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Posts posted by JahXIII

  1. Why not make pvp non gearbased do away with the stat gear and make each class stat the same per side on entering pvp in any gear.

    This would make the whole game pointless.


    Give awesome pvpers unique titles and rewards like mounts pets unique gear sets crystal colors exc exc there are lots of options you can use to reward skillfull players and teams while keeping the game even.


    This on the other hand can be turned into something good, nothing keeps players in the game better than stroking their ego's


    First they have to enhance the queuing system, its mechanics and how the players are lined up by the AI , and also maybe figuring out how to make cross server PvP work, I think that those 2 would greatly boost the PvP from its current state, then add the unique tittles/rewards as an icing, and also give guilds a chance to stand out more, Guild rankings, Emblems some Guild vs Guild WZ or World Wars Empire vs Republic? (defend Tatooine or something like that) with rewards and say the top 10 guilds banner hanging somewhere in the fleet ,this would increase the charm of PvP not only to those hardcore PvP''ers but also entice the role playing/PvE community to try and get their Guild some " Publicity " and mix it up in a sense that PvP & PvE players would benefit from each other. these are only some suggestions that I have. ( Bragging rights and " getting your name out there " drives players a lot more than they would like to admit)

  2. Funny how in every MMO I see the DPS class is the one that gets the heat of the nerf Nerd rage.

    when Diablo 3 came out it was that the Demon Hunter was OMG NERF! DPS HAX and that Barbarians really needed a buff, and it turns out Barbs could efficiently solo the end game of D3 without breaking a sweat. while the now Nerfed Demon Hunter still gets 1hko but now has a lot less DPS to go with it. (just using this as an example,)


    It is not that surprising tho that the average joe who comes in PvP without much knowledge would notice the DPS characters first, they come in lacking equipment, or knowledge to counter a Mara for that matter , and would just rather flame in the forums, than figuring out what to do against a Mara..


    A well timed CC would destroy a Mara, Specially in groups, but you probably are too busy mashing up the keyboards, pressing all the hotkeys at the same time when up against a Marauder , Instead of figuring out when to use what skill,

    and if you rather run around alone in PvP warzones than sticking with the OP Group chances are a Mara will take you down. ( I mean thats the whole purpose of a Marauder )


    As for Defensive skills, they do have a cooldown, a smart or slightly knowledgeable Marauder would never jump into a fight with the defensive skills still on cooldown, that is when you usually see those Maruaders running around outside the " hotzones " but ofcourse while they are waiting for the cooldowns, you guys are too busy trying to kill the Toon infront of you like a racing horse with Blinders, by the time you decide to go after the Marauder, they have all the cooldowns ready.

  3. Keep in mind, there are also those who like me leave WZ upon entering the match and we find out that there is ~ 4-2 mins left, I do not feel like it is worth my time to play a match that is about to end, so i rather quit straight away :eek:
  4. 1) Cross-server queues for warzones, FP's and ops.

    2) Cross-server chat and friends support (origin logins, 'BioTags', whatever).

    3) Cross-server grouping support.


    Better yet, I wouldn't object to ditching the notion of "severs" entirely and just make it one big happy family ;). I don't believe in all that "but it kills the community" by going cross-server, when essentially the community is killed this day by segregation.


    this. queing for wz can be very boring at(most of the) times,

  5. I don't expect everything to be served up on a plate to us from the devs. But I truly don't think the developers know how poorly optimized their gear is. And yes, it's for all classes, but Mara is my main so I figured that's where I'd start (and I don't think they really read anything in the PvP forum).. Does BioWare really know that their Marauders are all using Juggernaut gear? These are the people who thought riding circles around Ilum collecting boxes was a good idea for end-game PvP gear, so I am not going to make the assumption that they already know the information I presented in this topic.


    You ignored or probably just forgot to quote the most insightful part of my post.


    Why should it be the best gear for Marauders? those should only act as a guideline and from there you go playing around with gears and so on.


    It is no where stated that the Purchasable Marauder PVP gear is the best gear for Marauders. with that being said I for one would loose interest in a game if I knew from the get go that the best EQ could be bought from the NPC right under everyone's nose.


    As I stated in my quote the Marauder PVP gear should act only as a guideline, those gears should be one of the target gears for new players, that should keep them motivated and get an idea of what to target, and as they level (and max out) and log in more game time they will be knowledgeable enough about the game to start exploring best gear options on their own.


    I know the gaming community has changed over the decade, but i did not expect it to become this one dimensional. I am very disappointed that SWTOR already has labeled PVE gear and PVP gear separately. but this is a topic entirely for a separate debate/thread.

  6. The problem is that Marauder gear SHOULD be the best gear for Marauders. I'm not sure why that wasn't clear from my post.


    Why should it be the best gear for Marauders? those should only act as a guideline and from there you go playing around with gears and so on.


    No offense, but you really have no argument here at all, and even if you try building an argument for this topic it will only appear very childish to expect everything to be catered and served directly by the developers.

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