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Posts posted by Wartitans

  1. If your going high street way of getting a gaming pc, ignore whatever the sales people tell you is a 'great gaming pc'

    every single time they tell people that crap they have no idea what they mean.


    Your better option would be to buy a pc for the processor and ram, then see about putting a graphics card in seperately yourself if you are confident enough. A lot of stock PC's nowadays through the high street tend to advertise towards the everyday use option, which means good for internet and videos and thats about it.


    If your confident technically you can usually save yourself a buttload by building yourself, and for that i personally use either ebuyer or scan.co.uk. Both sell parts cheaply in comparison.


    I personally run the game on AMD CPU FX Series 4170 Black Edition Quad Core @ 4.2 GHZ (around £100), 8GB RAM (around £30), 2TB Hard Drive (can use smaller and will run the same), EVGA GTX 480 @ 1.5GB (around £150) and a cheapish generic Asus board (around £60) and a Corsair gaming pc power supply (around £70) and then got an NZXT case (£50)


    In total thats around £400 minus the hard drive and OS but at the minute I can fully run anything available at the moment on full graphics. If you do decide to go the DIY route, all I will say is don't crap out on your power supply it always ends up costing in the end.


    EDIT: Sorry missed the part where you said you didn't want to build.... in that case maybe just a graphics card switch on this would do quite well..



  2. Hmm I personally don't like the idea of flying chairs... to me the entire idea kills the star wars feel of the game however that being said, if there not liked, don't buy them and problem solved.


    An item for sale does not mean you have to buy it. If you dont agree with it don't use it.

  3. As far as windows 8 goes, I was fully using it myself a few days ago.


    Memory leaks seem to be worse on it as do client crashes with no error message.... however if you are still certain you want it to work can you give us a little more info please such as your computer spec?


    I ran into several issues myself, first one was software (java, NET Framework, directx, graphics drivers, SSD drivers inc controllers)

    second one was the installation had to be in admin mode too, not just the launch, then third the nvidia drivers currently have issues if you use any settings other than 'applicationg controlled'.


    After all this when the game did eventually come on, it set my graphics to the very low setting on 800x600 resolution as standard. It might be worth seeing if you can manually change the settings file to your old settings although I have no idea where the file is located I am afraid.

  4. Outlook and browser are separate apps... are you talking total used ram used or the swtor.exe's under the process tab of task manager?


    SWTOR is a 32bit app. I have 64GB of ram. I don't know what you got going on but that is a lot of ram for one 32bit app... definitely something going on somewhere... like you said though when you got a bunch of ram... leaks are not that big of an issue performance wise


    Why would you need 64GB RAM?? :s


    On topic, memory leaks noticed here too. Its way worse on windows 8 for some reason, its the main reason thats forced me to downgrade back to 64 bit win 7.

  5. Having played both Merc and Commando in PvP fairly regularly I can agree fully with what has been said.

    On commando what good is a knockback when melee opponents just leap straight back at you? especially since now favorite of the month rage specs are getting two leaps now with Obliterate. This effectively leaves us with a 4 second single target stun and an interupt. Slows aren't really much help since pretty much anything thats going to let you live long enough is a channelled ability anyway.


    My solution would be first of all make the stun grenade a longer distance, so at least after throwing melee's back you can stun one to stop him just launching back at you. There also needs to be one other form of stun/knockback somewhere commando specific but looking at the commando specific powers I am unable to see any other power it could attach to, so possibly decrease the cooldown on concussion charge.


    In terms of Merc I haven't played one in a while now since I gave up trying to make it viable so no solutions here.

  6. To be able to charge for the planet they will need something major on it. I wouldn't mind paying extra as a subscriber if it did have something special that doesn't happen elsewhere in the galaxy and if the price is reasonable. It would need to be enough to be classed as an actual expansion and not just a new area.


    However if the planet is just a few new missions and nothing else I would expect it to be a free addition to subscribers and if it wasn't the entire thing would just go ignored.


    If there are no class specific missions there that would suit me fine, because it keeps the fact that if they do charge it is truely optional content and pushed in any way whatsoever. I mean picking up a mission on class that tells you to go to an area you can't access is frustrating, especially since you are going to be lumbered with it on your mission log.


    If EA has any say in the matter you can guarantee they are pushing the option to charge for everything from the new content down to your hair colour.

  7. Names should always be unique and Bioware shouldn't have to cater to the people being lazy and unimaginative past the option of Random Name generator.


    I personally spent around an hour coming up with names for each of my charecters and I am happy with them. Its annoying enough to see lowbies with names like ob'iwan etc nevermind allowing other players to copy other players names.


    As well as that what about sending tells? If your trying to send a tell to the 50th An'akin on the server how would it differenciate between the other 49? Having an account number attached just takes away the feel of the game, plus on RP servers it ruins chat. If you are trying to RP and everytime you speak you see [An'akin36377363] its just sad.


    My advice is look outside the box a little. Even words you wouldn't normally think of can be used well, such as one of my charecters is called Veteran, which on its own isn't anything special, however combined with my title it reads 'Gladiator Veteran' obviously this isn't an RP method but it opens a lot more possibilities.


    If you are really stuck for names you could always log an alt and look around the random NPC's for inspiration before making your charecter.


    Everyone else shouldn't have to suffer because a few individuals lack of innovation.

  8. The biggest issue with Windows 8 for me was the sidebar as stated above. It just seems an idea that wasn't well thought through... I mean everytime you want to close a window you get blocked by an annoying autohide bar that performs the exact same services as clicking on the start menu would normally... except there isn't a proper start menu anymore its a full screen overlay.


    Drivers may be supported but in terms of SWTOR in particular I noticed no real difference except occasionally the sidebar would appear when i move the mouse to the right hand side. If there is an option to disable it, can someone please explain how then the game would be fine.


    Speed wise I personally thought windows 7 seemed faster with Game Booster running compared to Windows 8 but that could just be down to the program.

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