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Posts posted by JustinJK

  1. probs the best advice is whatever class you want to be able to beat or do well against I would roll that class and learn how they play, or get some one from your guild to practice duel you. so you can get better against that class. I know this is the extremely longer option but probs the best one :) in the long term :)


    other than that NO CLASS IS THE KING CLASS OR KING SPEC IN THIS GAME lol each class and spec in this game has another class/spec that has the wood over it in someway that makes it much harder for you to beat them.


    best combo = teamspeak + friends grouping queing together in warzones :)

    you can all cover each other's weakness :) strengthening the team as a whole :)


    and I suppose you can go to these websites lol they help a little bit too :)






    if you want some sort of rotation for sages dps I can give you that if your interested lol? as well as some general kiting tips against other classes

  2. rage spec is probably one of the most boring and retarted fight styles I have ever seen lol. sure its good and survivable lol. but its also very dumb and if your looking to be a good pvper I would try mastering the other 2 specs first lol. they have a bit more respect in their fight styles.


    I like to think of rage and focus spec as the spec for people learning to play the game and aren't good enough to play watchman or combat or annihilation and carnage for the sith lol.

  3. you need to bring in class trainers like wow did with their bronze, silver, and gold star rating for dps, healer and tank. there are so many players on rep side that go into pvp and they know what the objective is and what their ment to do to win but, they lack the ability to play their class properly. probably because all people have to do is level up and pay for their ability's and boom they got their ability but they have no idea how to use them properly in pvp. and they go into warzones and get 40k dps for an entire warzone. and because you wont bring in rated queing and cross server ques so that good players get group with people of their rating and bad/beginner players can get grouped with people of their rating. I get grouped with a bunch of morons.


    you should bring back the ability to let guilds group que as a team of 8 so they don't have to put up with ultra bads in warzones.


    please please please bring in some sort of a rating que system so that before your able to play with the big boys at pvp you have to do well first at bads pvp. I mean leaving lowbies pvp and mid pvp alone as it is should be okay because that's just leveling pvp for fun. Its the 55's pvp where you need the rating ques to be


    bringing in a new warzones isn't going to change the much bigger problems with this game you need to fix that before thinking of a new warzone.

  4. im a big fan of pvp :) and I think this would be some awesome addition's to the game.


    being able to watch your friends or people who know on rep side or imp side vs each other in pvp on a big tv screen's on fleet. lol obviously there would be a problem with people whispering to people in game what the other team is doing, and the only solution for that is to only play matches on the big screen that have already finished or just finished so there's no outside influence's on the match being played :) I think this would be great for new players they get to see how pvp works before entering a match so they have some sort of idea what to do. lol


    as well as implementing a scoreboard on the screen so you can see who's doing well in the match.


    another thing I think would be a big plus for pvp is a rating system lol, so that noobs can play noobs and they will stop winging and be happy and let pros vs pros. One problem that would arise from this is there's not enough people queing in my rating so your not getting any matches and your waiting forever lol, swtor needs to bring in cross server ques to speed up waiting times and make every one happy :) probs a good idea to do that for pve as well lol just saying haha.


    another idea lol. why not have a big dueling arena on fleet too, why should I have to travel all the way to tatooine to duel some one lol


    not finished yet lol, plus some more different pvp warzones would be nice as well :) there seems to be a problem with the RNG with what warzones I get. I play like the same warzone like 3 times in a row before a get something different lol. bioware's got to fix that.

  5. My critique of your rotation.


    1) Twin saber throw - Ok

    2) Leap - Ok

    3) Zen - Ok

    4) Zealous strike - Since you've already built up enough focus to use Blade Rush why not use it first before using Zealous in get the ball rolling on the extra 30%/30% Opportune attack proc?

    5) Precision Slash - Still a little early IMO the other guy will probably throw at least another CC on you

    6) Blade rush - I would use Zealous strike here (with the extra 30% chance Ataru proc after using Blade Rush)

    7) Blade rush - Any reason to use 2 BR in a row? I think it uses up too much focus -Crippling throw here to slow him down or root him

    8) Blade Storm - Not sure I would use this yet since your Opportune Attack probably hasn't proc'd by now - I would use precision slash here. By now he should have used up all his CC and maybe even a root breaker

    9) Dispatch - Not yet, you don't even have him down to 50%.. I would user master strike with root ability. Chances are his CC/Root breakers are used up. Most of they time they eat the fully fury of MS here.


    My finishers

    10) Blade Rush, Zealous Strike or Slash depending on Focus remaining until Precision slash finishes (either from Hand of Justice or just time)

    11) Precision Slash

    12) Blade Storm - Opportune Attack should have proc'd by now

    13) Dispatch

    14) Force Stasis - I really don't like to use this unless a) I know it's the last move before he dies or b) I'm out of other interrupt moves and need to interrupt the other guy fast.


    my rotation isn't meant so that you have lots of time lol. its get in there get burst off and get out. preferably you want to try it on a target who's got their back turned fighting some one else lol, or someone whos not expecting it, lol sneak it there and pick off a target. but your right chances are i wil get CC before i get through my burst rotation but even if i do get stunned i can allways pop unbreakable will then continue with my assault or use force camo if you get rooted lol. i try not to delay precision slash to much in the fight because before the fight is over you should of been able to use precision slash twice before you die form it either procs or it comes back of cooldown, if i dont get my opportune proc from the 2 blade rushes i will use another blade rush to make it 3, there's nothening wrong using 3 blade rushes with precision slash lol your going for high damage and blade rush has a 30% crit strike damage bonus thanks to saber storm talent and it refeshes you ataru form stike. Another reason for the burst opener is for the 10% damage buff from leap for 5 sec lol, i try and get as much damage in as quickly as possible with that buff up. as for master strike ill save this for an extra precision slash proc or when it comes of cooldown again.


    your rotation

    ive tried your rotation and ive got to admit that i get some good damage of it and it is more safer to use than mine. but i did find myself getting the hand of justice proc before i had even used my first precision slash, meaning that first precision slash went to waste :(. not to mention its going to be harder to get a second precision slash now ,im gonna have to wait till it comes of cooldown lol.

  6. its true that mara's and sents can be pretty squishy and they can die pretty quickly if there cooldowns are down, but people have to remember that the pvp side of this game isnt about being about to solo everybody and every class lol. its about which ever team works together better. i think you find that they will be the most OP reguardless what class they play. for example sents have a very good opening burst, that if i dont get stunnned and i get my full rotation on them, there allready at 20% percent health lol,


    my opening rotation as a combat spec sentinel


    twin saber throw


    pop: zen

    zealous strike to build focus

    precision slash

    blade rush

    blade rush

    blade storm



    i get inbetween 29k to 32k damage on average using just that lol

    i havnt used master strike or stasis yet



    where good team work makes this class OP

    having a GOOD HEALER is allways a big help lol :)

    tank using guard on you :)

    2 or 3 sents working together and attacking the same target together with their burst potential lol, you cant CC them all lol, and youill be dead before you knew what just happened lol


    teamwork is crucial for sents and maras to be effective lol, but the same can be said for any class lol

  7. you can pretty much some this up as sent's and mara's combat spec are fine and a enjoyable to play :) with the exception of focus spec being too dumb and boring lol. however though there are just too many better options in pvp than a mara or sent if your planing on playing by yourself lol. mara's and sents are great to play it's just they dont really shine untill you get a team together and your helping eacher other out in warzones :).
  8. they need to fix the focus/rage spec, lol i cant play the spec purely because its feels too dumb and boring. the combat spec is good :) its fun and exciting but FOR the combat spec to be VIABLE IN WARZONES they need alot of support from team mates, heals, placing a guard on the sentinel, tag team sentinel cooperation lol, stasis while the other master strikes lol then vis versa.


    one of the worst things about the sent's/mara class is getting stuned and stuned then focused shot at, and dead, while your pug team is just casually lets you die. lol the sent got all the aggro while your team mates hide and dps, but if there was no sentinel they would of got the aggro, lol and while your'e pug team is busy point scoring to make themselfs look good on the scoreboard lol, your the one deep in enemy lines trying to kill the healer that is cowardly hiding and healing = smart healer, lol

    true saying lol: probably 90% of the time a sent/mara will die from NOT being beaten one on one, but by being beaten by 2,3,4 opponents that either had a hand in stunning, shooting, range abillites, you name it lol. and the class isnt designed to be able to survive with that many people focusing on you lol. your basically going in there and committing suicide.


    basically if your planing on playing by youself lol, i wouldnt recomend playing the sent/mara class becasue youi'll be an easy target for the other team lol, i dont mean youill be an easy kill lol a good sent can last 20 + sec's being focued on by 4 or 5 opponents.



    if i could add something to the sent/mara class is would be a short duration immunity cooldown from stuns/roots when your at low health, or give the sent's an way of escaping the battle lol, so that they can heal themselfs or get a health pickup,

  9. you guys are the lucky ones, i love playing a sent/mara character, but with this server merger happening, the latency im going to get just trying to play the game on an american server is between 250 to 350 ms, i use to get 50 ms on my server gav daragon. if my opponent gets the jump on me im totally F*****, i love being able to take on other maras and sents in one on one, but with my server Latencey, ill be at a huge disadvantage, against a player with only 30ms, sigh
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