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Posts posted by rantboi



    so I sent a appeal last night and it seems they lifted the removal decision and my video is online once again. I'm surprised they fixed it so quickly but I read something about youtube flagging/reporting system in the email I got before the fix, it seems due to global virus covid 19 they having false alerts on review process or something about it, it was written in the email I got. They asked my opinion why they should remove the "removal" and I did write its a star wars game with light side decisions, and I think that line was the key part of the fixing my video because it was and it is a light side version of the Dantooine cutscenes video with my female agent.


    There is a clothing/armour visual bug that makes lana completely black on a white face, rest of the body is black, is that why my video was get flagged perhaps? By the way it was my full cutscene video, not the colonal trazen one, its still basically same thing, still LS and still on datooine with a tiny additional cutscenes odessan, imperial fleet and alliance meeting room. Its where your character gives a speech to your factions troops on your fleet, in my case empire side with Darth Krovos, (sorry for confusion, I mistaken my video titles while looking at it)


    Yes I always do hide global chat as I mentioned in the first post, that includes whispers guild chat and so on, however there is some delays where I do click the hide icon in game,


    Since its a SW content, I ALWAYS lower the in game music, turned off or at least remove it afterwards on youtube tools once its uploaded,


    I really have no ANY idea why it was flagged in the first place, I can only imagine it was a troll, but it was a dick move thats for sure. I took my time to upload those videos to YouTube, rendering, editing and thumbnail management, its takes so much time due to my upload speed, so this is not acceptable in my honest opinion, but I'm glad its fixed this quickly,


    Now I did age verfication thing on my all videos to satisfy youtubes "needs", so I hope that at least lowers the chance for another flag in the future,


    If anything goes wrong again in upcoming hours or days, I will update this post, you never know what happens on a website like YouTube.


    you're overthinking it. it was probably just a bot that thought it saw something and automatically flagged it.

  2. Hey, healers! What's your professional opinion regarding Battle of Rishi HM last boss? Is it really hard to heal?


    We had a merc healer who either kept dying himself (and claiming his dcd don't work), or wasn't able to keep tank up. That happened every time adds showed up (and no, we didnt ignore them or anything)


    After 10+ pulls, healer got fed up with it and left. We got a replacement, an operative, and downed the boss on 2 try.


    it's not hard and even if people are being noobs and not killing the adds fast enough you can cc them, knock them off the platform or use the consoles to los them

  3. Red reaper gets easier the higher your gear. At lvl 306 and lvl 50 comp, it nearly feels like you could solo it if not for the extra add mechanic on the last boss.

    I know I can solo the first and second bosses on master mode. Just not the last boss. If anyone has done this, I’d love some advice on the tactics you used.


    take the boss to the far end of the room. the adds with root that spawn near entrance are too stupid to go around and they just run into the middle part and are harmless.

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