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Posts posted by Meoix

  1. Species/Race: Human

    Name: Junè

    Middle Name: Barlokov

    Last Name: Denora

    Gender: Female

    Date of Birth: 23 BTC

    Place of Birth: Alderaan

    Age: 24

    Height: 170 cm (5' 7")

    Weight: 62 kg (137 lbs)

    Hair Color/Style: Dark Violet (Dyed, Black Natural), usually in a ponytail, though will let her hair out when relaxing.

    Facial Appearance: Light fair complexion, no scars, freckles.

    Eye Color: Light blue

    Body Appearance: Small yet muscular frame

    Home Planet: Coruscant

    Current Residence: Tiny bare apartment on Coruscant

    Allegiance: Loyal to the Republic

    Profession: Republic military commando

    Armor/Clothes: White Republic military armour. When not in service she'll rarely wear anything fancy, usually something simple like a blue t-shirt and slacks.

    Primary Weapon(s): Assault rifle

    Secondary Weapon(s): Pistol

    Miscellaneous Item(s): Simple silver pendant in the shape of a dragon's claw around her neck. The claw holds a green marble.



    Junè's mother died in child birth. Her father, Jack Barlokov, once a member of the SIS, raised her as best he could. During missions he'd leave her mostly alone or watched by a fellow officer due to the frequency of urgent missions during the war. Much of this time was on various star ships or space stations. Moving around constantly she had few friends and focused her time studies.


    Due to his high risk missions in the SIS, Junè's father worried about someone taking advantage of his still young daughter, so he taught her self-defense and how to use firearms.

    Once Junè hit 16 however, her father was killed during an infiltration mission by the Sith.


    Junè decided to follow her father's footsteps, though not in search of vengeance, but to protect those who still have loved ones to lose. She entered the Republic military, where she excelled even more then she did in the classroom. She was eventually picked out for accelerated training and special programs. She was eventually hand picked to join a commando unit serving in the Republic military.


    She left what she had of her life behind to fight. She has a simple one room apartment on Coruscant now, the furniture includes a desk, a chair, a bed, and a mini-fridge. Her simple bare room mirrors her life outside of combat.

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