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Posts posted by Morghainla

  1. Hallo


    Bin Wiedereinsteiger nach 5 Jahren. Hat sich ja doch viel geändert. Und meine Gilde ist nicht mehr so aktiv. So suche ich eine Ops Gruppe die auch bereit ist einen Wiedereinsteiger Mal mitzunehmen. Bin auf der imp. Seite. Lvl 80 Marodeur. Lvl Gear 320.

    Bin abends immer on. Schreibt mich entweder gerne hier an oder gerne auch in-game. Name Gwynefier.

    Danke euch.




  2. hmm..another update and again not even a little time alone with my LI Lana. I start to think that this is a very very very very very far distant relationship!! And we get to see each other every 10 years!! I am really dissapointed with Bioware. I mean even if you have so save the Galaxy you can spend like 5 minutes with you LI...and it doesn't matter if it is Lana or Koth or Theron. :(
  3. Wow..these are sad news I hear here!! So far, I have 6 chars which all ended the whole story so far, and so far everyone of them was able to romance Lana and get the kiss and the relationship option. But it looks like they did change something when I get it right??

    Also what I find very disturbing and I did say this a few pages ago, is the fact, that you are in a relationship with Lana and you never ever have another flirt option or some quality alone time with her since you started the relationship. Not even a mention of it. No you get tons of flirt options that I am not interested in. It's just like the relationship never really existed. I just hope they will change that in the future!!

  4. So I have to agree with above post. I also would like to see a full-fledged same-sex romance someday.


    But I also have a question. Would like to know your oppinions. In KOTOR I started a relationship with Lana. That was chapter 9? Since then it wasn't even mentioned. Or did I miss something? you got several flirt options with Kylio and Theron and the wife from Valkorion. But that is it. I am a bit sad to be honest. I mean I started a relationship with her and than suddenly it is over? yes, I have to save the galaxy, and forming groups whatever!! But isn't there even 20 seconds time to have some time with my gal alone? That is unbelievable for me.

  5. Hallo,


    ich würde mir wünschen, daß man auch Dekorationen auch für das Vermächtnis freischalten kann, so daß andere Charaktere darauf auch Zugriff haben. Genauso wie es mit den Rüssis und Fahrzeugen geht. Also ich meine wenn man jetzt was weiß ich die Statue des Speerwerfers hat, das man diese im Vermächtnis auch für die anderen Chars freischalten kann, so daß man diese wieder ins Inventar nehmen kann.

    Ich finde es halt schade das dies nicht geht...und dadurch geht viel viel Geld flöten. Egal ob Credits oder richtiges Geld. Wäre das nicht machbar?? Deswegen bricht ja der Handelsmarkt nicht zusammen. Aber so?? finde ich ehrlich gesagt etwas Abzocke...


    in diesem Sinne

  6. Da bin ich ja mal auf den richtigen Thread gestoßen.


    Ich spiele auf Vanjervalis Chain Rep sowie Imp Seite. In den letzten Wochen bzw. Monaten ist es bereits aufgefallen das speziell auf der Rep Seite so gut wie keiner mehr on ist, bzw das es fast keine Gruppen mehr für FP oder OP's gibt. Auf der Imp Seite sieht es da schon besser aus.

    Ich wäre auch für eine Serverzusammenlegung. Aber dann Zusammenlegung einzeln für RP'ler, PVP'ler und PVE'ler. So das man sich nicht in die Quere kommen kann.

    Ich warte bereits seit Wochen darauf eine Gruppe zu haben damit ich meine Rep'ler endlich mal richtig ausstatten kann in einer OP.

    Kann man da nicht irgendetwas machen?? Servertransfer fände ich nicht so toll, denn ich habe auf Vanjervalis Chain auf Tattooine meine Festung und die möchte ich nicht verlieren.

  7. Hello,


    I have a suggestion. It would be great if you could make all the cutscenes or ingame movies for the characters you created and played, watchable. Maybe in the start display. I would love to look at my sequenzes of my Sith assassin again, because I think this story was so interesting and I would love to see them again. I have so many characters and would love to see them all again.


    I am sorry english isn't my natural language but I hope you know what I mean.


    thank you very much.

  8. *an die Stirn klatsch*

    ich hab ja zum ersten mal im Kartellmarkt gekauft *lüg*, wußte also nicht daß das ganze im Inventar auftaucht *mehr lüg, nase lang werd* , ich konnte also nix dafür *mit Nase an Tür stoß*:sul_wink:


    ich danke Euch. Genau das war es....hilfe, ab und an ist man so blöd und sieht den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht...

    danke nochmal:D:D

  9. Hallo,


    vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen. Ich habe mir gerade im Kartellmarkt die Rasse Cathar zugelegt und wollte mir jetzt einen neuen Char damit erstellen. Aber jedesmal sagt er mir im Char Fenster, daß die Rasse noch gesperrt ist und ich die im Kartellmarkt kaufen muß. Die Cartel Coins sind weg, aber ich kann die Rasse nicht spielen. Ich hab schon hundertmal wieder neu gestartet, aber es bringt absolut nix....

    kann mir jemand helfen??



  10. sorry to be a little bit off-topic here...but I would like to be in a gay/lesbian guild...and I don't care which server or republic or Empire side...I would even make a new character...so far I am on the German server with characters on both sides...so if anyone will build a new Gay/lesbian guild please let me know, alright??


    also back to topic...I usually drop by here once a week or so...and I am sad to hear that the mood has changed here about the same-sex thingie...I don't know why BW keeps ignoring us..and I still hope that there will be a same-sex realationsip here..I won't give up hope and also you shouldn't...please fight...

  11. hello,


    I did post here twice, and I have to say these news are absolutely incredible. So we will get our wish come true.


    Just one question. Who is Makeb?? is he going to be a new character to play?? so this means that my beloved Ceriddwen won't get a romance option?? :( that is sad....


    of will he be a new NPC?? what about the ones who are already lvl 50?? so many questions...



  12. Hello,


    just dropping by to say, I would love to have same-sex relationships in TOR. Just like in Dragon Age 1 + 2.

    And I would love to have them repeatable ( I mean the love scenes :p).

    Remember the game Fable?? you could also have a same sex relationship. And you also could marry your guy/girl. And eventually you would come back to give her presents and also some funny time in bed. Of course you couldn't see the action, but here it very clearly what they were doing. :D

    So what is the fuzz about it to make it?? I mean no one gives a damn thing if a girl makes out with a boy and otherwise. But same sex?? OH my god...


    You know what Marilyn Monroe said?? "Every kind of sex is alright, as long as love is involved!!"


    okay, back to topic...I don't think that it would be so hard for the producers to invent a new quest where you can court your girl/boy and start a relationship with them.

    On the other hand, as others said on this topic, they producers are working hard on the f2p model, so it could take a while to get these quests.

    So all we can do is sit and wait, and sometimes tell the people that we still are here and waiting for this content.

    And hopefully it will come soon!! You all have my support on this matter.


    oh yes, and I also want this option for my lvl 50 character!! so she will stay single until this option is open. I guess it wouldn't be so hard to make it open for every character who is in the game right now!!


    here you go, dropping back to lurking modus!!

  13. Yes, I have a problem with it. Count me in on those wanting same-sex relationships. It would make the game a lot more appealing and me more likely to give my money to continue to play. That being said, I understand some players will be uncomfortable with gay relationships and flirting. As I'm sure it's been said, Bioware please feel free to make it an option in the Preferences to enable companion same-gender relationships and flirting with NPCs. I'd rather have it as an on/off option than not have it at all.


    To ignore this issue when you're bleeding subs is foolishness. Fact is, there are a lot of people that want the option and it really won't take THAT much work to make a lot of people happy. Even if we only make up 5% of the player base it just makes financial sense. I know it's all about the $.


    Players want reasons to feel connected to the game. I want to be able to at least somewhat identify with my toons.


    perfectly said....I am also a Fan of the Same Sex options in any of the BioWare Games...and I think that many people would be more attracted to the game if this option would come!!

    so please give us the option soon!!


    and I also want to add, that I want this romance option also for my already existing character. Even if she will turn lvl 50 soon..but you could make a new quest for this...


    and I find it also odd that BioWare didn't comment so far on this existing topic...and I think that this topic is very important for the future of SWTOR!!

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