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Posts posted by Prettyevilish

  1. I have actually ran with the group to capture a node, and been the only one left standing as everyone else runs off.."hey guys someone needs to stay and defend..it shouldn't be your healer"...falls on deaf ears..


    I really enjoy healing in PVP, and would much rather heal the group, spread the love, but being left alone at an objective to defend happens more times than I care to count..


    ^ So true.


    The entire group abandoned a sage healer (partial EWH so she SHOULD have been mid healing their butts) to guard on AH. The only person who bothered to notice who was guarding and relieve her was me, the only other healer on the team (partial EWH and who should have ALSO been healing mid so that we had the fewest deaths possible).


    I relieved her because I'm a commando healer and mildly less squishy than her and then tried to call on one of the DPS (multiple heavy armor ones and one GS who could have entrenched and avoided stuns) but no one bothered to come. So it was me and her swapping back and forth when we got tired of healing their stupidity (no guards, no taunts from the DPS spec tank classes, no peels, standing in AoEs while not stunned inside of them, etc.).

  2. My tank usually guards whoever is in need of guard - within reason, if the idiot with no reflex is being ganged up on then too bad for him, my tank's not doubling my work to keep him up a few seconds longer while he's doing nothing to save himself - and then swaps it right back to me if no one is under severe fire.


    I heal everyone, but I do prioritize my team at the start. However if a PuG really stands out, such as guarding me if we didn't bring a tank to the premade or peeling for me when my team is busy elsewhere, I will prioritize them right along with my team.

  3. If you were fighting in an Operations, I'd agree.


    But - wanna do Outdoor PvP in a PvE area? Get some PvE gear. You shouldn't get that advantage over people who either didn't like or didn't want to grind warzones. If you come to their house, you should have to play by THEIR rules.


    So, yeah, expertise should not function in Open World. It will encourage more open world encounters and discourage ridiculous gank fests.


    I do so hope you see the irony of telling a PVPer that he needs PVE gear to .... PVP. You do see it, don't you? You're just being intentionally obtuse in order to make your BiS super awesome against real PVPers, right?


    If you want to PVP (open world or otherwise, it may be in a PVE environment, but it's still against another player, so it's PVP) then buck up and get some PVP gear like the rest of us. You want to PVP, you do it by PVP rules.

  4. So I'm level 30, questing in Dune Sea area. I roll up to outpost Therzon to pick up the quests in the area.


    It is literally FULL of Imperial Red Level 50 players, slaughtering every guard NPC.


    I was not flagged when I entered. But somehow I BECAME flagged when they clicked on me. They proceeded to spawn kill me and every other inhabitant of the SAFE TOWN for the next 10 or so minutes, before I became angry and disconnected. My guild tells me they are STILL THERE killing.


    This is on the PVE RP server Ebon Hawk.



    This is crap, that is all.


    I thought I was going to have to apologize for my guild, but we aren't on Ebon Hawk. However we did do something similar during a social event we had - we had our sister guild on the Imp side trying to roll bases while the Pub players tried to defend and then trying to attack back, etc. A poor lowbie got caught in the crossfire - and it was only one that we noticed so there may have been others. We did try to call everyone off when we finally noticed him, but, to be fair, he did sic his companion on me (the healer who hadn't attacked anyone) so he was bringing part of it on himself.


    Rolling other bases is fun when you've done everything else a million times. Sorry.


    BW needs to work on their flagging mechanics really. But I doubt one of them 'clicked you' as that doesn't flag you. You had to do something - or as someone pointed out above - your companions bad AI did something.

  5. We're outnumbered Sirlen. Nevermind that the banned guy played rateds, and yet none of the other competitive rated teams or his team thought he hacked. The majority, who don't know the mechanics will have their way and BW will act just like a politician and do what the constituents pressure them to do even though its probably a mistake because the truth is to hard for the majority of constituents/subscribers to understand and would lead to losing office/subs.


    I suppose its possible he hacked, in some regular WZ for giggles but based on BW's track record with this (literally banning people just because there is a concentrated report effort against them, and then reversing the ban on appeal with both hack and abuse reports) I have serious doubts.


    Is that why they allowed Gingers to continue for over 2 months despite all the tickets and threads about it? Yes, clearly they just do what they are pressured to do.


    As for whoever's friend got banned, tell him to submit an appeal if he feels it was done in error. But they don't just ban for the funzies.

  6. Well, according to what you just said, his argument is invalid since he doesn't have statistics, let me ask you something, where are your statistics that claim you are right?

    You are telling people that you are three shorting people with your healer, stop with the bs, let's just say someone has 16k health with their augmented rakata, which is low, that still equates to over 5k for three hits, I don't know what kind of healer you're playing but I want to play that class. Are you a sorc, can't be with those numbers they don't have any burst abilities, operative, you might get 5k out of hidden strike if you get the warzone buff, but there's no way you're sustaining that for 2 more hits, mercenary, some people can hit 5k out of the top tier talent in the dps trees but as a healer, sorry, but no 5k hit. And with your dps friend, no way he's one shorting anyone unless he is a fully optimized smasher with warzone buff and bloodthirst on a tionese sorc, or against someone in green leveling gear.


    It's called hyperbole.


    I don't think it makes any sense to ask someone for statistics proving that PVP gear is better for PVP than PVE. Or are you suggesting it's illogical to think that PVP gear was made to give an advantage in... PVP? (pretty sure the person who suggests you wear the incorrect armor should be the one to provide some evidence for why). And so far those saying they survive longer are using augmented BH as an example (which I will fully believe is about on par for most classes with recruit gears cruddy levels, though I think they'd probably still be better suited wearing a couple pieces with expertise to avoid being under constant trauma, like the implants and earpiece), not Rakata.

  7. I giggle every time I see a sage healer getting focused, and pull a team-mate over to help.


    When I do that, I always wish that I could use them as a shield when I pull them over. Not just pull them over to 'help'. I want to hide behind the jerk that was watching me get 6-man brutalized. And those AFKers would finally have a use if I could do this with them.

  8. Harbinger has lots of healers. Usually, if you have one healer in a round, you'll have a minimum of 3 of them (or more, at which point you wish there weren't so many healers, because let me tell you, a team of 6 healing sages is NOT fun).


    However, some matches I end up not healing much despite playing primarily healers (actually specc'd heals, not DPS) because I'm spending more time running for my life or dead behind the barrier. So if you want to entice healers to actually heal (or even a heal class to throw you some heals despite being a DPS tree) you can throw guards on them, taunt any enemies near them (if you are not a tank, that's fine but you still have at least one taunt if you are a class that can potentially tank, use it!) and peel for them (for the love of all that is good, please peel for your healers! Stop making us face tank when we run out of escapes).


    I usually put out the most heals when I have a competent person guarding me (someone who comes into range to take half my damage and doesn't LoS my healing abilities constantly while I'm channeling) or if a competent DPS is peeling for me (smashers have surprisingly become very useful for this, as people see the smash and suddenly scatter to the four winds trying to get away from each other, thus giving the healer some escape time). These do not have to be premades, but just people that watch out for their healers. You watch out for me, I'll watch out for you. If you run right past me while I'm being stunlocked and backstabbed repeatedly by an operative, I'm not going to throw you many heals at all unless I have some downtime between healing those that actually helped me.


    My favorite guards are from vanguards (they've always been the most reliable for me and most use their pull to get at least one DPS off of me - I've never had a shadow do the same, because I rarely see a shadow specced that deep into tanking to have it), but I'll take anyone that has over 20k health (I'm sorry recruit geared tank, I'll take your guard, but realize that I take a LOT of damage thanks to having a big target over my head and I won't be able to keep you going if you are taking 50% of it).

  9. The point is the "send 2 to snow" guy is talking to his imaginary raid leader.


    Um, doesn't look that way to me. Looks more like he was saying that the group needed to send two to snow, as in, work it out amongst yourselves who goes, but get two to snow right now.


    Methinks I smell a bad who wants to be a special snowflake and never do anything someone suggests in a WZ.


    People like you drive me mad during a WZ. I will take the lead if I see an opening that needs taken advantage of. It's the people like you who start yelling 'shut up! Who put you in charge? Stop telling us what to do!" and then QQ that they never win anything.


    You remind me of this girl the other day that, upon me yelling that someone needed to go guard the pylon, she told me to shut up and do it myself. I was a sage healer so that was a retarded idea to start with, but I was also the only healer and keeping everyone up at mid (end of the game we had 3 deaths on the team, total, I did my job well). We got double capped because the only people willing to listen were deep in mid (slows abound in mid so we were all walking like we needed walkers) and couldn't get there in 6 seconds. The girl yelling at me to do it myself was one of two who abandoned the pylon, but refused to go back to it despite that it would only take her a few seconds to do so.


    We lost because of that double cap.


    At the end of the match I only managed to pull 3 medals (271k healing with almost no damage done only nets you 3 medals, sad but true) and she went off how I needed to stop giving orders until I learned to play (and proceeded to criticize my DPS being under 20k. When I pointed out I was the healer she said HER healer pulls all kinds of medals and blahblahblah then put me on ignore).


    You're one of those people, aren't you?

  10. Depending on the specific piece, augmented rakata is as good as recruit. augmented 61+ is definitely better than recruit. I have a hard time believing PVErs who farm stabs are wearing anything less than augmented rakata. Mebbe people join warzones in their tionese but those people aren't farming stabs. I don't believe these people you are complaining about exist.


    Sorry, but augmented rakata, without any expertise, is NOT better than recruit in a PVP zone. It's better than recruit for PVE and that's it. Without any expertise you'll be taking more damage, receiving less healing, doing less damage and doing less healing. Not to mention the trauma debuff.


    If you have statistics proving otherwise, please post them, but there's nothing I love more than running into a guy wearing his rakata and BH gear in a WZ - three shots (from my healer, one if I tell my DPS guildie to go get him) and he's dead, less if he's a healer or particularly squishy class. And if such a person attacks my healer, I don't even need to call for any peeling because the guy is basically tickling me.


    The only benefit such a person gets is they may not immediately LOOK like they are squishy due to the health level. But as soon as someone hits you and half your life bar drops off, they'll be gunning for you the entire round.

  11. ^This. Also, just remembered why I clicked this thread title. I thought you were going to ask bioware to do something about all the mails/whispers from all the gold farmers in the game. I'm marking at least 3 emails a day as spam now.:mad:


    But they send you a whole 1 credit! That's 3 free credits a day! (Just kidding, if that wasn't obvious).

  12. I disagree with kicking people because they're incompetent. There are a lot of bad people but it's a sliding scale an people have too high of standards and would kick noobs in 100% recruit gear.


    You have to put up with the morons who don't know how to play, everybody is like that on their first game. Educate them and put up with the handicap for the match.

    And hiding while defending isn't bad play, it's a strategy: call Inc early, let them start their hack, then interrupt 2 seconds before they get it with a stun. The goal is to give your team as much time to arrive as possible (although that guy had other issues too).


    Kick is for people who legitimately go AFK or troll which is different.


    Your guy was a bad player. I played with a guy who queued wearing no armor. Insulted the entire team for advising him to gear up. Then runs into the middle of every fight trying to fist-fight the enemies.


    After all minute ot two he went into gen chat and started telling the enemy what our current disposition was.


    When the vote to kick didn't work that became the first and only time I rage quit.


    He wasn't masking himself by hiding, he was literally hiding in a place where they wouldn't see him even if they attacked(and if that were the plan, you'd leave the stealther there alone to do it and actually go help your team cap something, you don't need two guarding west). He wanted to sit on the safe node (west is rarely attacked and was only attacked once during this match, and I killed the attacker solo - as a healer, with no help from that Tionese geared guy hiding). And as I said, he clearly wasn't going to call incoming. You're giving him FAR too much credit.


    If a person is TRYING to play, I don't care (and I don't think the majority of puggers are going to be super elitists who kick all PVP recruit geared people either, heck as a healer I regularly keep the recruit geared people up over the WH ones because they're trying harder or actually trying to cap instead of pewpewing; even most premades I've met won't kick a recruit geared person unless you are intentionally playing badly while wearing recruit gear). It's the ones that do not try. You can't educate a person to call incomings and not be useless collecting defender medals. You can't educate a person to have reflexes and not sit behind their shield while their healer gets pulverized and they literally do nothing, and then allows a cap with just ONE attacker.


    None of the things I listed were situations where it was 'he's new and just doesn't know the ropes yet', as I'd have tried vote kicking far more often if that got under my skin. They were all people being useless or intentionally dragging down the team despite repeatedly being told what they needed to do.


    And I fail to see how your naked guy telling the enemy what you were doing was any worse than any of the things I listed. All of them are equally bad and deserve a vote kick. They are all dragging the team down and are not trying to learn how to play. They wanted easy medals and that's all (except the guy rushing their pylon, he got 1 medal, so I'm not sure what he was doing other than just being stupid).


    If 7 people vote to kick you... you're probably guilty of something FAR worse than just being a person in recruit gear (even a premade is likely to only have 4, total, so you can't say premades would abuse it either - and most premades that managed to get more than that in will probably not give a rat's booty who the couple pugs are or what they do. The few times my guild managed to get 7 people into the same match we didn't even look at their gear, just distribute orders for our guild, gave suggestions to the pugs for who they could help the most and then never gave them a second thought).

  13. You mean anyone other than the guy telling someone else to go to snow?

    You know , the guy that recognizes no one else is at snow, but has the time to tell someone else to go, instead of going himself.

    If you need help at snow, thats different.

    But just saying "someone go snow so I can freely farm kills" is another thing.


    If the guy is respawning or on node guard elsewhere, he should just run snow? Riiiiight.

  14. Heaven forbid someone try to give constructive ideas during a PuG? Now, if you got to snow immediately after the call and it was overrun by 5 guys then you could question this person's leadership skills, otherwise what's your point?


    The person trying to give ideas doesn't know what everyone is doing, but you know, if you happen to not be doing anything - or if the team is mopping up at mid and can spare you - you can probably spare yourself to go snow. If you are the sole healer at mid and you are the reason they are mopping up without dying then don't go, but you could give some additional direction to that idea since you know who isn't needed there at the moment. "A, C, you two go snow, we can hold it down here," is a great follow-up and is great communication amongst PuGs.


    Sadly, people would rather QQ about someone trying to lead them than actually assist. Because everyone wants to be a special snowflake that does their own thing - and then whines because they can never win a match.


    When I suggest people check snow it's always because they are overrunning the other node and that means snow is probably left unguarded. I'm sorry that I probably just got killed going grass in order to discover snow was likely unguarded, so I don't know what everyone else is doing and therefore can't give specific names for who should go, but I will give a suggestion (and if I have time on the speeder ride back in, I'll even add, 'grass is overrun so snow is probably empty, two go check it and try to cap', but there isn't always time for extra words in a WZ and I may not have died just yet so me holding on to life just a little longer over there could give you a chance to cap snow if you actually listened).

  15. I had a horrible run of PVP one day where we were constantly trying to kick a few people (I think it was just the same two or three people each WZ, I wasn't taking names). The first guy ran west with me in Novare Coast. I thought 'great, he can stand node guard while I stealth over to east and screw with them'. Before leaving anyone I don't know to guard though, I always ask in chat 'will you call incs?' because if they don't answer that, they aren't going to call. He waits and waits and waits. I ask again. Finally he says 'sure'. Not too reassuring so I say 'nevermind, seems I can't trust you here alone.'


    He then promptly proceeded to wedge himself between the large generator and the building with the capping thing inside of it. I was absolutely SHOCKED by that. I had never seen anyone try to hide themselves from the enemy team before.


    I quickly inspected his gear to discover he's wearing all Tionese. I immediately let the team know the guy is hiding and wearing no PVP gear and to please vote kick. I initiate a vote kick with the reason being he's hiding and not playing.


    He earns a medal from sitting on the node (where he won't call incs and so can't be left alone) so the vote kick is discontinued. I do it again. Another medal. Again. He suddenly jumps up and runs over to east where he's promptly slaughtered. It was worth a laugh at least, but he came right back to west and wedged himself back into that corner. I vote to kick again and the process repeated.


    He was TOTALLY useless and had planned on being totally useless the entire round.


    Another one was a guy in lowbie PVP who was guarding a node with me. He was a gunslinger and I was a scoundrel healer. I was like 'great, he can melt their faces off and I'll just keep him going. We'll be great.'


    We get attacked. He has NO reaction reflexes AT ALL. I'm being stunlocked repeatedly, my HoTs the only thing keeping me up for a number of assassin mauls. The guy is still sitting behind his cover doing nothing! Assassin goes to cap while I'm stunned and he's doing nothing. I watch him still doing nothing. I use CC breaker and stop the cap, get stunned again and attacked. Finally, with a sliver of health left, he gets out of his cover and flash bangs the assassin. Assassin CC breaks and one stiff breeze from his lightsaber killed me. And while I'm taking the speeder back in, the node is capped - but he's not died, because I was watching for his name to pop up.


    So yeah, after letting me die and letting the node get capped - either because of incompetence or being AFK - the team tried to vote kick him. He sat on nodes collecting defender medals, which discontinues the vote kick, and once he couldn't collect anymore of those, he kept running mid to get slaughtered (just like the other guy running east). It made me feel a little better about him letting me die without lifting a finger.


    And then there was the guy in Hypergate that wracked up a whopping TWENTY-EIGHT deaths (I had never even seen such numbers before that, the rest of the team all had 5, at most)! We told him to stop running to their pylon, but he kept insisting he could cap it (he was not a stealther). So he kept feeding them kills, screwing up the actual stealthers chance to cap since they had people actually guarding and leaving us undermanned at mid (we had two guarding the node because they had three stealthers rotating around who tried to sap and cap).


    In all these rounds we were basically down a man. Heck, having an empty slot would have been preferable because at least then you wouldn't have expected some sort of reaction from a person (and in hypergate, an empty slot does not feed the enemy points).


    There should definitely be a way to vote kick successfully for reasons other than AFK. Someone piggybacking on a team actually trying to win (just sitting in a corner, collecting defender medals but not calling incs or doing otherwise stupid stuff everyone tells him to stop doing) is not cool at all and no raid team would put up with it, but us PVPers... screw us.

  16. LOL. Do you also have something against the healers HEALING their whole team? Because the bubble is primarily used as an ability to slow down damage and let the healer catch up - especially since any good DPS can pop it in just a couple attacks (or let it wear off since the healer is likely to be separated from at least a few of the players after leaving the gate).
  17. Good call. That will put fear into them.




    Last one I submitted (Cartel Coins not applying to my account despite taking money out of my checking account and being hung up on when I called CS and then told to wait A MONTH) got an actual EA rep involved (not BW's horrible CS) and the issue actually got fixed. And since EA had to actually get involved, I'm sure someone at BW got in trouble.


    The BBB's useful for something, no matter how silly you think it is.

  18. All right folks, I talked to our developers and got some clarification:


    • The Revan outfit was adjusted to look more like Revan’s armor in the game.
    • The Spymaster and the Phantom outfits were both adjusted to look more like their advertised appearance in the Cartel Market, after we received more than a few remarks about this dissimilarity. This is to ensure that customers receive the advertised appearance.
    • Currently, the Stylish Dancer’s outfit is advertised as being white, but it should be red, as it appears when you preview the item. This will be adjusted for a future patch.

    We apologize for any inconvenience. In the future, we will ensure that all assets are in alignment on the Cartel Market. The final products are meant to look like the advertised art.


    Okay, then refund the remaining time on my six month sub as well as the money I spent on cartel coins to get these items. If you don't I'm submitting a BBB complaint for bait and switch.


    Also, the stylish dancer outfit is yellow/white. It's the new reveler outfit that's red and showing incorrectly in the advertisement. Good job not even knowing what's going on.

  19. Signed. Also signed for all other gear changed this patch, wasn't just the Phantom set.


    ^ The Trailblazer outfit is blech now and I want what I bought back, especially since there is NO advertisement art of it and therefore no people who were QQing it didn't look like the advertisement.


    If BW cannot manage a simple exchange option I want a refund of the money I spent on cartel coins getting them.

  20. This is the same argument as:


    "Sorry officer, I didn't know about the driving change the city passed. I was too busy driving to read the new legislation."


    It doesn't matter what percentage of people visit the forums. If they put it on the launcher do you think people would read it? Probably not; people as a rule don't read notices. Should they annoy people in-game with a plethora of pop-ups every time the developers comment on something? Outside of the obvious displeasure that would cause, people still wouldn't read it.


    This is how the real world works. Announcements are made on websites, notice boards, or whatever else. They're not shoved in your face. It is your responsibility to go out there and read the information. My work sends out important notices to e-mail. If I decide not to read it, that's on me and I face the consequences for it. Similiarily, BioWare posted a notice in an easily accessible space on their website. If you don't read it, it's on you.


    edit: As another poster pointed out, they also published this on Known Issues on their customer service board. So it was in two places. Ignorance is not an excuse.


    Once again, a very poorly constructed metaphor. Sorry, but that isn't at all like this.


    If a town made a new speed limit law there would be a SIGN on the ROAD where it was changed, a place where anyone driving there would see it and thereby know it was being done. (And I honestly can't determine what other driving laws might change, but I know when seat belts because a requirement there were signs on the roads about that too).


    Troll harder, cuz I'm pretty sure that's all you're doing at this point. There is absolutely NO legitimate reason that ANYONE should be against there being two armor sets - one that looks like the original 'wrong' armor and one that looks like the advertisement armor.

  21. The real issue isn't that they fixed the gear.


    It's that they took so long to fix it that people decided that this was the appearance it would keep.


    Rather than making 2 sets all they had to do was fix it within a week of releasing it. That way the number of people inconvenienced would have been much less. How many days did this take? Does anyone know? 20? 25? ...30?


    21 days for the stuff from the newest pack, I believe.


    Almost TWO MONTHS for the Trailblazer items that were significantly changed - and there is no advertisement art for this set, so let's hear someone justify why that had to be changed to please some group.

  22. I am not trolling you.... But I am going to give you bad news...


    You are obligated to come to the forums to check out what is going on. You signed ( sorta ) up for it, and agreed to do it, by clicking yes to the terms of use. ( not saying I agree with it, but it is there)


    So you should have come to the forums ( not saying you have to but should ) to find out what they are changing..... blah blah blah.... It was a bug, they said they were going to fix.


    Now I agree with Tux..... they should have had it where you can exchange it, that way everyone is happy.

    ( again not trolling you, just letting you know where Eaware stands on this)


    Please highlight the portion in the TOS where it says I agree to come the forum or miss out on important game update information. I actually read TOSs before I sign them and I don't recall any such BS in this one or any other game's TOS/TOU/EULA.


    Also, statistics have shown that only about 10-15% of any gaming population will visit its forum, so 15% (at most) of SWTOR's gaming population knew that the changes were going to be made. That's not a proper announcement by any means, and if it WAS viewed as an appropriate one, they would have advertised the mistype in the speeder piloting purchase the same way. They didn't. They put that right on the launcher that everyone has to look at to get into the game.

  23. It was a known bug for many weeks, and was stated multiple times that they were going to fix it. Also, these are pixels you people are getting upset about. I think that should help you find it.


    No, it's money I'm talking about. I used REAL MONEY to get those pixels. Had it been ingame credits I'd be miffed, but I'd toss the item in cargohold and move on. This was no ingame credits though; it was my real money.


    Maybe that should help you find some perspective.


    I also completely fail to see why so many are VEHEMENTLY against there being TWO armor sets, one that looks like the armor originally looked, and one that looks like the armor looks now. BW then allows for an exchange and both items can be bought, with real money, moving into the future. EVERYONE wins.

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