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Posts posted by Vasgarth

  1. I see this popping up in the chat box a lot. What does this mean?


    Thank you!


    [HEROIC+2 : "name of the quest"] and [HEROIC+4 : "name of the quest"] are, simply put, ways for the game to let you know that it's better to face that quest with a group, unless you want your *** beaten in such a violent way that you' ll remember it for ages !

    The "+2/4" obviously refers to the number of people it should take to finish the quest comfortably. Btw, if you ever need to look for a group for a Heroic, just type in the general chat "lfg" and then shift-click the name of the Heroic in your quest tracker, then hit enter : that way you can share your mission with others and find groups easily :) !

  2. Emh really my request was focused on another point: I wanted to know is if once changed the status of my account on prefferred that state was permanent or if you have a deadline for the state as a subscriber.


    "preferred" and "subscriber" are two different things : "subscriber" is whoever pays for the game, while a "preferred" is anyone who EVER bought a game time code on their account, so no, there's no time limit.

    Btw, I think the guy who replied first pretty much answered to your question...

  3. First things first, hi to the forum since it's my first post here :) !

    Secondly, I'm creating this thread for a friend of mine who decided to try the game since it's now F2P.

    Sincerely, I was already disappointed when, one week ago, I bought the Collector's Edition and STILL had to insert my billing information, even though I had 30 days of free game time included with the CE, but now it's something.. well, quite ridicolous.

    She logs in with the launcher and, before clicking on "play", she gets the dreadful "there is currently no active subscription on this account. Please activate your account here" message. Seriously, HOW is this f2p if I still have to insert my billing information ? It's kind of curious, because this would mean that SWTOR is the opposite of GW2 : you don't pay for the client but you actually pay for game time ?

    There is nothing like a "skip" or "advance" button ( not that I noticed at least, and I checked everywhere ), so this is getting quite frustrating. Can anyone lend a hand, please ?

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