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Posts posted by CIKShock

  1. What a level 50 player can do is not indicative of what level 50 players are doing.


    As for myself, after running Belsavis and Corellia dailies, I'm ready for a break. On most days, I just do Corellia. I loathe to touch Ilum dailies - so much driving back and forth.


    You get compensated for your time. 60-70k depends on if chests are up in the areas for less than 20 minutes work = pretty good in my books. Skip out on the heroic if you want, it generally takes more time solo/duo than it is worth if you're just there for credits. (You could count in daily tokens as a form of cash value, at which point I believe the best would be Belsavis, specifically the northern section).

  2. Since you mention in that list implants (biochem), droid/earpiece (cybertech), sabers/offhands (artifice), then why would it logically follow that these professions not be allowed to make augment kits as well? Obviously augment kit mats should not come from RE'ing armorings/mods/enhancements/med kits/stims as they are not equipable items. But as these profession do make equipables, then they SHOULD in fact receive augment materials from the RE, and subsequently be allowed to craft augment kits.


    I'm going to start by quoting this post, and then push on from there. As you may read above, the logical question is asked. If I make an equipable item, then shouldn't that item be able to be augmented? And if that item is able to be augmented, should I be able to make an augment kit?


    This post also addresses what I believe the root cause of Artifice/Cybertech/Biochem not having the augment kits available, which is that we have so many cheap green 49s. Look at artifice, we have 10+ enhancements which are green level 49s, cybertech has mods and armorings which would likely total even more, and biochem has significantly fewer.


    I would counter this over-abundance with looking at how cheap it is to make augments themselves. If you look at the costs for the prototype augment, the cost of the 'blue' slicing material is actually less on minimum buy than the buyable from vendor for the 'green' schematic. I normally just vendor stacks of the blue because they don't sell... this gives me a reason to craft companion worthy augments now if they'll be able to craft augment kits.


    Having the kits materials come from only equipable items, and have that be for any crafting profession which makes an equipable item be able to gather mats would balance out. I don't make many off-hands as an artificer, though I would be game to make some if they give me kit materials. I don't make many implants on my biochem, because I don't raid on it and columi are easy enough to find on the GTN (or Rakata since they cost 120 daily commendations and are fully tradeable). Cybertech can make earpieces, and I'd say columni with an augment is BiS currently, as all of the black hole ones I've seen are so very heavy in endurance.


    Why not have all of the professions grant parts for augment kits, so long as the piece is equipable? I'll be very disappointed if non-equipable items some how make it into the material generating list if they are restricted to the current crafters. You may even want to restrict it by slot, artificers get offhand/relic (though cheaper relics would be nice!) arms the mainhand/offhand, biochem the implants, cyber the earpieces, armor and synth get armor. Granted, there are some weights there... but I think they would balance out over the long run.

  3. Crew Skills are effectively just for yourself and buddies.


    With how easy it is to max out at 400 skill, dont expect many people to buy your goods cause chances are they have a buddy (or themselves) that can make it for free already!


    Crew Skills was a great idea but its worthless because of how easy it is.


    Make it slower gain and more costly and I dare say maybe 1 in 20 current crafterswould have done the skills and then suddenly you would have a demand for your goods.


    Its all supply and demand and right now the supply grossly out weights the demand.


    Hmm, that is interesting... why have I made about 2-3m off having artifice then? Afterall... my stuff shouldn't sell, right?


    The main issue I take with this is it wouldn't be fair to reset people back to 0/400. And if you didn't do a reset then what's the point of making it more costly? You would just prevent more people from entering the 400/400 club, which is elitist. There is a market, it may be very slow on some servers (I'm on Bondar Crystal... I sell a color crystal once a week on average having 1 of each for convience up, but they add up over time).

  4. I believe they were to be in the black hole area of Corellia. I've gotten the Enriched Durasteel from a grade 6 crafting box, though, so I'd assume one might have a shot at the perfect upari from the box as well.
  5. All players were allowed to participate in PTS testing.

    I levelled a Guardian to 23rd level, and chose to test slicing because I figured most folks would be testing crafting.


    There was nothing stopping you from doing the same.



    Alodar :)


    Not all were copied though. If I could do the tests on my current character I could see the change and report it on the PTS as being a possible bug. Since most that were copied were purely to test end-game I doubt they had a sample size of 400/400 slicers to say, hey... something has changed here.


    As per your advice, you are correct in that moderates have always given the best results credits wise. Though I didn't notice a huge difference in crits with 5/5 max affection companions, it did crit more often (2x the price was roughly 20% more crit chance in my tests), if a rich fails then you're out double (sometimes more) of what a moderate was. Even pre-1.2 we had numbers that were roughly close to what the rich cost. 1.7k credits for a 2k mission, i've been lucky to get 1.2k credits it seems today.


    I guess it's a good thing i had a bunch of missions laying around and TH to back me up because right now I think the returns are a bug/ninja nerf.

  6. If you tried to learn a mission you already had on the list, it wouldn't let you. And if you cancel said mission, it puts it back on the list. You had to learn the mission, send a companion out, learn the mission, send a companion out, and keep doing that. For regular missions, if you have a character on a mission, that mission will not be one picked when the possible mission list is refreshed, for as long as the character is on the mission.


    People also reported a bug that, if you had multiple companions doing the same mission and they completed while you were offline with that character, when you logged in, the results for the first one completed were shown as the results for all of that mission, even though the actual result was different. A few threads about that too, usually named something about how they failed 4 wealthy missions all at the same time. I'm also not sure what would happen if you canceled 2 of the same mission, whether that would result in 2 copies of the same mission being on the list or one being lost. Either result would be wrong.


    So it got fixed.


    It takes forever to do these missions now. I'd rather put up with the bug of it not telling me what i actually got instead of going through a month's worth of treasure hunting missions 2 at a time. It is annoying when it states in the PTS patch notes, haven't checked current when it specifically talks about mission trade skills being able to do what we were doing before and now being unable to do so.

  7. I don't see anything in the patch notes that suggests you should be able to reverse engineer level 24/25 enhancements. If you do a text search on the patch notes for "enh", you only get one hit, which tells you that you create multiple copies if you get a crit.


    I'm not sure where you got that "impression"-- was it mentioned at the guild summit or something? In any event, if it's not in the patch notes, and if there's no % chance listed for RE, I think it's pretty clear that this is not in the game.


    I think the main problem is websites like tor-head/darth hater listing out the mod and what it would take to make it. Even there though, it says it comes from a schematic that doesn't drop in the game not from REing them.

  8. Prior to the patch I could run 5 of the same learned mission, but didn't since I wanted to wait post patch for rewards to be safe. Now, you've got to wait 1 at a time for them to finish... and if you happen to vendor a unique item (from say... the pvp vendor) you can't buy another until it's opened. Why even allow us to sell unique items then?



    Edit: I'll leave the first draft of this up because it has been addressed down below but after reading this it's clear i needed much, much more sleep before posting this thread. The way I sent out 5 of the same mission was that i would stockpile the missions i received from slicing crits (which you had 4/5 missions @ 30 mins a mission that would give you a 340 mission if it crit) over the course of a week and then power through them on the weekend after raid times.


    This was generally accomplished by learning 1 mission, sending a companion out on it, learning it again and sending another companion out, etc until i had 5 out or was out of missions. Upon learning that TH missions would give lightsaber recipies I continued to do this on all but slicing and TH missions. After 1.2 hit PTS to date I have roughly 30 TH missions, and not a 50/50 balance of the two... but will take a minimum of roughly three days with my log in times to knock them out when I'd rather get them done in a day. Not a huge problem, but annoying nevertheless.



    EDIT: I thought you were supposed to be able to send out multiple companions if you had multiple of the same mission anyway. Maybe I read that wrong somewhere... but this sounds like it should work.


    Players can now send multiple companion characters on a mission granted by a Mission Discovery if the player had more than one of that Mission Discovery. *UPDATED 3/23*

  9. Voted Cap. Ships, though there are lots of things I would like to see in the game before them. The Inquis. story has a really epic story point (no spoilers) that pushed this choice to the top of my list.


    How exactly you implement it is what will make or break it however. Choices 1 and 3 are going to be much easier (even if I think choice 1 is horrible, a little more variability is all I want from current space combat... so I don't fall in the habit of use EMP here, switch to blasters here and I win) and 2 will likely be hard to balance if you don't have the vehicles be minor players (i.e. for use in the battle of ilum or such, not full open world vehicle combat).

  10. A "fact" is, by definition, something that presently exists - something you can observe. This is speculation about something that hasn't happened yet.


    As for speculation about whether it's a nerf or not, consider this: the present market for augments is pretty limited. Once these changes go live, the best gear in most slots (not just a couple, as right now) will be the best because of added augment slots. That means much higher demand for augments and materials to make them. You may not be finding augments that sell for 100k, (which doesn't happen often right now - most of the level 50 augments are vendor trash) but you'll be selling a steady stream of materials.


    (And "a couple thousand credits a day"? I make that much profit from lockbox missions every 20 minutes, not counting bonus mission discoveries. Are you only sending out one companion at a time or something?)


    In short, I think you're way off base.


    I'll touch this one real quick too. Please, please, please... don't vendor your green augments. There is a crewskill that breaks them down, and as one I much prefer to buy for double what the vendor does if you just list them on the GTN.


    Also, he is likely doing those augment quests which if you don't sell the bonus missions will lose money. (Since I give them away to guildmates/use them myself if i can, i don't tend to do them).

  11. Hell no they're no "buffing" slicing. There are not going to be any mats that sell for 50-100k per item. I'm going to lose money because mats, no matters what they are, are not going to be worth as much as augments. Thats a fact.


    Wrong. At least in the short term.


    You may get an augment that is worth 50-100k (my server the class stat and power advanced augs go for 200k) but you may get an aug that is worth nothing. (Presence augs... anyone?).


    Being able to pick and choose will allow crafters of augments to choose what they make... meaning they can buy the mats and craft what people want.


    In the long run, when people have that custom gear set that has an augment slot and filled all of them... you might see slicing make less money. But for the short term, after 1.2 hits... we are likely going to see a very large uptick in demand for slicing missions.


    Meaning it'll be worth doing the base augment missions, which, at least on Bondar Crystal, are money loss missions if you only want the augments.


    I'm for anything that reducing the random chance, I don't believe in playing slots when I'm sending out companions. I'd rather send out 2 on lockbox missions and have the other 3 rest than send them all out and generally lose money.

  12. This is just some quick feedback on game economy mechanics.


    1. I want to use an auction mule based out of the imperial fleet base. My level 2 warrior (which I just created) is unable to travel via the shuttle to the imperial fleet. Apparently I need to waste some time to level up my mule to be able to move her to the fleet. Imho, there is no sense in that and no harm in allowing low level mules access to the trading centers. Why must I waste several hours just to move my throw-away-never-going-to-level-up mule to the center of commerce?


    I don't think they are going to change this one.


    This is something that they switched their stance on, at least partially. You could gain access to fleet, and thus crew skills, before having a companion (and level them if they were gathering skills). Since you get level ups to 80 levels above the level required for the node you could, in theory, go level up your gathering skills and park by a node on say ilum and harvest when it came up, which isn't what they intend for you to do.


    I am not saying that is why they removed the ability, could be they didn't want you getting level 4 in 10 minutes (depending on load times) throwing off that beautiful leveling curve.


    Honestly though, if you want a mule the 3 or so hours to rush through a starter zone isn't that much effort. Remembering your mules names tends to be the hardest part (at least with me hitting the random name button when i make one).


    With comp gifts stacking in 1.2 you likely wont need too many mules anyway, at least that is what is clogging up my vaults. Not sure what all else you buy, but one vault tab per gathering profession works great for me right now... just need more space for missions/gifts.


    2. Please make the friends list able to add players who are not presently logged on. Everytime I send stuff from my present trader guy to my other characters, I need to type in their names manually. Sometimes I'm sending a lot of valuable stuff/money between my characters, whom I should be able to add to my friends list. I would like to avoid the possibility of typo's (and save time) by being able to automatically have the names fill in or drop down select based upon my friends list.




    ps - love the game


    I couldn't agree more on this, I'd like to request an additional feature where the mail system doesn't produce duplicate names when the friend you are trying to send mail to is in guild as well as on your friends list.

  13. Hey,


    We're perfectly aware that this difference exists.


    It's because, shockingly, Agents are not Inquisitors.


    The mirror class for the Agent is the Smuggler, the mirror class for the Inquisitor is the Smuggler.


    Just in case it wasn't clear: We have different classes in the game - that means they actually have different abilities, energy systems, costs, etc. In short: It's working as designed.




    That supposed to say "Consular" or am I missing something?

  14. It looks absolutely horrible and has no performance gain on Fleet. Perhaps Ilum would benefit. But then, my machine is good enough for mid to high settings. It's for people with the bare minimum spec requirement.


    It looks decent for what a low end machine user is used to...


    Performance wise it works wonders for me. My machine is below the min specs (not greatly below but integrated graphics suck) and I've noticed virtually no video lag now that I'm on "Very Low" settings.


    The color changes are kind of disappointing, but it's my choice to play on this rig instead of buying a desktop.


    Loving not running into invisible walls/getting damaged by crap I can't see.




    I3 processor (no idea speed, should be fine regardless)

    8 GB RAM (Helped a ton when I upgraded from 4)

    Intel integrated graphics (Wish I could upgrade this so much) 128 mb onboard ram


    All said, under the minimum system requirements for the game.

  15. The money in artifice has never been end game. As soon a Kaon came out, the magenta crystals were obsolete. Selling low level colour crystals, that is where the money is at.


    For me, at least, the money has been in lower level lightsaber hilts. Since they cost 7/ea per planet it makes more sense for people to buy the hilt from me and take 3 1/2 mods than buying 4 mods roughly the same price ea and buying a hilt from the vendor.




    EDIT: Now... if they were to allow me to RE the crystals and learn the schematic I'd be in second heaven, because I know I can make the crystals for less than 125k if they are similar to cost of the magenta crystals per mats.

  16. a litte copy&paste from the Q&A...




    interesting isn't it? How many ppl are affected? Many! Game play crippled...

    But no real answer to my bug report, nothing in the patch notes and no yellow comment anywhere near at one of the D7 Boss postings...




    Actually, most people I know don't go for D7 as it is longer than the rest. I think part of it is a result of so many people not being tuned to it and waiting 30+ minutes just for them to find the quest giver and get to the door.


    I prefer to skip it unless a guildie or someone I know really needs it. FE/Kaon/Foundry seem to be the favorites at the moment due to balance between speed and difficulty. (Who wants to do BT for daily... it's roll head on keyboard easy).

  17. I usually run Dir 7 HM in the following setup: Assassin tank, Sorc heal (me), Sniper and Merc dps. We ran many times with 0 instances of the bug.


    I tried it once with a different setup: PT tank, Sorc heal (me), Jugg and Sniper dps. We would always have the sniper scanned multiple times till we were overwhelmed.


    What I suggested is the Sniper wait outside instance, and we 3-manned it with Andronikos (my dps companion). No bugs then, so IF your group dps and companion dps can afford this, try it out. Otherwise you can only pray that the bug happens on the last scan, so you can finish off boss before being overwhelmed.


    Mind you, I am half columi, half champion geared, and Andronikos is tionese/centurion geared. I still had to dps almost all the time, and we barely made the enrage timer.


    Worked for us, so if it works for any other group out there and saves at least some of you the frustration, I'll be glad.


    I have tried Assassin tank, Sorc heal, Op and Sniper... Jugger tank, sorc heal, powertech and sniper, neither of which have had the bug occur. My guess is the bug happens on the same character so having them wait would likely fix it as this post I have quoted suggests. Just have whomever has the best geared dps companion do the damage or pray it isn't a healer/tank.


    I'm sure it is an annoying bug, especially with how long D7 is... at least it is early in the instance.

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