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Posts posted by SitHamster

  1. Des gens de Bioware lisent les topics en français?


    Bon, essayons quand même:


    Merci de bien vouloir corriger le manque de compatibilité du jeu apporté par les extensions: je faisais tourner TOR en intermédiaire tranquillement à sa sortie et maintenant c'est vraiment la merde même en low (ça rame, ça prend des plombes des fois à lancer/quitter l'application etc...)

    Apparemment c'est juste que le jeu n'en a plus rien à faire de certaines configs de l'époque de sa sortie, ou qui tournaient le jeu sans problème à sa sortie.


  2. I'll agree with some kind of a split decision: the part of the EU before the trilogies stay cannon,

    everything following the Episode 6 can be re-written, no harm done (except for the Thrawn trilogy that i still believe Disney should be adapting)


    And no one touches the Kotor period lore, it was started by a brilliant writing on an epic rpg game which successfully took the risk not to stick with the movies.

  3. Would this even make sense? I imagine you'd want an espionage agent to be sort of run of the mill, or at least able to blend in and I just can't picture someone navy blue with red eyes really fitting in with the Republic.


    They already broke the EU lore where Chiss were only discovered some years before the Clone Wars

  4. Hum... No... I think they are fine as they are. Companions are not meant to replace players, so making them too smart could make them even better than a regular player. Great to fill in DPS slots in FPs instead of other players :S


    They require a little micromanagement, and that is fine. Anyway, most of the hard AoE abilities are in FPs, and heroic 4 (that I have seen), so they are meant to be ran with other players.


    ... i remind one of the load screen tips saying that companions can replace a player in group quests , something like that.Not moving out of aoe's shows they actually can't replace a player

  5. there's a urge to add new classes. 2 would be a good start, 4 will earn them our respect.


    4 classes=

    -4 new stories

    -8 new advanced classes

    -20 new companions to hang out with

    -2 or 4 new ships

    -maybe 2 or 4 new starting planets (4 can be done easily, considering how small some are)

    -at least 2 new makeb quests *


    that would be rewarding your subscribers the good way, not with cheap fireworks and paintings

    *they could put half of the new classes in Republic and the other one in Empire,or , better, create a new faction with the 4 new classes

  6. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents on what planets I think should be added. It wont ruin the game if they arent:








    I know these are all classics, but it would be amazing.


    Anyone agree? Disagree?

    Kashyyyk, definitely. Naboo and Kamino would do great for the aquatic parts but i don't think they are timeline-wise (Kamino is supposed not to be well know by the galaxy and sending both the Republic and the Empire on it won't fit it)

    And for the last ones, we have planets looking similar already in the game (Oricon and Tatooine)


    My picks would go for Kashyyyk, Mon Calamari, Bothawui and Felucia

  7. Hello everyone;


    I'd like to know what you think about the stuff skins that would need more diversity in the game.

    Can't find original hats, lightsabers or head stuff? Share it!


    I personnally finds a lack of variety in lightsabers (2x blades ones especially) and head gear (too much helmets hiding the face; as i like spending time on face creation)

  8. New classes are needed the most, rather than expanding the ones we already know.

    There could be two "invokers" classes; like "Beast Master" for the Empire and "Tech Expert" for the Republic

    1st one would be a Willpower class summoning animals to atttack opponents; 2nd one would bea Cunning class using droids the same way. Maybe creating new main stats to fit it better

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