all the datacubes, but I still didn't like what they were.

  11. Considering you're the one flailing your arms and ranting each time Bioware does something that requires paying for, I think you might be the one that needs to think about what you place relevance and importance on.

    I've seen you throw fits about the paid server transfers, the companions and now the crystals too. :rolleyes:

    All things the vast majority of people seem perfectly fine with.

    I didn't the read most of this thread, but I imagine there was quite a bit of flailing from you on this orginal topic as well. :rolleyes:




    Yeah, I'll definitely be grabbing some from the GTN - just need to decide which ones. :D


    To be fair, a lot of the arm flailing about this issue was done by me. I was also the one who necroed it after it had been dead for a month or so because I discovered that you gain xp from turning in all the datacube missions, which I felt, strengthened my stance that it should not be in the cartel market. Obviously, there are disagreements on that stance. it's just not something i was particularly pleased about.

  12. I would quit if they DON'T redesign it. I, as a raider, want old content to be still relevant, and right now, neither EC, EV or KP are relevant. Raiders need MORE content, not only new things. More variety would be welcome, an upscaling of the existing ones can provide it in addition with the new ones you are asking for.


    At least scale EC, EV and KP nightmare modes to 55 with the appropiate challenge and loot.


    Really? You would quit? That seems a bit excessive, but by all means to each is own. And "to each is own" is the proper way of saying that before any one starts getting up-in-arms about it.

  13. I wouldn't be opposed to it. Seems like a lot of rework, and anything major done in PvE space at this juncture would potentially be detrimental to the PvP crowd. I think it'd be a great idea to implement making the 3 Ops as lvl 55 and then updating the daily areas to give out basic comms instead of any classic comms, but that'd be a really big patch. There should probably be a couple of back-to-back PvP patches before something like this.
  14. /Agree


    Honestly I think he added this because he thought the audience would be too stupid to realize that Palpatine was the emperor unless he looked exactly like RtoJ by the end of the prequels. It's along the same lines with them being making the first death star already at the end of RotS.


    That part always bugged me too. Why did it take them 20 something years to build the first one... which looked pretty far along at the end of episode 3, and then end up almost completely done in 7 years time for the second one? New waves of space welding technology?

  15. If you forget about all the crappy stuff, they're not actually that bad. You just have to selectively remember, like the non-Jar-Jar cut of Episode 1.


    Remember Dooku, Obi-Wan, lightsaber and force fighting, Jango Fett, and Yoda.


    Forget little Anakin, any of the romantic subplot in the slightest (just think that Anakin and Amidala fell in over off screen - make up your own, non-ridiculous romance), Jar Jar, podracing, Neimoidians, midicholorians, Watto, the Emperor falling on his face in his Senate office, Dexter Jettster, and "NOOOOOOOOOOOO".


    So, basically, if you make up your own prequels in your head that are almost nothing like the actual movies, you get three decent films.


    what's so ridiculous about a woman falling in love with a man who is sixteen years younger than her, yet for some reason they look like they're the same age?

  16. I refuse to believe that, simply because it's SO EFFING LAME. I just always assumed that Palpatine's corruption in the OG Trilogy was due to him being, like, old.


    Lucas didn't need to explain Palpa getting all wrinkly in RotS. What, 19 years separate Eps. 3 and 4? So he gets wrinkly in 19 years. That's what happens when you're in politics, look at US Presidents before and after office. Being really open about your evil ways for 19 years probably didn't help.


    Plus, Luke got Force Lightening to the face and didn't wrinkle. So I go with the "that's his TRUE look, the other was a sort of disguise" line of thought. It's still lame, but not quite as lame.


    /OT I know


    This is how I approach it as well. Or I just ignore that the prequels ever happened. 'Cept for Vader and the lava.

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