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Posts posted by Thepathan

  1. It's awesome, but not perfect.


    For one thing, innovation seems to be at a standstill.


    There's a lot, A LOT of potential for improvement (in a good way) - fingers crossed something is done about it.


    I personally felt a little lost when i dinged 50. Got access to a gazillion quests - dailies, OPs, HM FPs and other random quests.


    I think a more systematic approach towards hitting the 50 mark (a sequential access or a prerequisite would be great)


    For instance: Ops and other higher tier difficulties need to be unlocked by completing a set of HM FPs.


    While some "pro" gamers might disagree, it adds a certain perspective on "what needs to be done" when u hit 50 and start planning your grind.


    All in all, i rate the game in two seperate ways:


    Leveling to 50: 10/10 in almost all aspects

    At 50: 7/10 for a variety of reasons.


    I really, honestly hope that BW keeps the game innovative and awesome.

  2. @OP,


    If you suggested having a BBQ every tuesday, i'd still say it's too much.


    Let's say that BW is filled with dummys and they take your advice. What you'll end up with is sub-par content MUCH worse than the last world event (acquisitions race) every week.


    I'd much rather they take even TWO months to come out with content, even THREE. Why?


    Content longevity + difficulty = time, and vice versa. Each should go hand in hand. If they take 6 weeks for new content, they need to make it long and difficult enough for people to actually take 6-7 weeks to finish it. (good gamers should take atleast 3-4, which can be made sure by certain daily limitations to progress).

  3. Players problem: NeEd more contents, fix bugs


    BW's problem: need moniez


    Solution: Create a JUSTIN BIEBER NPC!


    Make it in a level 20 zone so people have to sub oncE!


    Instant 1 billion virgin teens subbing. $15/month = $15billion profit! = unlimited content!


    Just for suggesting this I demand a reward in the form of a unique title "baby"

  4. Dude, this is the weirdest thread i've ever read! And I have read a thread about a hutt ball boycot!

    I WILL be advertising to my cat, thank you very much.


    Essentially the concept is pretty simple. Get people to play = BW makes money = we get what we want. Do your part, support uncle malgus today!

  5. Nah.


    Issue #1 EA


    Solution: Tell EA to shut up, sit back and wait like everyone else. MMO's are not immediate profites. They are long term profits.


    Drop in subscriptions + drop in employee #s + return of the Jedi bugs (some were fixed at release, they are back now. others altogether ignored) + unbalanced pvp + delay in content release.


    This is all a result of dropping subs. If you, silly troll, has studied the ancient teachings of "business learning curve" or "break even charts" you'll understand that a steady and manageable increase is what companies hope for. It's quite the opposite here. Problems will continue to escalate if people don't start subbing. Those who don't play TOR need to be force choked into trying.




    Advertise. Friends, family, dog and girlfriendz




    Sponsor a justin beiber fan.

  6. Greetings members of the empire and scum of the republic.


    After a 2 hour long general spam on TOR's negatives, i decided to post a simple solution and elaborate it in really annoying, childish and extensive ways. Half way through the wall of text i got drunk so i just summarized it.



    Solution #1- Advertise to your friends, family and dog. Make them play SWTOR or force choke them into it. More subscriptions = more MONIEZ for BW = more content


    Issue #2- NEED NEW PVPZ!


    Solution #2- Friends, family dog and maybe facebook. More subscriptions = more moniez for BW = more pvpz


    Issue #3- NEED FIXES!


    Solution #3- Friends, family, dog, facebook and performing a community service by sponsoring a justin bieber fan. Your sponsorship will provide them with education, a broader mind and an appreciation for things that aren't created in the WC. While you're at it, force choke them into TOR. More subscriptions = more moniez for BW = FIXES!


    Solution to all your problems: Advertise, Facebook, Sponsor justin bieber fans, Twitter, TOR pink colored t-shirts, girlfriends (minority class), parents, dog. NO CATS!.


    By doing so, more moniez for BW = more employees = more capital to re-invest after profit sharing = more contentz!


    I fix problems. :rak_03:

  7. (Disclaimer : as it goes, the event is funny)


    Okay. So TOR is about to be hit by a double tsunami (Mists of Pandaria and Guild Wars 2) and all you could find was this ?


    To face TOR, Blizzard put together the LFR ! Do something, lol, or we are doomed.


    LFR as in looking for raid? It's pathetic. Ruined the game pretty much imo. It became too childish, too easy and just a boring grind with more and more dailies. The raids did get slightly more difficult, but the 10 man option killed it off.


    TOR's event is just content. Not major content, but content nonetheless. The sheer amount of PVP i got from Nar Shadaa's industrial area was awesome enough for me to call this a decent patch. Having a bi or tri monthly event to get people "rallied up" is good enough.


    There will be more content, they announced it (saying SOON, as in 2012 - so few months left really).


    Hold your socks and sit tight!


    GW2 - PVP oriented, really weird targeting system that will NOT appease the masses of people who are used to selective targeting.


    WOW - pandas. Nuff said. Next expansion: The tomb of Justin Bieber....

  8. + Tons of skills / classes to choose from (if you say so) - certainly a lot more than tunnel vision builds existing MMOs force you to play. Bigger talent trees, class specific skills, specialization specific skills - it's certainly a lot more than what you'd expect at the get go. point stands


    + Dark side / Light side (Doesnt impact your story at all, useless after lvl 50). I'm confused. As opposed to the standard "one way" approach of conversations and quest lines, this truly is a breath of fresh air. It's enjoyable, adds to the fun factor. I actually DONT skip some parts because of the awesome responses of being a dark side sith.


    + Companions (I give you this with the first (main) companion. The rest is just a couple of sentence and cutscenes). Ability to swap companions? The fact that you don't NEED 2+ people for 2+ quests due to the viability of companions AND the ability to gear them is, quite simply, awesome.


    + Story lines / voice actors (thats one of its few properly done parts.)

    + Diversified professions (also: not needing to run around and do it yourself) (Agreed)

    + GTN works! And it's cross faction. homework well done (GTN works exception when its not)- works now!

    + Space missions (a distraction but still fun) (boring after the first run)

    - again, foundation built. How EA/BW chooses to improve on it is largely based on our feedback!
  9. I think the main idea here is to get people to TRY.


    Yeah sure level 15 is fine, but it's not enough for people to get hooked on. I started enjoying more post level 15 (more skills, items, screw skills, personal ship, speeder etc).


    The philosophy (from a trial pov) is simple: Have people play long enough and they have a reduced chance of turning away.


    From a profitability pov: It doesn't matter if they buy packages or not. Fact is, more people are likely to quit at the current level 15 trial versus level 50. If you manage to pull off leveling that far, odds are that you're hooked. In that case, you either sub or pay for "micro" transactions.


    EA/BWs first objective is to retain lost player base, expand and improve on it and THEN milk it (while giving customers the option of how they want to be milked).


    Versus a behemoth like WoW and with all the hype around GW2, i applaud this strategy. Quite frankly, you can't do better than this (maybe you can tweak a few minor things about the f2p, but the basis of going f2p is brilliant).

  10. (trolls turn away now)


    I'm loving the game thus far, it's a breath of fresh air. Lot's of QQ (it's an mmo what can you do) about certain problems etc. My general + / -'s so far:


    + Tons of skills / classes to choose from

    + Dark side / Light side

    + Companions (perhaps one of the most in depth designs, esp when you consider multiple companions)

    + Story lines / voice actors

    + Diversified professions (also: not needing to run around and do it yourself)

    + GTN works! And it's cross faction. homework well done

    + Space missions (a distraction but still fun)


    Biggest positive: Lots of room to improve on. I think the foundation has been set quite nicely. Barring a few lag / instability issues there's a lot of potential to grow here.


    +/- combat style (slightly irritable for certain classes that i've played so far)

    - dual talent trees

    - not enough "space / world" exploration. I love the fleets, but i was hoping more of "space" rather than confined places that float around in space

    - no open world pvp (yet) Also, it would be absolutely awesome if there was open world space pvp (think i read this somewhere as part of a plan?) This would require extensive conceptualization and design implementation. I'd highly recommend this as a part of a future expansion pack.

    - It's not completely "noob friendly". I have tons of MMO experience so this was easy to get into, but when it comes to crew skills and flashpoints i see tons of people confused.



    Overall i think the game still has tons of potential. F2P (if done correctly) should smooth things out more. Maybe if the community (or at least the trolls within) stop with all the hate and come up with constructive criticism / feedback we can have EA/BW notice and implement.


    Sorry for the wall, but i wanted to share my joy of finally coming across an MMO that i've stuck with for more than a week.

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