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Posts posted by Kowack

  1. <Drunk Synergy> Harb

    We had 4 raid teams going into 4.0 that ran several times a week. Now, we have to pug 3 people to keep the last raid team going and the last of us are on the fence about un-subbing. Our guild is dead because of the lack of new raids and none of the veterans are coming back with the confirmed lack of new Ops in 5.0.


    It really is a shame in what has happen to this game. :confused:


    Dont know what is worse, regurgitating the same Ops over and over again or waiting for Star Citizen to be finished....

  2. I am always amazed at the armchair programmers and disgruntled gas station clerks in the player base of this game that come to the forums and threaten to leave the game time and time again over trivial problems.


    The game is live 23.5hrs a day 7 days a week, not counting when Harbie the hamster has a heart attack. stuff happens, get over it.


    Thank you devs for continuing to come to work, creating new content, and keeping the servers up as much as you do.


    I for one would not want to deal with a customer base as rude as this one. Hats off to you.


    Thank you Devs

  3. I've not seen a crash in the past six months I've played since I came back to the game, so I highly doubt it's as bad as you claim.


    Also, there's obviously going to be a surge of players when a significant expansion comes out, and that population will decrease as people try out the game and the more casual, "just trying out the expansion" players don't come on as much. If they spend money to increase server size or buy a new server, they'll be stuck with extra space that will almost never be used outside of one- or two-day population surges during major releases like this.


    A very popular and endearing movie would increase the population too if there were a game with ties to said movie, correct?


    Isn't there a movie coming out about some space saga in about a month? Hmmmm.

  4. This really is crap. The server has been down all day. I have been home sick today and didnt even get to play...What a waste of a sick day. I dump around $100 a month in the Harbinger economy and I am so pissed that I am looking for another game right now. To be clear, a non EA game.
  5. I think its a video card driver issue. I had never had a crash issue with the black talon mission until the last couple of weeks. Now it crashes every time. In fact I have never had a crash to desktop in this game until recently. Now that I think about it...... my galactic map is not blacked out anymore while on my ship, so it may be an in game setting that was changed after the last patch that has to do with graphics. I have 2 6950's in crossfire, so its not a lack of processing power.
  6. This is exactly what happened. they intended to patch the servers while they are still online yet.......



    a 1 and a 0 have been mixed up somewhere in the process now they have to go back through lines of code and figure out where this 1 and 0 are and rewrite it so it works. Simple programming gone wrong by the fat guy with sausage fingers.


    So thats the problem, they wrote everything in Machine Code without an R2 unit to supervise.

  7. i understand servers going down for awile and all...but i only joined TOR today.........other MMOs ive played solve this stuff in maybe an hour? thease servers have been down for 4 almost 5 hours.........this happen often? not the best thing for me to see on my first day on the game.


    Cancel now while you are ahead haha

  8. Hi All :-)


    As a person who worked for almost a decade in the industry, working on weekly/daily/hourly updates to a massively larger user base where failure had a potentially much higher cost than just a large number of peed off users, I cannot help but be sympathetic for the people currently trying to resolve this issue.


    Right now there are a bunch of dedicated people with families who are no doubt trying as hard as they can to resolve a situation that was not directly their fault, who have a bunch of executives hovering on their shoulders going "Have you fixed it yet?"


    My support and sympathy goes out to them.


    Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc





    You mean him.....and by him I mean the intern from India haha

  9. I just tried to log in again and see if by chance I could squeak in, no such luck but i did get a small patch DL before I hit the offline server list. I bet they were trying to patch something and broke the client... I wonder if they lost all our toons.


    yep, like a 7MB patch to DL.

  10. I work on the over night shift for a very large ISP. I doubt this will give anyone any credit or solace, but I'm quite positive that these guys are working as fast and as hard as possible to get their sh t together and restore service. Some times its not just as easy as "Flip the power breaker Bob, we'll get these guys up in 5 minutes"


    Having been "That Guy" that has impacted hundreds of thousands, if not millions of customers in a single outage - the last thing you want to do is explain what happened, how it happened and why it took you so long to get it fixed. And you really don't want to have to sit on a conference call all day/night explaining it over and over again to your vice president who then reports to his boss and his boss and on and on it goes. Lets face it, we all report to someone.


    Life goes on, you'll get your daily refund. Its Friday morning, and as much as I'd love to be playing right now - meh. I'm sure I can waste time on facebook, read a book or even go for a walk.


    This walking you speak of, what is its purpose?

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