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Posts posted by TheSelkie

  1. Also, Darth Marr says at the end of the Makeb story line that he is in fact not dead...


    Quote Darth Marr: "They speak truth, the Emperor is gone, dying is not dead, no matter what propagandas say, he will not be mourned". So you can say, he's in a coma or behaving like someone in a coma.

    You've got one important word wrong there - Marr says "dying IF not dead". That means something completely different - "dying is not dead" would mean that the emperor is alive but dying, "dying if not dead" means the Emperor is either dead or dying but, importantly, Marr doesn't know.

  2. Jedi Knight


    Refuses a seat on the council, spends his later years training jedi in combat. Eventually dies as an old man in a fight against a young sith lord.



    Sith Warrior


    Renounces his position as Emperor's Wrath and never bothers to assemble a group of followers - he has no interest in politics and he's feared enough that he doesn't feel he needs a powerbase. Several council members are planning to seize control of the empire and, fearing his influence if he sided against them, group together and kill him off in an ambush.



    LS Bounty Hunter


    Grows old, give up on bounty hunting and buys a farm on Tatooine, occasionally helping out his neighbours with their problems with local thugs. One day while he's drinking in the cantina one walks in and shoots him in the back.


  3. I would prefer two stories of X length each over 8 stories if 25% X each, thanks.

    It doesn't take 4 times as long to make 4 stories than to make 1. Think of every planet in the game so far - we'll use Dromund Kaas as the example. It has 4 different stories, but at least 80% of the content is shared by all 4. They all deal with the slave rebellion, grathan's estate and the dark temple. The actual differences in content are relatively small instances in each of those main areas.

  4. Let's be realistic here, Bioware have designed it in such a way that

    there are enough hints that he's alive to allow them to bring him back if they want, but if they choose not to then they can simply say he's already dead. You can argue all day about in-game logic and who's lying about what, but it just boils down to Bioware keeping their options open.

  5. you need to make 4 times the content ((at least)) for the same length of story.

    I disagree with "at least 4 times as much content". Big chunks of the content would be reused, take Dromund Kaas for example - all 4 storylines use the same 80% of the Dark temple, then they split up into relatively small class specific instances. If they'd done the same thing with Makeb then it certainly wouldn't have been 4 times as much work, all of what they currently have could remain the same but with a handful of class specific areas added on where the class stories progress.


    Obviously I'm not claiming that it's easy to make new class quests, but saying it's 4 times harder isn't a fair or accurate figure.

  6. Malak took the opportunity to fire on Revan's ship because he knew he wasn't strong enough to beat him in combat. I can't see any reason to think that Malak would have become significantly more powerful during the time he betrayed Revan and his eventual death, so I can't see how he'd beat Darth Revan.
  7. I consider this dishonest

    How exactly is it "dishonest" ? They told you that if you paid X amount of money then you'd get access to ROTHC, you paid the money and they gave you access. Not only that but then they gave you an extra 1000 cartel coins for free. Essentially you're now better off than you would be if BW hadn't made the expansion free (1000 cartel coins better off to be precise), so how exactly have you been wronged?

  8. Yoda was the best in the old Jedi Order, but Luke was the best in the new Jedi Order, and he surpassed Yoda, this was stated in the Real Most Powerful Lightsaber Duelist Thread (earlier thread open to Jedi and Sith), it was argued multiple times, and is canon.

    Is it canon? I recall there being a consensus that Luke was more skilled than Yoda but there were no direct canon quotes to compare the two.

  9. At the peak? He hadn't even started yet! I mean read some of the EU books, Luke was still learning about lightsaber combat, he hadn't even come close to his peak yet. But even when he does reach his peak as a Grand Master, I doubt he could of taken and beaten Mace.

    You seem to have misinterpreted my comment, I was saying that we're considering Luke's skills at his peak (as Grand Master) and so your previous comment about how he was relying on the force rather than skill against Vader doesn't demonstrate that he didn't become incredibly skilled. You seem to have taken my comment to mean that I thought he was at his peak against Vader.

  10. Take ROTJ. Luke never mastered Form IV, or Form V. Hell when he survived on Could city, that was his raw ability in the force and the VERY limited training he got from Yoda and Kenobi that kept him alive.


    On the second death star, again that was more his ability in the force and mimicing Vader and throwing in some acrobatics that he did instinctively that beat vader. Hell he really didn't master the light saber till MUCH later on in life. Most of what he did in the movies and it's even in the books, mostly raw ability in the force.

    But I assume we're ignoring all that and considering him at the peak of his lightsaber prowess. At that point, how can we accurately judge how much of his ability is down to the force? We can't, we can only speculate on it.


    I maintain that if we compare how each competitor would do against a neutral opponent (one who their style of fighting isn't particularly good or bad against) in a duel then we remove much of the speculation since we can reference actual feats. But it's down to Beni, I just don't see how anyone can say (for example) how good Sidious would be without his speed. We're essentially guessing how heavily people are relying on their strength in the force.

  11. I think we are taking what I said a little too far here. I'm just saying that skill takes priority over Force power

    So you're allowing force powers like speed to be taken into consideration, but you're saying they're less important than lightsaber skill? I don't see how we can accurately weight swordsmanship and force abilities in any sort of meaningful way. Yes, this works with Mace since you can say he must have more skill to be comparable to someone much stronger in the force like yoda, but I don't see it working for the rest of the list. For example, how much of Luke's ability was due to his force prowess? How can we possibly know or quantify that?

  12. As said in the OP by most powerful I mean most skilled. REAL Most Powerful is just the name of the series.


    So Force speed, valor etc. should be discounted.

    Fair point, I must have overlooked it. I think removing them is going to make it very, very difficult to make an accurate list, it's easier to compare how good characters are when using the full extent of their abilities rather than trying to speculate on how good someone like Sidious would have been without his speed.


    Are we also excluding Grievous? If not then he'd have to be quite high up, he fought and beat 5 jedi (including 2 council members) simultaneously without the use of any force powers.

  13. Then take Mace Windu, he's not the most powerful Force user, and he probably would lose to Luke in a duel. But does that make him a lesser lightsaber duelist?

    I would describe this as Windu arguable being a more skilled duelist than Luke, but we're looking for the most powerful duelist. To mean that means who would win with no use of lightning/push etc. but if you can use the force to argument your speed then that makes you a better duelist. I can't see how anyone would beat Luke in lightsaber combat, surely that makes him the most powerful?

  14. Had a quick look at The Power of the Jedi Sourcebook, the most relevant quote I could find:

    "In the history of the Jedi Order, only two opponents ever overcame [Windu] in battle. One was Master Yoda, who some said was the Order's true master of lightsaber combat. The other was former Master Dooku, whose own fighting style was archaic, yet stunningly effective."

    No other quotes comparing the two seem to be specifically about lightsaber ability.

  15. Based on pure skill I'd probably say Sidious then Yoda then Mace. I think Mace beat Sidious, but only because Mace's style was particularly good against him - if it hadn't been for that advantage then Sidious would have won in my opinion. I recall reading somewhere that Yoda regularly beat Mace in duels, but I could be wrong on that.
  16. you never know because the amour would of been mainly designed for laser bolts and designed without arrows being in mind, so it could have an unknown weakness against arrows

    I'm assuming they designed it with explosions in mind. If it can get pierced by an arrow fired from a light bow then shrapnel is going to rip it apart. Perhaps it was just poorly represented by the films, but the size of the bows combined with the short draw length means those arrows aren't going to pierce anything - a decent piece of plastic could have stopped them.

  17. The surprise attack started of with arrows ( a lethal weapon)

    A lethal weapon when used against someone who's unarmoured, but such small bows against fully armoured futuristic soldiers? They wouldn't penetrate modern attempts at exoskeleton body armour, logically stormtrooper armour should be much better than our current tech.

  18. You are passing off Opinion as fact stop it don't try.... and I already gave you the numbers on this

    As a neutral third party, I'd like to point out that this feels a tad hypocritical to me. You're claiming he's trying to pass off his opinions as facts, then immediately following that up by stating that "you've already gave him the numbers". These numbers are just your opinions.

  19. It depends on the laws in Star Wars. In real life we have international laws governing the matter, if a mercenary (the BH) is involved in a legal conflict, then you can't hunt him down afterwards and try to kill him (in the same way you can't hunt down retired enemy soldiers). If they don't have some form of galactic laws in place (to prevent torture, war crimes etc.) then it's fair game. It's probably quite un-jedilike though.
  20. One other thing that bugged me if how Revan was treated. Yes he's saved the Republic and all but would he really go back to being a Jedi? Become a Master? Even if the Jedi Order did accept him would he really want to go on that path again? To me, after the journey he has undertaken, I think Revan was beyond that

    Actually, I thought the opposite. Atris seemed to quite openly hate him and the book suggested that the other masters felt similarly. Given redemption and avoiding things like anger and hate are kind of what the jedi are all about, it seemed strange to me that the masters at Coruscant were so openly bitter towards him.

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