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Posts posted by PyroPancake

  1. Is the tier you achieve based on your highest rating or current rating? Currently, my highest rating earned this season is above 1,300 and I now have over 40 wins. This should qualify me in the "Silver" tier however, the game says I am still unranked, saying I need a 1225 rating and 20 wins to reach Bronze tier. My current rating is at 1200. Do I need to re-achieve the rating requirement to actually move into those tiers and get out of being unranked? I apologize if this has been answered before, but I could not find a clear answer on the subject. Any help would be appreciated! :)
  2. /signed


    COMPLETELY agree with this. I too had the same problem. I really wanted the agent tionese gear before it was removed but was too late :( Hopefully they will at least return as adaptive gear sets on the cartel market. We can only hope they will return somehow........

  3. Hey guys I just rolled an operative and now level 22. I was thinking of going concealment spec. But is the dps for an operative worth it? Because if not I would just go medecine spec. Or is there a viable hybrid spec currently? Any feedback would be great! :D
  4. Hey guys I just rolled an operative an am level 22. I was considering going concealment spec. Is the dps for an operative worth it? Because of not i would just go to medecine spec. Or is there a good hybrid spec available? Any feedback would be great! :D
  5. There used to be one for the 43's on the Cartel Market. But in the recent update they took it off along with all other level 43 gear. Although you can still find them on the GTN. There is a red version of that chest piece which you can get on Taris from a heroic. Also in later levels you can get that chest piece but with larger shoulder pieces. I hope this was helpful and good luck! :cool:
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